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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 26-407.1 Fuel pass-along to tenants under rent control prohibited.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, rule, regulation, charter or administrative code, tenants of housing accommodations which are subject to rent control under this chapter shall not be subject to a fuel adjustment or pass-along increase in rent and any such increase to such tenant shall be null and void.
(2019 N.Y. Laws Ch. 36 Pt. H § 4, 6/14/2019, eff. 6/14/2019)
§ 26-408 Evictions.
   a.   No tenant, so long as he or she continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, shall be removed from any housing accommodation which is subject to rent control under this chapter by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession notwithstanding the fact that the tenant has no lease or that his or her lease, or other rental agreement, has expired or otherwise terminated, notwithstanding any contract, lease agreement, or obligation heretofore or hereafter entered into which provides for surrender of possession, or which otherwise provides contrary hereto, except on one or more of the following grounds, or unless the landlord has obtained a certificate of eviction pursuant to subdivision b of this section:
      (1)   The tenant is violating a substantial obligation of his or her tenancy other than the obligation to surrender possession of such housing accommodation and has failed to cure such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease within ten days, or within the three month period immediately prior to the commencement of the proceeding the tenant has wilfully violated such an obligation inflicting serious and substantial injury to the landlord; or
      (2)   The tenant is committing or permitting a nuisance in such housing accommodation; or is maliciously or by reason of gross negligence substantially damaging the housing accommodation; or his or her conduct is such as to interfere substantially with the comfort and safety of the landlord or of other tenants or occupants of the same or other adjacent building or structure; or
      (3)   Occupancy of the housing accommodation by the tenant is illegal because of the requirements of law, and the landlord is subject to civil or criminal penalties therefor, or both, provided, however, that such occupancy shall not be considered illegal by reason of violations placed against the housing accommodations or the building in which same are located by any department or agency of the city having jurisdiction unless such department or agency has issued an order requiring the tenants to vacate said accommodation or building or unless such occupancy for such building or such violations relied on by the landlord result from an act, omission or situation caused or created by the tenant; or
      (4)   The tenant is using or permitting such housing accommodation to be used for an immoral or illegal purpose; or
      (5)   The tenant who had a written lease or other written rental agreement which terminated or shall terminate on or after May first, nineteen hundred fifty, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like duration not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease except in so far as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this chapter; or
      (6)   The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodation for the purpose of making necessary repairs or improvements required by law or for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodation to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or prospective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that in the latter event such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommodation is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement.
      (7)   The eviction is sought by the owner of a dwelling unit or the shares allocated thereto where such dwelling unit is located in a structure owned as a cooperative or as a condominium and an offering prospectus for the conversion of such structure pursuant to an eviction plan shall have been submitted to the attorney general pursuant to section three hundred fifty-two-eeee of the general business law and accepted for filing by the attorney general, and been declared effective in accordance with such law, and any right of continued occupancy granted by such law to a non-purchasing tenant in occupancy of such dwelling unit shall have expired; provided that the owner of the dwelling unit or the shares allocated thereto seeks in good faith to recover possession of a dwelling unit for his or her own personal use and occupancy or for the use and occupancy of his or her immediate family.
