(a) Hand washing. Staff and children must wash hands before and after toileting or diaper changes, after contact with a child in ill health, and prior to handling or preparing any food and after playing outdoors.
(b) Signs. Hand washing signs provided by or approved by the Department must be prominently posted in each lavatory and by each sink.
(c) Individual personal care. Hairbrushes or cloth towels must not be provided for use. If toothbrushes, combs, or washcloths are provided, each child must have items for his/her exclusive use and they must be stored in an individually-labeled container.
(d) Changes of clothing. At least one change of weather-appropriate clothing must be available so that any child who soils clothing may receive a change. Soiled clothing and cloth diapers must be handled in a manner that protects occupants from exposure to wastes and maintains an appropriately sanitary environment.
(e) Bathing. Children must not be bathed on premises except that they must be washed in case of accidents.
(f) Safety precautions relating to blood. Schools must implement the following safety precautions for all staff having any exposure to or contact with blood:
(1) Disposable gloves must be immediately available and worn whenever there is a possibility for contact with blood, including but not limited to:
(A) Changing diapers where there is blood in the stool;
(B) Touching blood or blood-contaminated body fluids;
(C) Treating cuts that bleed; and
(D) Wiping surfaces stained with blood.
(2) In an emergency, a child's safety and well-being must take priority. A bleeding child shall not be denied care because gloves are not immediately available.
(3) Disposable gloves must be discarded after each use.
(4) If blood is touched accidentally, exposed skin must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water.
(5) Clothes contaminated with blood must be placed in a securely tied plastic bag and returned to the parent at the end of the day.
(6) Surfaces that have been blood stained must be cleaned and disinfected with a germicidal solution.
(g) Smoking prohibited. There must be no smoking of tobacco or other substances, or use of e-cigarettes, in any indoor or outdoor area of any premises on which a program is located.
(Added City Record 12/26/2019, eff. 1/25/2020)
(a) Emergency procedures and notices. Written policies and procedures for managing health and other emergencies shall be included in the written health and safety plan. Persons in charge of a school shall provide notice of the location and contact telephone numbers of the school to local hospitals, police precincts, fire houses and emergency transport services and information about emergency policies and procedures shall be provided to parents. Emergency procedures and emergency telephone contact numbers (for Police, Fire Department, Poison Control Center, Child Abuse Hotline, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene) shall be conspicuously posted in each classroom or area used by children.
(b) Necessary emergency medical care. When a child is injured, or becomes ill under such circumstances that emergency care is needed, the person in charge of a school or designee shall obtain such emergency medical care in accordance with the requirements of this section and immediately notify the child's parent or guardian.
(1) The person in charge of a school-based program or their designee must:
(A) At the time of the child's admission into the program, obtain written consent from a parent or guardian authorizing the program or other caregivers to obtain emergency medical care for the child; and
(B) Secure emergency medical care when needed, and notify a parent or guardian immediately; and
(C) Arrange for any needed transportation of any child in need of emergency health care and ensure that the supervision ratios required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 43.09 are maintained for the children remaining in the program; and
(D) Advise a parent or guardian, or the person authorized to pick up the child that day, of any developing symptoms of illness or minor injury sustained while the child is in the program.
(2) Where a parent has provided a written, individualized health care plan indicating the specific medications that can be administered and the schedule of such administration(s) for their child, including in cases of emergency, and there is a direct conflict between such plan and any provision of this section, the program shall follow the child's individualized health care plan.
(c) Epinephrine auto-injectors.
(1) Each person in charge of a school-based program shall maintain on site at the school-based program facility at least two epinephrine auto-injectors with retractable needles in each dosage appropriate for children who may be in the program, stored in an area inaccessible to children and maintained in an unexpired, operable condition such that they are available for immediate use in case of need for emergency administration to a child.
(2) Each person in charge of a school-based program shall designate a sufficient number of staff to be trained to administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a child in accordance with New York State Public Health Law § 3000-c, or any successor statute or applicable regulation. At least one staff person trained to administer such epinephrine auto-injector shall be on-site in the school-based program at all times children are present. The epinephrine auto-injector training must include:
(A) How to recognize signs and symptoms of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis;
(B) Recommended dosage for adults and children;
(C) Standards and procedures for the storage and use of an epinephrine auto-injector; and
(D) Emergency follow-up procedures.
(3) Each person in charge of a school-based program shall designate at least one staff person to be responsible for the storage, maintenance, control, disposal, and general oversight of such epinephrine auto-injector to ensure such device remains available for use in an unexpired, operable condition, and that the storage location is in compliance with the requirements specified by the manufacturer.
