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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 161.05 Dogs to be Restrained.
   (a)   Except as specified in subdivision (b) of this section, a person who owns, possesses or controls a dog shall not permit it to be in any public place or in any open or unfenced area abutting on a public place unless the dog is effectively restrained by a leash or other restraint not more than six feet long.
   (b)   (1)   Dogs within areas and facilities under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Parks and Recreation ("DOPR"), or successor agency, shall be restrained except as otherwise permitted in accordance with the rules of the DOPR. Such rules shall include provisions that prohibit unrestrained dogs in unenclosed DOPR controlled areas and facilities except during a specified range of time, that shall not begin earlier than 9:00 p.m. and not extend past 9:00 a.m. Such rules shall also specify that persons in control of dogs allowed to be off the leash in such areas and facilities maintain and provide, on demand, proof of current dog licensure and current rabies vaccination when dogs are allowed to be off the leash. In addition, DOPR shall make available to the public, in a manner acceptable to the Department, information concerning rabies vaccination and dog licensure requirements, and the specific locations where and times when dogs may be allowed off the leash in DOPR areas and facilities.
      (2)   Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subdivision, the Department may, based on epidemiologic evidence indicating an increase in preventable off leash dog bites during off leash hours in areas open to off leash use, or a risk of zoonotic disease transmission, limit or eliminate the use of or access to specific areas or facilities, or parts thereof, under DOPR jurisdiction, by unrestrained dogs.
   (c)   Notices of violation for failure to comply with subdivision (a) of this section may be issued by any authorized employee, officer or agent of the Department, the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Parks and Recreation, or successor agencies, or by special patrolmen or patrolwomen who have been delegated such duties by their employers.
§ 161.06 Dogs and Cats to Be Vaccinated and Treated Prior to Change in Ownership.
No person shall offer for sale, sell or give away any dog or cat unless such animal has been vaccinated against rabies in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.29, and treated for parasites or certified in writing by a duly licensed veterinarian to have been tested and found to be free of parasites.
§ 161.07 Dangerous Dogs.
   (a)   Policy and scope. When the Department receives a report of a dangerous dog, the Department may, in any case where it deems it necessary, investigate the circumstances giving rise to the report and, if the Department determines that the dog is a dangerous dog, it may take any action authorized by applicable law, including this Code, that it deems necessary to protect the public health and safety.
   (b)   Dogs brought into a shelter. When a dangerous dog is brought into an animal shelter, or when a dog held in an animal shelter injures a person, the operator of the shelter shall, no later than the first business day after the dog is admitted to the shelter or after the dog in the shelter injures a person, report the injury to the Department. The shelter shall obtain from the person owning or presenting the dog, and the report shall, to the extent that the shelter operator has such information, include a description of the circumstances in which injury was caused by the dog; the names, addresses and other contact information for the injured person(s), the dog's owner, and any witnesses to the incident; the types of injuries inflicted by the dog; and any other information required by the Department. The shelter operator shall thereafter immediately provide the Department with any additional information received about the incident.
   (c)   Rabies observation period. Any dog that is brought to a shelter after causing an injury to a person or that is involved in any incident that creates a possible exposure to rabies shall be held by the shelter for ten days, over which time such dog shall be observed by a veterinarian to determine whether it has developed signs and symptoms of rabies.
      (1)   A dog held for rabies observation that is subsequently involved in any other incident potentially exposing any person or animal at the shelter to rabies shall, commencing on the date of the most recent incident, be held by the shelter for an additional ten days to be observed for signs and symptoms of rabies.
      (2)   If a licensed veterinarian determines that a dog has signs or symptoms consistent with rabies, the dog shall be humanely euthanized and its remains shall be tested for rabies.
      (3)   The Department may authorize release of a dog to its owner before the expiration of the ten days rabies observation period if the Department determines that the dog is not a dangerous dog, and the owner agrees to continue to observe the dog for signs and symptoms of rabies over the remainder of the observation period and to make daily reports of his or her observations to the Department in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.27(e).
   (d)   Determination of a dangerous dog.
      (1)   Evaluation of a dog in a shelter. The Department shall make a preliminary determination as to whether any dog being held in a shelter after causing injury to a person is a dangerous dog. In making such determination, the Department shall consider the circumstances of the incident resulting in the dog's placement in the shelter, the nature and severity of the injuries reportedly inflicted by the dog, and the dog's prior history of biting and/or causing injury. When deemed necessary by the Department, an assessment by an animal behaviorist may also be considered.