   b.   No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated in subdivision a of this section unless on application of the landlord the city rent agency shall issue an order granting a certificate of eviction in accordance with its rules and regulations designed to effectuate the purposes of this title, permitting the landlord to pursue his or her remedies at law. The city rent agency shall issue such an order whenever it finds that:
      (1)   The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of a housing accommodation because of immediate and compelling necessity for his or her own personal use and occupancy as his or her primary residence or for the use and occupancy of his or her immediate family as their primary residence provided, however, that this subdivision shall permit recovery of only one housing accommodation and shall not apply where a member of the household lawfully occupying the housing accommodation is sixty-two years of age or older, has been a tenant in a housing accommodation in that building for fifteen years or more, or has an impairment which results from anatomical, physiological or psychological conditions, other than addiction to alcohol, gambling, or any controlled substance, which are demonstrable by medically acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques, and which are expected to be permanent and which prevent the tenant from engaging in any substantial gainful employment; provided, further, that a tenant required to surrender a housing accommodation by virtue of the operation of subdivision g or h of this section shall have a cause of action in any court of competent jurisdiction for damages, declaratory, and injunctive relief against a landlord or purchaser of the premises who makes a fraudulent statement regarding a proposed use of the housing accommodation. In any action or proceeding brought pursuant to this paragraph a prevailing tenant shall be entitled to recovery of actual damages, and reasonable attorneys' fees; or
      (2)   The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of a housing accommodation for which the tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the occupants of the housing accommodation are subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, and no part of the accommodation is used by the tenant as his or her dwelling; or
      (3)   The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of a housing accommodation for the immediate purpose of substantially altering or remodeling it, provided that the landlord shall have secured such approval therefor as is required by law and the city rent agency determines that the issuance of the order granting the certificate of eviction is not inconsistent with the purpose of this chapter; or
      (4)   The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of housing accommodations for the immediate purpose of demolishing them, and the city rent agency determines that such demolition is to be effected for the purpose of constructing a new building, provided that:
         (a)   If the purpose of such demolition is to construct a new building containing housing accommodations, no certificate of eviction shall be granted under this paragraph unless such agency determines that such new building will contain at least twenty per centum more housing accommodations consisting of self-contained family units (as defined by regulations issued by such agency, with due regard for the shortage of housing accommodations suitable for family occupancy and for the purposes of this chapter in relation thereto) than are contained in the structure to be demolished; except, however, that where as a result of conditions detrimental to life or health of the tenants, violations have been placed upon the structure containing the housing accommodations by any agency of the city having jurisdiction over such matters and the cost of removing such violations would be substantially equal to or would exceed the assessed valuation of the structure, the new building shall only be required to make provision for a greater number of housing accommodations consisting of self-contained family units (as so defined by regulation) than are contained in the structure to be demolished; and
         (b)   The city rent agency shall, by regulation, as a condition to the granting of certificates of eviction under this paragraph, require the relocation of the tenants in other suitable accommodations, provided that the city rent agency may, by regulation, authorize the granting of such certificates as to any tenants or classes of tenants without such requirement of relocation, where such exemption will not result in hardship to such tenants or classes of tenants and will not be inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter; and
         (c)   The city rent agency may, by regulation, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter, impose additional conditions to the granting of certificates of eviction under this paragraph, including, but not limited to, the payment of stipends to the tenants by the landlord in such amounts and subject to such variations and classifications as such agency may determine to be reasonably necessary; and
         (d)   No certificate of eviction shall be issued pursuant to this paragraph unless the landlord shall have secured such approval as is required by law for the construction sought to be effected, and the city rent agency determines that the issuance of such certificate is not inconsistent with the purpose of this chapter.
      (5)   Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in this subdivision or in subdivision d of section 26-410 of this chapter or in the local emergency housing rent control act:
         (a)   no application for a certificate of eviction under paragraph three or four of this subdivision and no application for a certificate of eviction under paragraph one of subdivision j or under subdivision c of this section for the purpose of withdrawing a housing accommodation from the housing market on the grounds that the continued operation of such housing accommodation would impose undue hardship upon the landlord, pending or made on or after the effective date hereof shall be granted by the city rent agency unless the city rent agency finds that there is no reasonable possibility that the landlord can make a net annual return of eight and one-half per centum of the assessed value of the subject property without recourse to the remedy provided in said paragraph three or four or said subdivision c or j and finds that neither the landlord nor his or her immediate predecessor in interest has intentionally or willfully managed the property to impair the landlord's ability to earn such return; and
         (b)   the effectiveness of any certificate of eviction or of any order granting a certificate of eviction pursuant to paragraphs three and four of this subdivision shall be suspended, and no tenant may be evicted pursuant to any such certificate or order, unless the city rent agency:
            (i)   finds that there is no reasonable possibility that the landlord can make a net annual return of eight and one-half per centum of the assessed value of the subject property without recourse to the remedy provided in said paragraphs three and four and finds that neither the landlord nor his or her immediate predecessor in interest has intentionally or willfully managed the property to impair the landlord's ability to earn such return; and
            (ii)   issues an order reinstating the effectiveness of any certificate of eviction suspended pursuant to this paragraph. The pendency of any judicial proceeding or appeal shall in no way prevent the taking effect of the relief granted in this subparagraph.
