a. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the term “powered bicycle or powered mobility device business” means a business that sells, leases or rents powered bicycles or powered mobility devices, or batteries used by such bicycles and devices.
b. The commissioner shall, in coordination with the fire department, develop informational materials regarding lithium-ion and other storage battery safety to be posted by powered bicycle or powered mobility device businesses.
c. Powered bicycle or powered mobility device businesses shall conspicuously post such materials near the location where powered bicycles or powered mobility devices are offered for sale, lease or rent.
d. Powered bicycle or powered mobility device businesses operating an online retail platform shall conspicuously post a hyperlink to such materials from each webpage where powered bicycles or powered mobility devices are offered for sale, lease or rent.
e. The violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by a civil penalty of up to $150 for a first violation, up to $250 for a second violation, and up to $350 for a third or subsequent violation. Each day in which a violation continues constitutes a separate violation. Any authorized officer or employee of the department, or of the fire department, shall have the power to enforce this section or any rule promulgated pursuant to this section.
f. The commissioner, in collaboration with relevant agencies, shall conduct culturally appropriate outreach in designated citywide languages, as defined in section 23-1101, to alert powered bicycle or powered mobility device businesses to the requirements of this section.
(L.L. 2024/049, 3/29/2024, eff. 9/25/2024)
Subchapter 3: Etching Acid*
* Editor's note: there are two subchapters designated as Subchapter 3.
Whenever used in this subchapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "Dealer of etching acid" shall mean any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company that engages in the business of dispensing etching acid.
2. "Dispense" shall mean to dispose of, give away, give, lease, loan, keep for sale, offer, offer for sale, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of.
3. "Etching acid" shall have the same meaning set forth in subdivision e of section 10-117.
4. "Personal information" shall mean data pertaining to the purchaser of etching acid that may be used to identify such purchaser. Such information shall be limited to the purchaser's name, address, type of identification used in the purchase, identification number, if applicable, the date of purchase and amount of acid dispensed to the purchaser.
5. "Purchasing records" shall mean all written or electronically recorded personal information about a purchaser of etching acid gathered at the time of purchase by a dealer of etching acid as required by this subchapter.
1. Every dealer of etching acid shall request valid photo identification from each purchaser of etching acid at the time of such purchase and contemporaneously record in writing or electronically such purchaser's personal information.
2. No person shall purchase etching acid without first providing his or her personal information to the dealer of etching acid pursuant to this subchapter. It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of this subdivision that the dealer failed to request personal information from the purchaser of etching acid.
3. It shall be unlawful for any person to dispense etching acid to any person without recording such purchaser's personal information.
Every dealer of etching acid shall conspicuously post at every table, desk or counter where orders are placed and/or payment is made a notice, the form and manner of which are to be provided by rule of the commissioner, indicating that all purchasers of etching acid shall be required to provide valid photo identification and their personal information and such information shall be recorded by the dealer of etching acid prior to purchase.
1. Purchasing records shall be kept in a secure location and made available only to the commissioner and his or her designee, or a police officer, and shall be used solely for the purposes of enforcement of this subchapter and of state and local anti-graffiti laws and rules.
2. a. Purchasing records shall be kept by dealers of etching acid for one year.
b. All purchasing records and any other information pertaining to the purchase or sale of etching acid shall be disposed of by the following methods only:
i. shredding the records before the disposal of the records; or
ii. destroying the personal information contained in the records; or
iii. modifying the records to make the personal information unreadable; or
iv. taking actions consistent with commonly accepted industry practices reasonably believed to ensure that no unauthorized person will have access to the personal information contained in the records.
1. Any person who violates the provisions of this subchapter shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two hundred fifty dollars.
2. Any person violating this subchapter shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than two hundred fifty dollars. A proceeding to recover any civil penalty pursuant to this subchapter shall be commenced by the service of a notice of hearing that shall be returnable to the administrative tribunal of the department.
3. Any person who subsequently violates this subchapter within a period of one year of the date of the first violation shall be guilty of a violation, punishable by a fine not less than five hundred dollars.
Subchapter 3: Language Assistance Services in Pharmacies*
* Editor's note: there are two subchapters designated as Subchapter 3.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2009/055.