244.01 Establishment; divisions.
244.02 Personnel.
244.03 Duties.
244.04 Director of Public Service and Properties.
244.05 Stormwater Superintendent.
Authority to establish - see CHTR. Art. IX
Public service - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 735
Division of Engineering - see ADM. Ch. 246
Division of Streets, Motor Vehicles and Equipment Maintenance - see ADM. Ch. 250
Division of Municipal Parks, Properties and Cemeteries and Recreation - see ADM. Ch. 252
Division of Refuse Collection and Disposal, and Recycling - see ADM. Ch. 253
Department of Waste Water Treatment - see ADM. Ch. 254
Department of Buildings - see B. & H. Ch. 1440
Pursuant to Article IX of the City Charter, there is hereby established a Department of Public Service and Properties for the City, to be staffed with such personnel as Council shall from time to time determine.
The Department shall be comprised of three divisions, which are designated as follows:
(a) Division of Streets, Motor Vehicles and Equipment Maintenance;
(b) Division of Refuse Collection and Disposal, and Recycling; and
(c) Division of Municipal Parks, Properties, Cemeteries and Recreation.
(Ord. 92-24. Passed 1-21-92.)
The personnel of the Department of Public Service and Properties shall consist of the Director of Public Service and Properties, the personnel of the various divisions and such other employees as Council may periodically designate in complementary and compensatory ordinances. The personnel and job classifications of the three divisions of the Department shall be hereafter designated in ordinances duly enacted by Council.
(Ord. 92-24. Passed 1-21-92.)
The duties and functions of the Department of Public Service and Properties shall encompass all the duties and functions enumerated and authorized within the three divisions of the Department, which duties and functions shall include, but not be limited to, the areas of public works; improvement and repair of streets, avenues, lands, bridges, sidewalks, playgrounds, storm sewers, drains, ditches, culverts and streams; lighting and cleaning of public works and buildings; construction of public improvements and public works; garbage and rubbish disposal; and cemeteries. The Department shall also make and preserve surveys, maps, plans, drawings and estimates.
(Ord. 92-24. Passed 1-21-92.)
(a) Appointment; Term. The Director of Public Service and Properties shall have a minimum of five years experience in a supervisory position with at least one of the following: two years experience in street construction maintenance or two years in public service administration. The Director of Public Service and Properties shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of a majority of the members elected to Council, and his or her term of office shall be concurrent with that of the Mayor or until the Director's successor is appointed and qualified.
(b) Duties. The Director shall administer the activities and affairs of the Department of Public Service and Properties. He or she shall plan, supervise and coordinate the activities of the various divisions within the Department, subject to the general direction and/or approval of the Mayor.
The Director shall be qualified to and shall:
(1) Furnish technical advice to division heads, the Mayor and other City officials concerning engineering problems and techniques;
(2) Supervise the design of public work projects and have the ability and competency to work with consulting engineers in the design and construction of such projects;
(3) Supervise the construction and maintenance of streets, storm sewers and public buildings;
(4) Supervise the maintenance of storm sewers and facilities, in conjunction with division and department heads, as directed;
(5) Prepare budgets for the Department by conference with the Mayor;
(6) Formulate plans for capital improvements by conferring with the Mayor and proper City officials, as directed;
(7) Assist in the preparation of specifications for all items incidental to the proper operation or function of the Department, when requested and/or directed by the Mayor;
(8) Follow up and be knowledgeable of all activities within the Department by conferences and by personal inspection and investigation;
(9) Maintain or cause to be maintained adequate and accurate reports of all activities under the jurisdiction of the Department.
(10) Have, in addition to the enforcement authority vested in any other administrative officer of the City, the authority to enforce any provisions of these Codified Ordinances, the Zoning Code and the Subdivision Regulations as they may relate to rights of way in the City; and
(11) Have additional duties, including, but not limited to, the following, at the direction and request of the Mayor and Council:
A. Annual bids;
B. Street repair programs;
C. Project management: tracking projects such as road paving, recycling/composting development;
D. Equipment specifications;
E. Grant applications;
F. Coordination of activities between departments;
G. Council meetings;
H. General supervision of the Division of Streets, Motor Vehicles and Equipment Maintenance, and special projects from the Mayor and Council;
I. Attendance at Street Committee meetings upon request of the Committee Chairperson;
J. Council coordinations;
K. Contact with outside vendors, suppliers, contractors, etc.; and
L. Such other duties as established by the Administration or Council.
(c) Benefits. The Director of Public Service and Properties shall receive the same benefits received by all other officers and employees of the City, except for overtime pay.
(Ord. 92-24. Passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 99-176, Passed 11-16-99.)
(a) The Superintendent of Stormwater, under the direction and general supervision of the Mayor, shall:
(1) Supervise the stormwater employees for the efficient and proper operation of the stormwater system;
(2) Set work schedules for employees and assign daily work orders;
(3) Have the knowledge to operate and troubleshoot equipment that is needed to maintain the stormwater system;
(4) Establish, keep and supervise the Stormwater Department records;
(5) Collaborate with the Engineer concerning maintenance procedures in the stormwater system;
(6) Furnish technical advice to division heads, the Mayor and other City officials concerning stormwater problems and techniques;
(7) Assist in preparing budgets for the Department;
(8) Formulate plans for stormwater capital improvements by conferring with City officials, as directed;
(9) Assist in the preparation of specifications for all items incidental to the proper operation or function of the division, when requested and/or directed by the Mayor;
(10) Maintain or cause to be maintained adequate and accurate reports of all activities under the jurisdiction of the Department;
(11) Develop stormwater strategies for short and long term goals;
(12) Implement best practices for the stormwater infrastructure and preventative maintenance programs;
(13) Perform any other duties as directed by the Mayor.
(b) The Superintendent shall be appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of a majority of the members elected to Council.
(Ord. 12-91. Passed 5-15-12.)