         (c)   the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to an application for a certificate of eviction from a housing accommodation when the landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession thereof for the immediate purpose of substantially altering or remodelling it or for the immediate purpose of demolishing it for the purpose of constructing a new building when such altering or remodelling or the construction of such new building is to be aided by interest reduction payments under section two hundred thirty-six of the national housing act.
      (6)   Neither the provisions of subparagraph (a) of paragraph four of this subdivision, which require that the new building contain more than or equal to the number of housing accommodations that are contained in the structure to be demolished or substantially altered or remodeled nor the provisions of paragraph five of this subdivision shall apply with respect to any building in which there remains (A) three or fewer occupied apartments which constitute ten percent or less of the total dwelling units in the building or (B) one occupied apartment if the building contains ten or fewer apartments but only on the condition that the tenant is provided with the relocation, moving expense, stipend and any other benefits provided under the corresponding provisions of the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine. In the event of a substantial alteration or remodeling of a building falling within the limitations of this paragraph, all of the relocation provisions available to an owner for demolition shall apply.
   c.   The city rent agency may from time to time, to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, adopt, promulgate, amend or rescind such rules, regulations or orders as it may deem necessary or proper for the control of evictions. Any such rules, regulations or orders may include, in addition to any other provisions authorized by this subdivision, provisions restricting the filing of applications for, or the issuance of orders granting, certificates of eviction where such agency finds that a course of conduct has been engaged in which is proscribed by subdivision d of section 26-412 of this chapter. The agency shall also require, prior to the filing of plans with the department of buildings for a new building or alteration on the site of controlled housing accommodations and prior to the filing of an application for a permit for the demolition or removal of an existing multiple dwelling which contains controlled housing accommodations, that the applicant certify to and file with the agency such information and give such notice to tenants as it deems necessary to prevent evasion of the law and regulations governing evictions. It may also require that an order granting a certificate of eviction be obtained from it prior to the institution of any action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of any housing accommodation subject to rent control under this chapter upon the grounds specified in subdivision b of this section or where it finds that the requested removal or eviction is not inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter and would not be likely to result in circumvention or evasion thereof; provided, however, that no such order shall be required in any action or proceeding brought pursuant to the provisions of subdivision a of this section.
   d.   (1)   The city rent agency, on its own initiative or on application of a tenant, may revoke or cancel an order granting a certificate of eviction at any time prior to the execution of a warrant in a summary proceeding to recover possession of real property by a court whenever it finds that:
         (a)   The certificate of eviction was obtained by fraud or illegality; or
         (b)   The landlord's intentions or circumstances have so changed that the premises, possession of which is sought, will not be used for the purpose specified in the certificate.
      (2)   The commencement of a proceeding by the city rent agency to revoke or cancel an order granting a certificate of eviction shall stay such order until the final determination of the proceeding regardless of whether the waiting period in the order has already expired. In the event the city rent agency cancels or revokes such an order, the court having jurisdiction of any summary proceeding instituted in such case shall take appropriate action to dismiss the application for removal of the tenant from the real property and to vacate and annul any final order or warrant granted or issued by the court in the matter.
   e.   Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the state, the city, or the New York city housing authority may recover possession of any housing accommodations operated by it where such action or proceeding is authorized by statute or regulations under which such accommodations are administered.
   f.   Any order of the city rent agency under this section granting a certificate of eviction shall be subject to judicial review only in the manner prescribed by subdivision eight of section one of the state enabling act and sections 26-410 and 26-411 of this chapter.