      (2)   If dog is determined to be dangerous. If the Department determines that a dog being held at a shelter is dangerous, it shall notify the owner of the dog of such determination in writing, prior to expiration of the ten day rabies observation period. The notification shall include the Department's recommendations for the disposition of the dog, including any control measures authorized by subdivision (g) of this section that the Department deems necessary as conditions for the owner's continued possession of the dog.
      (3)   If a dog is not determined to be dangerous. If the Department determines that a dog being held at a shelter is not dangerous, it shall notify the shelter that the dog may be returned to its owner at the end of the rabies observation period, provided the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, licensed, and surgically sterilized in accordance with applicable law.
      (4)   Other disposition. A dog surrendered to a shelter by its owner for any reason shall be made available for adoption or humanely euthanized, in accordance with applicable law. However, a dog that is surrendered by its owner as a dangerous dog or a dog trained for dog fighting shall not be made available for adoption by any person unless the shelter operator has completed a behavioral evaluation of the dog showing that the dog is not a dangerous dog, provided the results of the evaluation to the Department, and the Department has approved the release of the dog for adoption.
   (e)   Dogs that are not brought to a shelter. If the Department receives a report that a dog not being held by a shelter to be observed for symptoms and signs of rabies is dangerous, the Department may order the dog's owner to make the dog available for examination by an animal behaviorist, or may order any other control measures authorized by subdivision (g) of this section for protection of public health and safety.
      (1)   Place of examination. The Department may arrange for the examination to be conducted at a shelter or other place where the Department determines the public will be adequately protected. If a dog is brought by its owner to a shelter for examination pursuant to this section, the dog shall not be deemed a homeless or abandoned dog, and the shelter shall not be required to surgically sterilize the dog prior to releasing it to its owner. However, such dog shall not be released unless it is currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.29, and has been licensed in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.04.
      (2)   Failure to present dog for examination. If an owner fails to comply with an order of the Department to make his or her dog available for examination by an animal behaviorist, the owner's failure to comply with such order shall be evidence in any hearing commenced by the Department that the dog is dangerous and that its owner is perpetuating a nuisance in violation of 24 RCNY Health Code § 3.07.
   (f)   Hearings.
      (1)   Owner objections. The Department shall notify the owner of a dog of its preliminary determination that the dog is dangerous and of any control measures authorized by subdivision (g) of this section that it deems necessary to protect public health and safety. If the owner does not agree with the Department's preliminary determination or that the proposed control measures are necessary, the Department shall serve the owner with a petition and notice of hearing to show cause at a hearing to be held at the City's Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) why the dog should not be found to be a dangerous dog and why conditions should not be imposed on the dog and owner to protect the public's health and safety.
      (2)   Scheduling hearings.
         (A)   An OATH hearing shall be scheduled by the Department for a date and time that is no more than twenty days after the petition is mailed to the owner, and the petition and notice of hearing shall be mailed to owner no later than fifteen days after the dog's entry into the shelter, unless the owner of the dog and the Department agree to a later date. If the last dates for mailing and scheduling a hearing fall on a Saturday, Sunday or City holiday, the date of mailing the petition and scheduling the hearing shall be the next business day.
         (B)   Such time periods shall not apply when the owner's identity and address are not known when a dog is first admitted to a shelter. In such cases, when the Department subsequently learns the owner's identity and address, and if the time for reclaiming a dog from a shelter has not expired, the time period to schedule a hearing set forth in paragraph (2) above shall start to run on the date the Department learns the owner's identity and address.
      (3)   Severe injuries. A dog that has caused a severe injury to any person, or a dog that the Department determines, based on the circumstances that prompted the Department's investigation, was prevented from inflicting severe injury by the action of a third party or other circumstance, shall continue to be held in a shelter until and unless the Commissioner has received a report and recommendation of an OATH administrative law judge finding that the dog is not a dangerous dog.
      (4)   Other injuries. A dog that does not meet the criteria in paragraph (3) above, may remain with its owner or, if held in a shelter, shall be returned to its owner, at the completion of the rabies observation period, to remain with its owner pending an OATH hearing.
