Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit the making or receipt of contributions to the extent permitted by the election law or to permit the making or receipt of contributions otherwise prohibited.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1988/008.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict candidates from authorizing expenditures for joint campaign materials and other joint campaign activities, provided that the benefit each candidate derives from the joint material or activity is proportionally equivalent to the expenditures authorized by such candidate.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1990/069.
1. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict candidates or their agents from making appearances at events sponsored or paid for by persons, political committees, or other entities that are not in any way affiliated with such candidate or any agent of such candidate. The costs of such events shall not be considered contributions to or expenditures by such a candidate pursuant to this chapter solely because such an appearance is made; provided that this subdivision shall not apply to any event in relation to which contributions are solicited on behalf of such candidate.
2. The following activities in support of other candidates by a participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate or his or her principal committee shall not be considered contributions to or expenditures by such participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate or his or her principal committee, except to the extent such activities are paid for by such candidate or his or her principal committee for a covered election:
(a) The act alone of endorsing or appearing with another candidate for public office, party nomination or party position.
(b) The insubstantial communication of such endorsement or appearance described in paragraph (a), such as where the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's name is one of several names appearing on the communication and is of equivalent prominence as the other names.
(c) Fundraising assistance to another candidate in the form of written communications that do not promote the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate, such as the appearance of the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's name or signature on a letter soliciting funds for another candidate or the appearance of such participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's name on fundraising material where such participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's name appears alone or with other names and is of equivalent prominence as the other names.
(d) A typical communication by a political club to its members, which includes the name of a participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate, provided that such candidate is already a member of the political club, the political club has fewer than 500 members, and the communication does not solicit funds on behalf of or otherwise promote such candidate's campaign for a covered election.
3. The communication of an endorsement or appearance which is not insubstantial under paragraph (b) of subdivision two, fundraising assistance which is promotional under paragraph (c) of subdivision two and a political club communication which does not meet the requirements of paragraph (d) of subdivision two, shall be contributions to and expenditures by the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate. Among the factors the board shall consider in determining the value of the contribution to and expenditure by the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate are the following factors:
(a) the focus of the communication;
(b) the geographical distribution or location of the communication;
(c) the subject matter of the communication;
(d) the references to the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate or the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's appearances in the communication;
(e) the relative prominence of a participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate's references or appearances in the communication, including the size and location of such references and any photographs of the participating, or limited participating or non-participating candidate; and
(f) the timing of the communication.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2003/012, L.L. 2004/058, L.L. 2004/059 and L.L. 2004/060.
1. Requirements.
(a) To be a limited participating candidate, a candidate for nomination for election or election must:
(i) be a candidate for mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president or member of the city council in a primary, special, or general election;
(ii) not have filed a certification pursuant to section 3-703 for the election or elections for which he or she seeks to file a certification pursuant hereto;
(iii) (A) file a written certification in such form as may be prescribed by the campaign finance board, which sets forth his or her acceptance of and agreement to comply with the terms and conditions of this section and the rules promulgated hereby, which includes an affirmation that the candidate has a sufficient amount of personal funds to fund his or her campaign; and
(B) the deadline for filing such certification for a primary, general, or special election shall be the deadline date for filing written certifications pursuant to section 3-703(1)(c) by candidates seeking nomination for election or election to the same office in the same calendar year as candidates seeking to file a certification pursuant to this subparagraph, and the provisions of such section 3-703(1)(c) relating to the occurrence of an "extraordinary circumstance" shall apply to limited participating candidates; and
(iv) notify the board in the candidate's written certification as to:
(1) the existence of each authorized committee authorized by such candidate that has not been terminated,
(2) whether any such committee also has been authorized by any other candidate, and
(3) if the candidate has authorized more than one authorized committee, which authorized committee has been designated by the candidate as the candidate's principal committee for the election(s) covered by the candidate's certification; provided, that such principal committee (a) shall be the only committee authorized by such candidate to aid or otherwise take part in the election(s) covered by the candidate's certification, (b) shall not be an authorized committee of any other candidate, and (c) shall not have been authorized or otherwise active for any election prior to the election(s) covered by the candidate's certification. The use of an entity other than the designated principal committee to aid or otherwise take part in the election(s) covered by the candidate's certification shall be a violation of this section and shall trigger the application to such entity of all provisions of this chapter governing principal committees.
(b) A limited participating candidate and his or her principal committee shall comply with the provisions of paragraphs (d), (e), (g), (i), and (o) of subdivision one, and subdivisions six, six-a, eight, nine, ten, and twelve of section 3-703 of this chapter.