   g.   (1)   Where after the city rent agency has granted a certificate of eviction authorizing the landlord to pursue his or her remedies pursuant to law to acquire possession and a tenant voluntarily removes from a housing accommodation or has been removed therefrom by action or proceeding to evict from or recover possession of a housing accommodation upon the ground that the landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of such accommodation:
         (a)   For his or her immediate and personal use, or for the immediate and personal use by a member or members of his or her immediate family, and such landlord or members of his or her immediate family shall fail to occupy such accommodation within thirty days after the tenant vacates, or such landlord shall lease or rent such space or permit occupancy thereof by a third person within a period of one year after such removal of the tenant; or
         (b)   For the immediate purpose of withdrawing such housing accommodation from the rental market and such landlord shall lease or sell the housing accommodation or the space previously occupied thereby, or permit use thereof in a manner other than contemplated in such eviction certificate within a period of one year after such removal of the tenant; or
         (c)   For the immediate purpose of altering or remodeling such housing accommodation, and the landlord shall fail to start the work of alteration or remodeling of such housing accommodation within ninety days after the removal, on the ground that he or she required possession for the purpose of effecting such alteration or remodeling, of the last tenant whose removal is necessary to enable the landlord to effect such alteration or remodeling of such accommodation, or if after having commenced such work shall fail or neglect to prosecute the work with reasonable diligence; or
         (d)   For the immediate purpose of demolishing such housing accommodations and constructing a new building in accordance with approved plans, or reasonable amendment thereof, and the landlord has failed to complete the demolition within six months after the removal of the last tenant or, having demolished the premises, has failed or neglected to proceed with the new construction within ninety days after the completion of such demolition, or having commenced such construction work has failed or neglected to prosecute such work with reasonable diligence; or
         (e)   For some purpose other than those specified above for which the removal of the tenant was sought and the landlord has failed to use the vacated premises for such purpose; such landlord shall, unless for good cause shown, be liable to the tenant for three times the damages sustained on account of such removal plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs as determined by the court. In addition to any other damage, the cost of removal of property shall be a lawful measure of damage. The remedy herein provided for shall be in addition to those provided for in subdivision h of this section, paragraph (a) of subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act and subdivision a of section 26-413 of this chapter.
      (2)   The acts and omissions mentioned in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph one of this subdivision, on the part of a landlord after issuance of a certificate of eviction, are hereby declared to be inconsistent with the purposes for which such certificate of eviction was issued.
   h.   Where after the city rent agency has granted a certificate of eviction authorizing the landlord to pursue his or her remedies pursuant to law to acquire possession for any purpose stated in subdivision b or j of this section or for some other stated purpose, and a tenant voluntarily removes from a housing accommodation or has been removed therefrom by action or proceeding to evict from or recover possession of a housing accommodation and the landlord or any successor landlord of the premises does not use the housing accommodation for the purpose specified in such certificate of eviction, the vacated accommodation or any replacement or subdivision thereof shall, unless the city rent agency approves such different purpose, be deemed a housing accommodation subject to control, notwithstanding any definition of that term in this chapter to the contrary. Such approval shall be granted whenever the city rent agency finds that the failure or omission to use the housing accommodation for the purpose specified in such certificate was not inconsistent with the purpose of this chapter and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. The remedy herein provided for shall be in addition to those provided for in subdivision g of this section, paragraph (a) of subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act and subdivision a of section 26-413 of this chapter.
   i.   Any statutory tenant who vacates a housing accommodation without giving the landlord at least thirty days' written notice by registered or certified mail of his or her intention to vacate, shall be liable to the landlord for the loss of rent suffered by the landlord, but not exceeding one month's rent, except where the tenant has been removed or vacates pursuant to the provisions of this section. Such notice shall be postmarked on or before the last day of the rental period immediately prior to such thirty-day period.
   j.   (1)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any person to offer any housing accommodations for rent, but housing accommodations already on the rental market may be withdrawn only after prior written approval of the city rent agency, if such withdrawal requires that a tenant be evicted from such accommodations.
      (2)   The city rent agency, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter, may issue regulations providing for issuance of certificates of eviction in any case where the landlord seeks such approval in order to use the premises (including the building or land) (a) for the purpose of conducting a business, or (b) where the landlord is a hospital, convent, asylum, public institution, college, school or any institution operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes on a non profit basis and the landlord seeks such approval in order to use the premises (including the building or land) or any part thereof in connection with the landlord's charitable, religious or educational purposes; such agency, if it grants approval, shall condition same upon compliance by the landlord with designated requirements which may consist of any conditions that such agency would have authority to prescribe by regulation under subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph four of subdivision b of this section with respect to applications for certificates of eviction under such paragraph four provided, however, that such agency shall not condition any such approval granted to a hospital, convent, asylum, public institution, college, school, or any institution operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes upon compliance with requirements exceeding or less than those applicable to any private owner in similar circumstances. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as authorizing or requiring such agency to approve the withdrawal of any housing accommodations from the rental market by any landlord for the purpose of using the premises for any business other than one in existence and conducted by such landlord at the time such withdrawal is sought. No certificate of eviction shall be issued to a nonprofit school, college, hospital, or other charitable institution, including without limitation, any organization exempt from taxation under the Federal Internal Revenue Code, which seeks to recover possession of the housing accommodations or to withdraw such accommodations from the rental or non-rental housing market, for immediate and personal use and occupancy as housing accommodations by its employees, students or members of its staff.
