To qualify as a first time homebuyer, no member of the qualifying Household shall have owned any interest in a home, including any interest in a Cooperative Corporation or a residential condominium unit, for the five (5) year period immediately prior to the Application Deadline.
Prior to qualification as an Eligible Buyer, each applicant for a Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit shall attend a first-time homebuyer course given by a provider that is approved by HPD, and must provide evidence of completion of such course to the Administering Agent. Approved providers of first-time homebuyer courses are listed on HPD's web site.
In addition to the preference categories stated in HPD's marketing guidelines, Homeownership Affordable Housing Units shall be marketed in accordance with the Internal Transfer Preference and the First Time Homebuyer Preference. The Internal Transfer Preference shall (i) take priority over the First Time Homebuyer Preference, and (ii) only be made available for the purpose of replacing an existing Homeowner's Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit, and not for the purpose of acquiring an additional Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit, whether for occupancy by the Eligible Buyer, his or her Household members, non-resident Family Members, or any other person.
(a) Owners of Homeownership Affordable Housing Units must occupy such Homeownership Affordable Housing Units as their primary residences, as determined by the Administering Agent, in accordance with DHCR's criteria for primary residence occupancy for rental units in Rent Stabilization.
(b) The Administering Agent will mail an owner occupancy letter to each Homeowner on an annual basis and such Homeowner shall annually certify under penalty of perjury the Homeowner's use of such Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit as his or her primary residence by signing and returning to the Administering Agent, within ten (10) business days from receipt, a notarized copy of such owner occupancy letter, with any supporting documentation.
(c) HPD may conduct audits of Homeownership Affordable Housing Units to ensure that all such units are being used as the primary residences of their respective Homeowners.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23-962 of the Zoning Resolution, in a Generating Site that is a Partial Inclusionary Building, the Administering Agent may approve a Homeowner's request to sublet only if such subletting meets the subletting requirements in effect for all units at such Generating Site.
A Homeowner may (i) transfer title to a Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit upon Resale, or (ii) with the prior written approval of the Administering Agent, modify title to a Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit in order to add or delete a person from title due to marriage, domestic partnership, divorce, death or succession, provided that such Homeowner does not receive anything of value in connection with such modification of title, or (iii) with the prior written approval of the Administering Agent, modify title to a Homeownership Affordable Housing Unit for any other purpose approved in writing by HPD, provided that such Homeowner does not receive anything of value in connection with such modification of title. Before approving any title modifications, the Administering Agent must receive a written notarized notification from the Homeowner of his or her intent to modify title, along with documentation supporting any such proposed modification and an affirmation that no consideration in connection with such proposed modification has been or will be received.