(a) Applicability. This section applies to all rooms and areas in a school facility that are occupied by children, or to which such children have access.
(b) Peeling lead-based paint prohibited.
(1) There shall be no peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content on any surface.
(2) Peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content shall be immediately abated or remediated upon discovery, in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
(3) When there has been an order to abate or remediate lead-based paint hazards issued by the Department, the owner of the building in which the program is located must use only the methods specified in such order.
(A) After such order has been served by the Department, the owner or person in charge of a school must post the notices required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14(e)(1)(A) at or near the entrance of the facility.
(B) The owner or person in charge of a school must comply with the requirements of the order within 21 days after service of the order. Where compliance with the time period requirements of this subdivision would cause undue hardship and the owner or person in charge of a school demonstrates a good faith effort to timely comply, such as by showing that it has taken steps to remediate, including by retaining a contractor to conduct the remediation, and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that it is maintaining adequate controls to protect children from a lead-based paint hazard, the Department may, at its discretion, extend the time period for compliance.
(4) Children must not be in nor have access to any room or area undergoing abatement, remediation or other work which disturbs lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content until after completion of final clean-up and clearance dust testing.
(5) The work practices of 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14 shall not apply to repair and maintenance work which disturbs surfaces of less than two (2) square feet of peeling lead-based paint per room or ten (10) percent of the total surface area of peeling paint on a type of component with a small surface area, such as a window sill or door frame.
(c) Equipment and furnishings. Equipment and furnishings shall be painted with lead-free paint.
(e) Annual survey. At least once each year, the owner or person in charge of a school must conduct a survey of the condition of surfaces in classrooms or other areas used by children that are covered with lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content. Survey results must be recorded on a form provided or approved by the Department. The survey form must include, but need not be limited to, the following: the date of the survey; a description of, and the location of, each surface surveyed and remediation status, if applicable.
(1) Within 30 days of completion of such survey, the annual survey results must be submitted to the Department. Copies of such survey results may be submitted to the Department by mail, fax or electronically.
(2) Within 30 days of submitting to the Department, the school must notify the parent or guardian of each child attending the program of the results of the annual survey. Such notice may be provided electronically if the permittee routinely communicates with parents or guardians electronically and may refer to detailed results on a website if such results are maintained there. The school must maintain documentation indicating the date on which such notice was provided. A copy of the notice and proof of the date when such notification was made must be made available to the Department immediately upon request. If such records are maintained electronically, Department staff must be allowed to access such records while on-site.
(f) Definitions. All terms used in this section shall have the same meanings as the terms defined in 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
(Amended City Record 12/26/2019, eff. 1/25/2020)
(a) Drinking water. Drinking water from faucets and fountains must be tested for lead content by persons in charge of a school upon the effective date of this provision or by persons in charge of a new school program within 60 days of filing the notice required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 43.05 and every five years thereafter using a method approved by the Department. Copies of test results must be sent to the Department by mail, email or fax on receipt and the persons in charge of a school must investigate and take remedial action if lead levels at or above 15 parts per billion (ppb) are detected. Remedial action must be described in a corrective action plan to be submitted to the Department with reports of elevated test results. Until remedial action is completed, the persons in charge of a school must provide and use bottled potable water from a source approved by the Department or the State Department of Health.
(b) Window guards. Department approved window guards or other window opening limiting devices must be installed on all windows in all rooms, hallways, and stairwells, except windows giving access to fire escapes used as a secondary means of egress, if children under six years of age have access to such areas.
(c) All items of large furniture and all electronic appliances capable of being tipped over due to design, height, weight, stability or other features must be secured to the floors or walls of such facility, using angle-braces, anchors or other anchoring devices. Any item of furniture or electronic device which cannot be so anchored must be removed from the facility.
(Added City Record 9/20/2016, eff. 10/20/2016; amended City Record 12/26/2019, eff. 1/25/2020)
When the strict application of any provision of this article presents practical difficulties, or unusual or unreasonable hardships, the Commissioner in a specific instance may modify the application of such provision consistent with the general purpose and intent of these articles and upon such conditions as in the Commissioner's opinion are necessary to protect the health of the children. The denial by the Commissioner of a request for modification may be appealed to the Board in the manner provided by 24 RCNY Health Code § 5.21.
(Amended City Record 6/12/2018, eff. 7/12/2018)
School-based programs will allow credentialed Department staff to visit the programs while in operation and inspect the documents that are required by this Article to be kept on the premises and provided upon request. Such inspections will occur at least once per year.
(Added City Record 6/12/2018, eff. 7/12/2018)