      (5)   Abandonment. If an owner of a dog that is preliminarily determined to be dangerous and that is being held at a shelter fails to appear at an OATH hearing and is found in default, or if the identity or address of a dog's owner is unknown, such dog shall be deemed abandoned and shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable law.
   (g)   Control measures authorized. The Commissioner may order any action deemed necessary to control a dangerous dog and prevent injuries to persons, including, but not limited to, ordering that a dangerous dog be:
      (1)   Surrendered for the purpose of humane euthanasia;
      (2)   Permanently removed from the City;
      (3)   Muzzled whenever it is in a public place or in any open or unfenced area abutting on a public place;
      (4)   Evaluated, at the owners' expense, by an animal behaviorist to determine whether the animal and any persons handling the animal may be trained in the safe management of the animal, and be trained when indicated;
      (5)   Spayed or neutered, if the owner does not maintain proof satisfactory to the Department that the animal was previously altered;
      (6)   Microchipped to enable identification of the dog if it inflicts further injury; or
      (7)   Confined in a place where there are sufficient barriers between the dog and passersby lawfully on public streets and areas abutting the owner's property.
   (h)   Guard dogs. Any dog owned, kept, engaged in or trained to attack persons that is not currently registered with the Department as a guard dog pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09(g) shall be deemed to be a dangerous dog and shall be surrendered to the Department, upon the request of the Department, by the person who owns, possesses or controls it, for the purpose of performing an examination and for such other disposition as the Department may order in accordance with this section.
   (i)   Dogs kept for dog fighting. Any dog owned, kept, engaged in or trained for dog fighting, or any dog owned, kept or trained to attack persons and not properly registered as a guard dog pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09(g), shall be deemed to be a dangerous dog and shall be surrendered to the Department by the person who owns, possesses or controls it, for the purpose of performing an examination and for such other disposition as the Department may order in accordance with subdivision (g) of this section.
   (j)   Dangerous dogs presumed to be a nuisance. When the Department determines that a dog is dangerous in accordance with this section, it shall be presumed that the owner or other person who harbored the dog trained, caused or permitted the dog to be dangerous, so as to establish a prima facie maintenance of a nuisance in violation of 24 RCNY Health Code § 3.09.
   (k)   Impoundment. A dog that is in a public area and that is menacing persons, or a dog that has caused a severe injury to a person, or a dangerous dog owned by a person who has violated an order of the Commissioner issued pursuant to this section, may be impounded by the Department or by a police or other peace officer, or killed by a police or other peace officer, if capture is dangerous.
   (l)   Disclosure of medical information. In addition to submitting the reports of animal bites required by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 11, upon receipt of a written request from the Department, a medical or other health care provider shall forward to the Department copies of medical records concerning diagnosis and treatment of bites or other injuries to persons that were inflicted by, or resulted from attacks by dogs or other animals.
   (m)   Public information relating to dangerous dogs.
      (1)   Copies of records and reports maintained by the Department concerning dangerous dogs may be made available in accordance with the Public Officers Law, provided that, if the persons injured who are the subjects of such records are not the persons requesting such reports, such reports shall be redacted of all identifying information about the subjects, complainants and person(s) injured or menaced.
      (2)   Information about injuries caused by dangerous dogs contained in medical and other records obtained by the Department may be disclosed in the course of OATH proceedings to owners of dogs, their attorneys, and to administrative law judges at OATH if such information is relevant to a determination as to whether a dog is dangerous or has caused severe injury to a person. Such information shall not be further disclosed without authorization of the person to whom the records pertain except when disclosure may be necessary in further proceedings related to the OATH matter.
§ 161.08 Regulated Pit Bull Dogs. [Repealed]
Editor's note: see Administrative Code §§ 17-342 et seq.
§ 161.09 Permits to Keep Certain Animals.
   (a)   Permit required.
      (1)   No person shall operate a pet shop, grooming parlor, boarding kennel or training establishment for small animals whose possession is not prohibited by 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.01, without a permit issued by the Commissioner.
      (2)   Workers' compensation and disability benefits insurance. No permit required by this Article shall be issued to any person unless such person produces proof satisfactory to the Department that policies for workers' compensation insurance and disability benefits have been secured in accordance with Workers' Compensation Law § 56, or successor statute.
   (b)   Animal shelter. No person shall construct or operate a shelter for homeless animals without a permit issued by the Commissioner.
