There is hereby established within the general fund of the city, a special accounting of revenues, composed of the following revenue sources, dedicated for the purposes identified in the safe streets-safe city omnibus criminal justice program:
1. a designated portion of the real property tax (to the extent not required for debt service);
2. the special anti-crime lottery within the city established and operated by the New York state division of the lottery:
3. the city personal income tax surcharge, to the extent required to be credited to the criminal justice account by subdivision (d) of section 11-1704 of the code; and
4. such other sources as may be credited or transferred to the criminal justice account.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1991/011.
a. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the revenues identified pursuant to section 5-602 of this chapter shall be used for criminal justice purposes, including hiring of police officers, correction officers, probation officers, attorneys and ancillary personnel; funding public safety, education, youth services and community anti-crime programs; increasing capacity in the correction area; and engaging in such other efforts as are designed to protect public safety and deter crime in the city.
b. There shall be a separate accounting by the city within the general fund of the proceeds of the anti-crime lottery established and operated within the city by the New York state division of the lottery. Such proceeds shall be used exclusively for educational programs, including, but not limited to, increased security in elementary schools, special education sites and after school activities; increasing the number of community schools; providing academic and non-academic evening school activities for high school students; providing support services to students at risk of dropping out of school; strengthening basic skills of children in kindergarten through fourth grade; and providing additional after-school educational opportunities in the municipal library system.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1991/011.
a. No monies included in the revenue sources established pursuant to section 5-602 shall be available for appropriation unless a schedule for the proposed uses of the total projected amount of such revenue sources shall be set forth as a supporting schedule to the preliminary budget required to be presented by the mayor pursuant to charter section two hundred thirty-six, and as a supporting schedule to the executive budget required to be presented by the mayor pursuant to charter section two hundred thirty-six, and as a supporting schedule to the executive budget required to be presented by the mayor pursuant to charter section two hundred fifty. Such schedule shall indicate each agency and unit of appropriation to which amounts are proposed to be appropriated, and shall indicate by unit of appropriation the intended uses of such amounts and the objectives to be met.
b. The monies so available for appropriation shall be spent only in accordance with applicable state law and charter sections two hundred fifty-four, two hundred fifty-five, and two hundred fifty-six, or in accordance with charter sections one hundred seven or two hundred sixteen. If any source within the account accrues revenues in excess of the amount projected in the adopted budget to be received from such source, such excess revenues may not be expended except in accordance with such charter sections, and for the purpose of section one hundred seven of the charter shall be deemed new revenues pursuant to subdivision e of section one hundred seven of the charter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1991/011.
(Repealed L.L. 2023/069, 5/29/2023, eff. 6/28/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1991/011.