   k.   The city rent agency by order issued pursuant to its regulations may waive the requirements of subdivision b of this section where (1) the housing accommodations were vacant at the time when landlord made application for such waiver, and (2) were vacated by reason of the last tenant's voluntary surrender thereof, and (3) the landlord, in good faith, intends to demolish or substantially rehabilitate the building in which the housing accommodations are located within a period approved by the city rent agency. The failure of the landlord to comply with the conditions established by the city rent agency for the granting of the application shall subject the housing accommodations to all the provisions of this chapter.
(Am. 2019 N.Y. Laws Ch. 36 Pt. I § 1, 6/14/2019, eff. 6/14/2019)
§ 26-409 Investigation; records; reports.
   a.   The city rent agency is authorized to make such studies and investigations, to conduct such hearings, and to obtain such information as it deems necessary or proper in prescribing any regulation or order pursuant to this chapter or in administering and enforcing this chapter and the regulations and orders thereunder or the state rent act and the regulations and orders thereunder.
   b.   The city rent agency is further authorized, by regulation or order, to require any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as broker or agent for the rental of any housing accommodations to furnish any such information under oath or affirmation, or otherwise, to make and keep records and other documents, and to make reports, including, but not limited to, reports with respect to decontrolled or exempt housing accommodations, and the city rent agency may require any such person to permit the inspection and copying of records and other documents and the inspection of housing accommodations. Any officer or agent designated by the city rent agency for such purposes may administer oaths and affirmations and may, whenever necessary, by subpoena, require any such person to appear and testify or to appear and produce documents, or both, at any designated place.
   c.   For the purpose of obtaining any information under this section, the city rent agency may by subpoena require any other person to appear and testify or to appear and produce documents, or both, at any designated place.
   d.   The production of a person's documents at any place other than his or her place of business shall not be required under this section in any case in which, prior to the return date specified in the subpoena issued with respect thereto, such person either has furnished the city rent agency with a copy of such documents certified by such person under oath to be a true and correct copy, or has entered into a stipulation with the city rent agency as to the information contained in such documents.
   e.   In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpoena served upon, any person referred to in this section, the supreme court in or for any judicial district in which such person is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the city rent agency, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such person to appear and give testimony or to appear and produce documents, or both; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. The provisions of this subdivision e shall be in addition to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision nine of section one of the state enabling act and subdivision a of section 26-412 of this chapter.
   f.   Witnesses subpoenaed under this section shall be paid the same fee and mileage as are paid witnesses pursuant to the civil practice law and rules.
   g.   Upon any such investigation or hearing, the city rent agency, or an officer duly designated by the city rent agency to conduct such investigation or hearing, may confer immunity in accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedure law.
   h.   The city rent agency shall not publish or disclose any information obtained under this chapter that the city rent agency deems confidential or with reference to which a request for confidential treatment is made by the person furnishing such information, unless the city rent agency determines that the withholding thereof is contrary to the public interest.
   i.   Any person subpoenaed under this section shall have the right to make a record of his or her testimony and to be represented by counsel.
   j.   Without limiting any power granted by this section or any other provision of law, the city rent agency may by regulation require the owner of a building or property containing both housing accommodations subject to this chapter and housing accommodations subject to chapter four of this title to execute and file registration statements with respect to the housing accommodations subject to this chapter along with those filed pursuant to such chapter four. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, such agency may promulgate regulations, and take other necessary or appropriate actions, pursuant to this subdivision prior to April first, nineteen hundred eighty-four, to take effect on or after such date.