   (c)   Keeping and yarding of cattle, swine, sheep and goats prohibited. Except as provided in 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.01(a), no person shall keep or yard cattle, swine, sheep or goats.
   (d)   Permits for horse stables required. No person shall maintain or operate a stable for horses without a permit issued by the Commissioner except that no permit shall be required where a natural person or family owns a horse stable solely for housing and maintaining horses owned and used by the person or family for its exclusive recreational, non-commercial purposes.
   (e)   Selling of certain animals prohibited. No person shall engage in the business of or hold herself or himself out as engaging in the business of importing, or selling, or offering for sale any animal of a species whose possession is prohibited pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.01 and no person shall operate a facility for the preparation or manufacturing of snake or arachnid anti-venom without a permit issued by the Commissioner.
   (f)   Small animal handling course required. No person who is charged with the supervision of a pet shop or business for the sale or offer for sale of dogs, cats or other small animals, or the boarding or grooming of small animals, or animal training, or similar type of operations, shall engage or be employed in such capacity unless he or she obtains a certificate indicating the successful completion of a course, acceptable to the Department, in the care and handling of such animals.
      (1)   Such certificate shall be placed in a clean, transparent cover or frame and displayed on the premises where the holder thereof is so engaged or employed in such a manner as to be clearly visible to the public. It shall be available for inspection at all times by the Department. No person shall mutilate, obstruct or tear down such certificate.
      (2)   The holder of such certificate shall successfully complete a refresher course in the care and handling of such animals when deemed necessary by the Department. The Department may require the holder of such certificate to complete a refresher course acceptable to the Department when the Department finds continuing violations of the Code, or when a zoonotic outbreak implicates animals cared for, treated or held in the establishment she or he supervises, or when the Department requires such course to acquaint him or her with current developments in animal care and handling principles.
      (3)   The Department may conduct such courses or approve courses conducted by educational institutions. Persons electing to enroll in such courses conducted by the Department may be charged a reasonable enrollment fee to defray all or part of the costs incurred by the Department in their administration.
   (g)   Guard dogs. No person shall own a trained guard dog for use within the City unless she or he has licensed and registered such animal with the Department. Any case of loss, theft or transfer of ownership of a trained guard dog shall be reported by the owner to the Department within five (5) days of any such loss, theft or transfer. The Department may charge a reasonable fee to defray all or part of the cost incurred by the Department in the administration of this subdivision.
      (1)   Microchipping required. The owner of a trained guard dog shall have such dog implanted with a microchip as a permanent identification, and supply the identification number to the Department, and provide and see to it that such animal wears at all times a tag issued by the Department. Such tag shall have printed or stamped thereon, in clear and legible type, the words: "GUARD DOG". Such tag shall be suspended at least three quarters of an inch and not more than one and one half inches from a collar worn by such animal. Lost, stolen or damaged tags shall be reported to the Department and may be replaced by the Department at reasonable cost.
      (2)   Signs to be posted. Owners or other persons in control of any premises in which a trained guard dog is kept shall post a durable sign or notice, printed in clear and legible type, warning the public of the presence of such trained guard dog. The sign shall include the name and other contact information for the owner of the guard dog.
      (3)   Notice required. All persons who train, sell or rent guard dogs shall post a durable sign or notice, printed in clear and legible type stating that a copy of this section shall be provided by the trainer, seller or renter of a guard dog to any person who uses such dogs, warning that all users shall comply with licensing, tagging, microchipping and signage requirements.
(Amended City Record 6/15/2016, eff. 7/15/2016)
§ 161.11 Prevention of Nuisances; Cleaning.
   (a)   A permit required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09 shall not be issued unless the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the place for which the application is made does not constitute a nuisance because of its proximity to a residential, business, commercial or public building, and that the place will be maintained so as not to become a nuisance.
   (b)   The owner, lessee or person in charge of any place where animals are kept pursuant to a permit required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09, shall take all measures necessary for integrated pest management of insect, rodent and other vermin required by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 151, and shall conduct such place so as not to create an animal nuisance as defined in this Article.
   (c)   Every place where animals are kept pursuant to a permit required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09 shall be equipped with and shall maintain supplies of implements and materials, such as brooms, hoses, hose connections, vacuum cleaners where dusty conditions are found, covered metal receptacles, brushes, disinfectants and detergents, as may be required to maintain sanitary conditions. Such places shall have regularly assigned personnel to maintain sanitary conditions.