(c) A limited participating candidate and his or her principal committee shall not accept, at any time before or after the filing of a certification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, either directly or by transfer, any monetary or in-kind contribution, or any loan, guarantee, or other security for such loan made in connection with such candidate's nomination for election or election, except for monetary contributions from the candidate to his or her principal committee made out of the candidate's personal funds, in-kind contributions made by the candidate to his or her principal committee, and advances received pursuant to subparagraph (d) of this paragraph.
(d) A limited participating candidate and his or her principal committee shall make expenditures in furtherance of the election(s) for which the candidate has filed a certification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, whether before or after the filing of such certification, only with contributions received pursuant to subparagraph (c) of this paragraph and, to the extent permitted by rule promulgated by the board pursuant hereto, advances by the limited participating candidate.
(e) A limited participating candidate, together with his or her principal committee, shall not make expenditures which in the aggregate exceed the applicable expenditure limitations set forth in section 3-706.
(f) Neither a limited participating candidate nor an authorized committee of a limited participating candidate shall be eligible to receive public funds pursuant to section 3-705.
(g) If a limited participating candidate is a candidate for the same office for which he or she filed a certification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision in any other election held in the same calendar year as the election for which such candidate filed such certification, other than a special election to fill a vacancy, he or she shall be bound in each such other election by the provisions of this section.
(h) A candidate who files a certification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not be eligible to file a certification pursuant to section 3-703.
(i) Notwithstanding any limitations in this chapter, a limited participating candidate may contribute to his or her own nomination for election or election with his or her personal funds or property, in-kind contributions made by the candidate to his or her authorized committees with the candidate's personal funds or property, and advances made by the limited participating candidate with the candidate's personal funds or property. A candidate's personal funds or property shall include his or her funds or property jointly held with his or her spouse, domestic partner, or unemancipated children, but shall not include other personal funds or property of his or her spouse, domestic partner or unemancipated children.
(Am. L.L. 2019/128, 7/14/2019, eff. 7/14/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2004/058, L.L. 2004/059 and L.L. 2004/060.
1. Disclosure requirements of non-participating candidates.
(a) A non-participating candidate shall notify the board in such form as may be prescribed by the board as to: (i) the existence of each committee authorized by such candidate that has not been terminated, and (ii) whether any such committee also has been authorized by any other candidate.
(b) A non-participating candidate, and the authorized committees of such a non-participating candidate, shall comply with the same requirements as a participating candidate who files a certification pursuant to paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section 3-703 of this chapter as provided in paragraphs (d) and (g) of such subdivision, subdivision one-b of section 3-703, and subdivisions six, six-a and eight of section 3-703 of this chapter.
(c) A non-participating candidate and his or her authorized committee shall submit the disclosure reports required pursuant to this chapter, filed in accordance with the schedule specified by the state board of elections for the filing of campaign receipt and expenditure statements, and such other disclosure reports as the rules of the board may require.
(d) Neither a non-participating candidate nor an authorized committee of a non-participating candidate shall be eligible to receive public funds pursuant to section 3-705.
2. Contribution limitations of non-participating candidates.
(a) A non-participating candidate shall notify the board in such form as may be prescribed by the board as to: (i) the existence of each committee authorized by such candidate that has not been terminated, and (ii) whether any such committee also has been authorized by any other candidate.
(b) A non-participating candidate, and the authorized committees of such a non-participating candidate, shall only accept contributions as limited by the provisions of paragraphs (f) and (l) of subdivision one of section 3-703, subdivision 1-a of section 3-703, subdivision 1-c of section 3-703, subdivision ten of section 3-703, and section 3-707 of this chapter. Notwithstanding any contribution limitations in paragraphs (f) and (h) of subdivision one of section 3-703 and subdivision 1-a of section 3-703, a non-participating candidate may contribute to his or her own nomination for election or election with his or her personal funds or property, in-kind contributions made by the candidate to his or her authorized committees with the candidate's personal funds or property, and advances or loans made by the non-participating candidate with the candidate's personal funds or property. A candidate's personal funds or property shall include his or her funds or property jointly held with his or her spouse, domestic partner, or unemancipated children.
(c) Neither a non-participating candidate nor an authorized committee of a non-participating candidate shall be eligible to receive public funds pursuant to section 3-705.
(Am. L.L. 2016/171, 12/22/2016, eff. 12/22/2016; Am. L.L. 2019/128, 7/14/2019, eff. 7/14/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2004/059, L.L. 2004/060, L.L. 2007/034 and L.L. 2013/116.