§ 26-410 Procedure.
   a.   After the issuance of any regulation or order by the city rent agency, any person subject to any provision of such regulation or order may, in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by such agency, file a protest against such regulation or order specifically setting forth his or her objections to any such provisions and affidavits or other written evidence in support of such objections. Statements in support of any such regulation or order may be received and incorporated in the record of the proceedings at such times and in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by such agency.Within a reasonable time after the filing of any protest under this section, such agency shall either grant or deny such protest in whole or in part, notice such protest for hearing, or provide an opportunity to present further evidence in connection therewith. In the event that such agency denies any such protest in whole or in part, it shall inform the protestant of the grounds upon which such decision is based, and of any economic data and other facts of which it has taken official notice.
   b.   In the administration of this chapter, the city rent agency may take official notice of economic data and other facts, including facts found by it as a result of action taken under section 26-405 of this chapter.
   c.   Any proceedings under this section may be limited by the city rent agency to the filing of affidavits, or other written evidence, and the filing of briefs, except that no multiple-tenant initiated proceeding for the reduction of rents in a building may be determined without a hearing.
   d.   Any protest filed under this section shall be granted or denied by the city rent agency, or granted in part and the remainder of it denied, within a reasonable time after it is filed. If such agency does not act finally within a period of ninety days after the protest is filed, the protest shall be deemed to be denied. However, such agency may grant one extension not to exceed thirty days with the consent of the party filing such protest; any further extension may only be granted with the consent of all parties to the protest. No proceeding may be brought pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules to challenge any order or determination which is subject to such protest unless such review has been sought and either (1) a determination thereon has been made or (2) the ninety-day period provided for determination of the protest (or any extension thereof) has expired. If such agency does not act finally within a period of ninety days after the entry of an order of remand to such agency by the court in a proceeding instituted pursuant to subdivision eight of section one of the state enabling act or section 26-411 of this chapter, the order previously made by such agency shall be deemed reaffirmed. However, such agency may grant one extension not to exceed thirty days with the consent of the petitioner; any further extension may only be granted with the consent of all parties to the petition.
   e.   The city rent agency shall compile and make available for public inspection at reasonable hours at its principal office and at each appropriate local office a copy of each decision rendered by it upon granting, or denying, in whole or in part, any protests filed under this section and shall have available at each appropriate local office a register of properties concerning which a vacate order was issued by a city department having jurisdiction or proceedings have been brought to determine whether any housing accommodations therein became vacant as a result of conduct proscribed by subdivision d of section 26-412 of this chapter.
§ 26-411 Judicial review.
   a.   (1)   Any person who is aggrieved by the final determination of the city rent agency in an administrative proceeding protesting a regulation or order of such agency may, in accordance with article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules, within sixty days after such determination, commence a proceeding in the supreme court. The petition shall specify his or her objections and pray that the regulation or order protested be enjoined or set aside in whole or in part. Such proceeding may at the option of the petitioner be instituted in the county where the city rent agency has its principal office or where the property is located. The city rent agency shall file with such court the original or a transcript of such portions of the proceedings in connection with its final determination as are material under the petition. Such return shall include a statement setting forth, so far as practicable, the economic data and other facts of which the city rent agency has taken official notice. Upon the filing of such petition the court shall have jurisdiction to set aside the regulation or order protested, in whole or in part, to dismiss the petition, or to remit the proceeding to the city rent agency, provided, however, that the regulation or order may be modified or rescinded by the city rent agency at any time notwithstanding the pendency of such proceeding for review.
      (2)   No objection to such regulation or order, and no evidence in support of any objection thereto, shall be considered by the court, unless such objection shall have been presented to the city rent agency by the petitioner in the proceedings resulting in the determination or unless such evidence shall be contained in the return. If application is made to the court by either party for leave to introduce additional evidence which was either offered and not admitted or which could not reasonably have been offered or included in such proceedings before the city rent agency, and the court determines that such evidence should be admitted, the court shall order the evidence to be presented to the city rent agency. The city rent agency shall promptly receive the same, and such other evidence as the city rent agency deems necessary or proper, and thereupon the city rent agency shall file with the court the original or a transcript thereof and any modification made in such regulation or order as a result thereof; except that on request by the city rent agency, any such evidence shall be presented directly to the court. Upon final determination of the proceeding before the court, the original record, if filed by the city rent agency with the court, shall be returned to the city rent agency.
