(a) A Respondent may appear for a hearing personally or be represented by:
(1) an attorney admitted to practice law in New York State,
(2) a representative registered to appear before the Tribunal pursuant to 48 RCNY § 6-23, or
(3) any other person authorized by a Respondent to appear at or before the Tribunal on behalf of the Respondent, as set forth in 48 RCNY § 6-23(a).
(b) Respondents may appear for a hearing by:
(1) Appearing themselves or by representative on the date and time scheduled for the hearing by telephone, videoconference, or similar remote means; or
(2) Appearing themselves or by representative in person at the place, date, and time scheduled for the hearing, provided that where the Respondent wishes to proceed in person, the Respondent or the Respondent's representative must make a request for an in-person hearing by e-mailing the Clerk's Office at the e-mail address designated to process in-person hearing requests five (5) business days prior to the scheduled hearing date; or
(3) Appearing by written communication, including postal mail, written online communication, or by other similar remote means, pursuant to 48 RCNY § 6-10, when the opportunity to do so is offered by the Tribunal.
(c) An appearance is timely if the Respondent or Respondent’s representative appears at the scheduled hearing location in person or by telephone, videoconference, or similar remote means, and is ready to proceed within three (3) hours of the scheduled hearing time indicated on each summons to be heard or, where applicable, within three (3) hours of the scheduled hearing time indicated on an adjournment or reschedule notice for each summons to be heard. However, a representative, attorney, or Respondent appearing on fifteen (15) or more summonses on a given hearing date must also comply with the requirements set forth in 48 RCNY § 6-24 or § 6-24a to be considered timely.
(d) The failure to make a timely appearance constitutes a default and may subject the Respondent to penalties in accordance with 48 RCNY § 6-20.
(e) Where the terms of a summons authorize a Respondent to do so, a Respondent may also appear by admitting the violation charged on the summons and paying the penalty for the cited violation in the manner and by the time directed in the summons. Payment in full is deemed an admission of liability and no further hearing or appeal will be allowed.
(f) Current Owner of a Property.
(1) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a prior owner of a property is named on the summons, the current owner of a property may appear on behalf of the prior owner if the summons:
(A) involves a premises-related violation, and
(B) was issued after title to the property was transferred to the current owner.
(2) The current property owner may appear for purposes of presenting a deed and indicating when title passed.
(3) The current owner of the property may also present a defense on the merits of the charge only if the current owner agrees to substitute him or herself for the prior owner and waives all defenses based on service.
(g) Failure to Appear by Respondent. A Respondent’s failure to appear timely pursuant to subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section, or to make a timely request to reschedule pursuant to 48 RCNY § 6-05, constitutes a default and subjects the Respondent to penalties in accordance with 48 RCNY § 6-20.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, attorneys or registered representatives who appear in person on fifteen (15) or more summonses on a given hearing date, and those who appear remotely on any matter, must comply with the requirements set forth in 48 RCNY § 6-24 and 48 RCNY § 6-24a respectively. Failure to do so constitutes a default and subjects the Respondent to penalties in accordance with 48 RCNY § 6-20.
(i) A Petitioner may appear for a hearing through an authorized representative at the place, date, and time scheduled for the hearing or by remote methods when the opportunity to do so is offered by the Tribunal. If Petitioner elects to appear at the Tribunal, Petitioner’s appearance for a hearing is considered timely if Petitioner is ready to proceed within thirty (30) minutes of the timely appearance by Respondent.
(j) Failure to Appear by Petitioner. If Petitioner fails to make a timely appearance at the scheduled place, date, and time, pursuant to subdivision (i) of this section, the hearing may proceed without the Petitioner.
(Amended City Record 6/1/2015, eff. 7/1/2015; amended City Record 7/8/2016, eff. 8/7/2016; amended City Record 12/5/2018, eff. 1/4/2019; amended City Record 10/13/2021, eff. 10/13/2021; amended City Record 8/11/2022, eff. 9/10/2022)
(a) When the opportunity to do so is offered by the Tribunal, a Respondent may contest a violation by written communication, including by postal mail, written online communication, or by other similar remote means, as permitted by the Tribunal.
(b) Adjudication by Mail.
(1) A written submission in an adjudication by mail must be received by the Tribunal before the scheduled hearing date or bear a postmark or other proof of mailing indicating that it was mailed to the Tribunal before the scheduled hearing date. If a request bearing such a postmark or proof of mailing is received by the Tribunal after a first default decision has been issued on that summons, such default will be vacated.
(2) The written submission must contain any denials, admissions and explanations related to the individual violations charged, and documents, exhibits or witness statements, if any, to be considered as evidence in support of Respondent's defense. Violations that are not denied or explained will be deemed to have been admitted; defenses not specifically raised will be deemed to have been waived.
(3) After a review by a Hearing Officer of the written submission, the Tribunal will:
(i) issue a written decision and send the decision to the parties; or
(ii) require the submission of additional documentary evidence; or
(iii) require an in-person hearing or hearing by telephone, in which case the parties will be notified.
(c) Adjudication Online.
(1) Submissions in an adjudication online must be received by the Tribunal before or on the scheduled hearing date.
(2) The submission must contain any denials, admissions and explanations related to the individual violations charged, and documents, exhibits or witness statements, if any, to be considered as evidence in support of Respondent's defense. Violations that are not denied or explained will be deemed to have been admitted; defenses not specifically raised will be deemed to have been waived.
(3) After a review by a Hearing Officer of the submission, the Tribunal will:
(i) issue a written decision and send the decision to the parties; or
(ii) require the submission of additional documentary evidence; or
(iii) require an in-person hearing or hearing by telephone, in which case the parties will be notified.