(4) Staff trained in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subdivision may administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a child, whether or not there is a prior or known history of severe allergic reaction in such child.
(5) Immediately following any emergency administration of an epinephrine auto-injector to a child, the person in charge of a school-based program or designee shall contact 911 for emergency medical care and notify the child's parent or guardian.
(6) Within 24 hours following any emergency administration of an epinephrine auto-injector, the person in charge of a school-based program or designee shall contact the Department to report the incident.
(7) Each epinephrine auto-injector shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable law.
(d) First aid supplies. A first aid kit, completely stocked for emergency treatment of cuts and burns, shall be provided by the person in charge of a school and shall be easily accessible for use. The first aid kit shall be kept out of reach of children and inspected periodically.
(e) Incident log. The school shall maintain an incident log of illnesses, accidents, epinephrine autoinjector administrations, and injuries sustained by children in the school, in a form provided or approved by the Department. The school shall provide a child's parent with information concerning such incident pertaining to the child on the date of such incident and shall report same to the Department within 24 hours. Logged entries shall include the name and date of birth of the child, the place, date and time of the incident, names and positions of staff and other adults present, a brief statement describing the incident, emergency treatment obtained, if any, and parental notification made or attempted. The incident log shall be made available to the Department upon request.
(Amended City Record 6/12/2018, eff. 7/12/2018)
(a) All exits must have clear and legible illuminated exit signs. All exit signs and emergency lighting must be maintained in working condition.
(b) Programs must have approved fire extinguishers in good working order and have them inspected as required by the Fire Department.
(c) Fire drills must be conducted monthly and logged. Such logs must be kept on-site and made available to the Department and the Fire Department upon request.
(d) Heating apparatuses must be equipped with adequate protective guards. Space heaters are prohibited.
(e) Premises must be free of electrical, chemical, mechanical and all other types of hazards.
(f) Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with audible alarms must be provided in accordance with applicable law or as required by the Department or the Fire Department and maintained in working condition.
(Added City Record 12/26/2019, eff. 1/25/2020)
(a) Applicability. This section applies to all rooms and areas in a school facility that are occupied by children, or to which such children have access.
(b) Peeling lead-based paint prohibited.
(1) There shall be no peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content on any surface.
(2) Peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content shall be immediately abated or remediated upon discovery, in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
(3) When there has been an order to abate or remediate lead-based paint hazards issued by the Department, the owner of the building in which the program is located must use only the methods specified in such order.
(A) After such order has been served by the Department, the owner or person in charge of a school must post the notices required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14(e)(1)(A) at or near the entrance of the facility.
(B) The owner or person in charge of a school must comply with the requirements of the order within 21 days after service of the order. Where compliance with the time period requirements of this subdivision would cause undue hardship and the owner or person in charge of a school demonstrates a good faith effort to timely comply, such as by showing that it has taken steps to remediate, including by retaining a contractor to conduct the remediation, and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that it is maintaining adequate controls to protect children from a lead-based paint hazard, the Department may, at its discretion, extend the time period for compliance.
(4) Children must not be in nor have access to any room or area undergoing abatement, remediation or other work which disturbs lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content until after completion of final clean-up and clearance dust testing.
(5) The work practices of 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14 shall not apply to repair and maintenance work which disturbs surfaces of less than two (2) square feet of peeling lead-based paint per room or ten (10) percent of the total surface area of peeling paint on a type of component with a small surface area, such as a window sill or door frame.
(c) Equipment and furnishings. Equipment and furnishings shall be painted with lead-free paint.
(e) Annual survey. At least once each year, the owner or person in charge of a school must conduct a survey of the condition of surfaces in classrooms or other areas used by children that are covered with lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content. Survey results must be recorded on a form provided or approved by the Department. The survey form must include, but need not be limited to, the following: the date of the survey; a description of, and the location of, each surface surveyed and remediation status, if applicable.
(1) Within 30 days of completion of such survey, the annual survey results must be submitted to the Department. Copies of such survey results may be submitted to the Department by mail, fax or electronically.
(2) Within 30 days of submitting to the Department, the school must notify the parent or guardian of each child attending the program of the results of the annual survey. Such notice may be provided electronically if the permittee routinely communicates with parents or guardians electronically and may refer to detailed results on a website if such results are maintained there. The school must maintain documentation indicating the date on which such notice was provided. A copy of the notice and proof of the date when such notification was made must be made available to the Department immediately upon request. If such records are maintained electronically, Department staff must be allowed to access such records while on-site.
(f) Definitions. All terms used in this section shall have the same meanings as the terms defined in 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
(Amended City Record 12/26/2019, eff. 1/25/2020)