   b.   No regulation or order of the city rent agency shall be enjoined or set aside, in whole or in part, unless the petitioner shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that the regulation or order is not in accordance with law, or is arbitrary or capricious. The effectiveness of an order of the court enjoining or setting aside, in whole or in part, any such regulation or order shall be postponed until the expiration of thirty days from the entry thereof. The jurisdiction of the supreme court shall be exclusive and its order dismissing the petition or enjoining or setting aside such regulation or order, in whole or in part, shall be final, subject to review by the appellate division of the supreme court and the court of appeals in the same manner and form and with the same effect as provided in the civil practice law and rules for appeals from a final order in a special proceeding. Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph one of subdivision (b) of section five thousand seven hundred one of the civil practice law and rules to the contrary, any order of the court remitting the proceeding to the city rent agency may, at the election of the city rent agency, be subject to review by the appellate division of the supreme court and the court of appeals in the same manner and form and with the same effect as provided in the civil practice law and rules for appeals from a final order in a special proceeding. All such proceedings shall be heard and determined by the court and by any appellate court as expeditiously as possible and with lawful precedence over other matters. All such proceedings for review shall be heard on the petition, manuscript and other papers, and on appeal shall be heard on the record, without requirement of printing.
   c.   Within thirty days after arraignment, or such additional time as the court may allow for good cause shown, in any criminal proceeding, and within five days after judgment in any civil or criminal proceeding, brought pursuant to subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act or section 26-413 of this chapter involving alleged violation of any provision of any regulation or order of the city rent agency, the defendant may apply to the court in which the proceeding is pending for leave to file in the supreme court a petition setting forth objections to the validity of any provision which the defendant is alleged to have violated or conspired to violate. The court in which the proceeding is pending shall grant such leave with respect to any objection which it finds is made in good faith and with respect to which it finds there is reasonable and substantial excuse for the defendant's failure to present such objection in an administrative proceeding before the city rent agency. Upon the filing of a petition pursuant to and within thirty days from the granting of such leave, the supreme court shall have jurisdiction to enjoin or set aside in whole or in part the provision of the regulation or order complained of or to dismiss the petition. The court may authorize the introduction of evidence, either to the city rent agency or directly to the court, in accordance with subdivision a of this section. The provisions of subdivision b of this section shall be applicable with respect to any proceedings instituted in accordance with this subdivision.
   d.   In any proceeding brought pursuant to subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act or section 26-413 of this chapter involving an alleged violation of any provision of any such regulation or order, the court shall stay the proceeding:
      (1)   During the period within which a petition may be filed in the supreme court pursuant to leave granted under subdivision c of this section with respect to such provision;
      (2)   During the pendency of any protest properly filed under section 26-410 of this chapter prior to the institution of the proceeding under subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act or section 26-413 of this chapter, setting forth objections to the validity of such provision which the court finds to have been made in good faith; and
      (3)   During the pendency of any judicial proceeding instituted by the defendant under this section with respect to such protest or instituted by the defendant under subdivision c of this section with respect to such provision, and until the expiration of the time allowed in this section for the taking of further proceedings with respect thereto.
   e.   Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision d of this section, stays shall be granted thereunder in civil proceedings only after judgment and upon application made within five days after judgment. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision d of this section, in the case of a proceeding under paragraph (a) of subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act or subdivision a of section 26-413 of this chapter, the court granting a stay under subdivision d of this section shall issue a temporary injunction or restraining order enjoining or restraining, during the period of the stay, violations by the defendant of any provision of the regulation or order involved in the proceeding. If any provision of a regulation or order is determined to be invalid by judgment of the supreme court which has become effective in accordance with subdivision b of this section, any proceeding pending in any court shall be dismissed, and any judgment in such proceeding vacated, to the extent that such proceeding or judgment is based upon violation of such provision. Except as provided in subdivisions c and d of this section and as heretofore provided in this subdivision e, the pendency of any protest under section 26-410 of this chapter before the city rent agency or judicial proceeding under this section, shall not be grounds for staying any proceeding brought pursuant to subdivision ten of section one of the state enabling act or section 26-413 of this chapter; nor, except as provided in this subdivision e, shall any retroactive effect be given to any judgment setting aside a provision of a regulation or order.
   f.   The method prescribed herein for the judicial review of a regulation or order of the city rent agency shall be exclusive.