(Amended City Record 6/1/2015, eff. 7/1/2015; amended City Record 7/8/2016, eff. 8/7/2016; amended City Record 10/13/2021, eff. 10/13/2021)
(a) A hearing will be presided over by a Hearing Officer, proceed with reasonable expedition and order and, to the extent practicable, not be postponed or adjourned.
(b) Language assistance services at the hearing.
(1) At the beginning of any hearing, the Hearing Officer will advise the Respondent of the availability of language assistance services. In determining whether language assistance services are necessary to assist the Respondent in communicating meaningfully with the Hearing Officer and others at the hearing, the Hearing Officer will consider all relevant factors, including but not limited to the following:
(i) information from Tribunal administrative personnel identifying a Respondent as requiring language assistance services to communicate meaningfully with a Hearing Officer;
(ii) a request by the Respondent for language assistance services; and
(iii) even if language assistance services were not requested by the Respondent, the Hearing Officer's own assessment whether language assistance services are necessary to enable meaningful communication with the Respondent.
If the Respondent requests an interpreter and the Hearing Officer determines that an interpreter is not needed, that determination and the basis for the determination will be made on the record.
(2) When required, language assistance services will be provided at hearings by a professional interpretation service that is made available by the Tribunal. If the professional interpretation service is not available for that language, the Respondent may request the use of another interpreter, in which case the Hearing Officer in his or her discretion may use the Respondent's requested interpreter. In exercising that discretion, the Hearing Officer will take into account all relevant factors, including but not limited to the following:
(i) the apparent skills of the Respondent's requested interpreter;
(ii) whether the Respondent's requested interpreter is a child under the age of eighteen (18);
(iii) minimization of delay in the hearing process;
(iv) maintenance of a clear and usable hearing record; and
(v) whether the Respondent's requested interpreter is a potential witness who may testify at the hearing.
The Hearing Officer's determination and the basis for this determination will be made on the record.
(c) When a party appears on more than one (1) summons on a single hearing day, the Tribunal has the discretion to determine the order in which the summonses will be heard.
(d) Each party has the right to present evidence, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, to make factual or legal arguments and to have other rights essential for due process and a fair and impartial hearing. Witnesses may be excluded from the hearing room, except while they are actually testifying.
(e) Oaths. All persons giving testimony as witnesses at a hearing must be placed under oath or affirmation.
(f) All adjudicatory hearings will proceed in the following order, subject to modification by the Hearing Officer:
(1) Presentation and argument of motions preliminary to a hearing on the merits;
(2) Petitioner's opening statement, if any;
(3) Respondent's opening statement, if any;
(4) Petitioner's case in chief;
(5) Respondent's case in chief;
(6) Petitioner's case in rebuttal;
(7) Respondent's case in rebuttal;
(8) Respondent's closing argument;
(9) Petitioner's closing argument.
(g) A record will be made of all summonses filed, proceedings held, written evidence admitted and rulings rendered, and such record will be kept in the regular course of business for a period of time in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Hearings will be mechanically, electronically or otherwise recorded by the Tribunal under the supervision of the Hearing Officer, and the original recording will be part of the record and will constitute the sole official record of the hearing. No other recording or photograph of the hearing may be made without prior written permission of the Tribunal. A copy of the recording will be provided upon request to the Tribunal. The Tribunal may charge a reasonable fee in accordance with Article 6 of the New York State Public Officers Law.
(h) Unless permitted or ordered by the Hearing Officer, parties are prohibited from submitting additional material or argument after the hearing has been completed.
(Amended City Record 6/1/2015, eff. 7/1/2015; amended City Record 7/8/2016, eff. 8/7/2016)
(a) Burden of Proof. The Petitioner has the burden of proving the factual allegations contained in the summons by a preponderance of the evidence. The Respondent has the burden of proving an affirmative defense, if any, by a preponderance of the evidence.
(b) Admissibility of Summons. If the summons is sworn to under oath or affirmed under penalty of perjury, the summons will be admitted as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein. The summons may include the report of the inspector, public health sanitarian or other person who conducted the inspection or investigation that resulted in the summons. When such report is served with the summons, such report will also be prima facie evidence of the factual allegations contained in the report.
(c) Admissibility of Evidence. Relevant and reliable evidence may be admitted without regard to technical or formal rules or laws of evidence applicable in the courts of the State of New York. Irrelevant, immaterial, unreliable or unduly repetitious evidence will be excluded. Immaterial or irrelevant parts of an admissible document must be segregated and excluded to the extent practicable.
(1) Admissibility of Immigration Status. A party, representative or attorney shall not offer information concerning a person's actual or perceived immigration status unless and until the Hearing Officer reviews such information privately and determines that such information is relevant and not introduced solely to subject that person to harassment, intimidation, physical danger, or other harms in connection with the person's immigration status. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision, a person may voluntarily introduce or authorize the introduction of information about his or her own immigration status.
(2) Any party, representative or attorney who offers information concerning the immigration status of another person not in compliance with paragraph one of this subdivision may be subject to sanctions pursuant to 48 RCNY § 6-25 and such information may be struck from the record.
(d) Types of Evidence. Evidence at a hearing may include, but is not limited to, witness testimony, documents and objects. Documents may include, but are not limited to, affidavits or affirmations, business records or government records, photographs and other documents.
(e) Official Notice. Official notice may be taken of all facts of which judicial notice may be taken and other facts within the specialized knowledge and experience of the Tribunal or the Hearing Officer. Opportunity to disprove such noticed fact will be granted to any party making a timely motion.
(f) Objections. Objections to evidence must be timely and must briefly state the grounds relied upon. Rulings on all objections must appear on the record.
(Amended City Record 6/1/2015, eff. 7/1/2015; amended City Record 7/8/2016, eff. 8/7/2016; amended City Record 4/23/2021, eff. 5/23/2021)