Subchapter 2: Water Supply Sources Outside the City of New York
Upon the filing of the oath of the commissioners of appraisal in the manner hereinbefore provided, the commissioner of environmental protection shall, from time to time, as the commissioner may determine, prepare and submit to the corporation counsel, forms of contracts and specifications for the doing of the work and the furnishing of the material required to be done and furnished by such approved plan, or for the doing of such parts of such work and the furnishing of such parts of the materials as the commissioner may from time to time determine. The forms of contracts, specifications and bonds for the faithful performance shall be subject to approval as to form by the corporation counsel, which approval shall be endorsed thereon or attached thereto. The commissioner is hereby given the exclusive authority to determine what provisions shall be embodied in such contracts.
When the form of any contract with its specifications and the form of bond for the performance thereof shall have been approved as provided for in section 24-347, the commissioner shall advertise for sealed bids or for proposals for the doing of the work or the furnishing of the materials called for in such approved form of contract. Such advertisement shall be published in the City Record and in two daily newspapers published in the city, to be designated by the commissioner, for at least fifteen days consecutively before the time fixed for the closing of the bid box.