(a) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any claxon installed on a motor vehicle, except as a sound signal of imminent danger or in connection with use as an audible motor vehicle burglar alarm as provided in section 24-238 of this code.
(b) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used an air horn or gong installed on any motor vehicle other than as provided in section 24-241 of this code.
(c) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used on any public right-of-way any electrically operated or electronic sound signal device (other than a safety device, such as but not limited to a car horn or back up signal, that is actually used for its intended purpose) attached to, on or in a motor vehicle, wagon or manually propelled cart from which food or any other items are sold or offered for sale when the vehicle is stopped, standing or parked. For the purposes of this subdivision the term "stopped" means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with a police officer or other authorized enforcement officer or a traffic control sign or signal. The terms "standing" and "parked" shall be as defined in the vehicle and traffic law.
(Am. L.L. 2023/151, 11/17/2023, eff. 11/17/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) No owner of a building or of a motor vehicle shall have in operation an audible burglar alarm thereon unless such burglar alarm shall be capable of and shall automatically terminate its operation within fifteen minutes of its being activated in the case of a building, and three minutes of its being activated in the case of a motor vehicle. No audible burglar alarm on a motor vehicle shall be capable of being activated except by:
(i) direct physical contact with that motor vehicle; or
(ii) through the use of an individual remote activation device, that is activated from no further than 15 feet away from such vehicle and, that is designed to be used with the audible burglar alarm system of a particular vehicle which alarm shall be capable of and shall terminate its audible response within three minutes of its being activated.
(b) No owner of a motor vehicle shall have in operation an audible status indicator on such motor vehicle.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-238, any member of the police department shall have the right to take such steps as may be reasonable and necessary to disconnect any audible burglar alarm or audible status indicator that is installed on a motor vehicle at any time during the period of its activation.
(b) The operator of any motor vehicle on which an audible burglar alarm or audible status indicator has been installed shall when parked on a public highway or parking lot open to the public, prominently display the number and telephone number of the owner's local police precinct where information shall be on file to permit communication with the owner of such vehicle.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-239, any member of the police department may arrange for the removal of a motor vehicle from a public highway or parking lot open to the public, when:
(i) an audible burglar alarm installed on such vehicle is operated in violation of this code or an audible status indicator is operated on such vehicle; and
(ii) all reasonable and necessary steps to disconnect such alarm or audible status indicator have been taken without success. Authorized personnel of the department or the department of transportation may request a member of the police department to arrange for removal of such vehicle. When such removal is requested, the notice of violation for operation of an audible burglar alarm in violation of this section or for operation of an audible status indicator shall state that a member of the police department took all reasonable and necessary steps to disconnect such alarm or such audible status indicator without success. Such removal may be accomplished by utilizing any existing city-operated tow-program, rotation tow program established pursuant to section 20-519 of the code or such other procedures as may be established. The cost of towing and storage of such motor vehicle shall be the responsibility of the owner or other person who claims such vehicle.
(b) An opportunity for a hearing before the board shall be provided to the owner of a motor vehicle removed pursuant to this section within five business days after a request for a hearing is made to determine whether there was a basis for such removal. The board shall render a decision within two business days following the conclusion of the hearing. If it is determined that there was no basis for removal of a vehicle pursuant to this section, the owner of such vehicle may recover from the city any amounts paid by such owner for towing and storage.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any emergency signal device, except on an authorized emergency vehicle when such vehicle is in the act of responding to an emergency; provided that such device shall not be operated for a period of time longer than is necessary to respond to such emergency. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such a device on a motor vehicle shall be lawful if designed and used solely as an audible motor vehicle burglar alarm in accordance with section 24-238 and a device attached to a vehicle for the purpose of providing an audible warning when the vehicle is backing up shall be permitted even though the audible warning may consist of a gong or bell sound.
(b) No person shall operate or permit to be operated an emergency signal device installed on an authorized emergency vehicle that when operated at the maximum level creates a sound level in excess of 90 dB(A) when measured at a distance of fifty feet from the center of the forward face of such vehicle. Within one year after the effective date of this subdivision and every two years thereafter, emergency signal devices installed on authorized emergency vehicles shall be tested and certification shall be submitted, in a form approved by the department, that such devices meet the standard set forth in this subdivision for operation at maximum level. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, where compliance with the provisions of this subdivision would create an undue hardship, the owner or operator of an authorized emergency vehicle may submit a plan to the commissioner for emergency signal devices to meet the standard set forth in this subdivision within two years after the effective date of this subdivision. Such plan shall be submitted within one year after the effective date of this subdivision in lieu of the required certification. This subdivision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles of the police department, fire department or authorized emergency vehicles responding to medical emergencies.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any lawn care device:
(1) On weekdays before eight a.m. and after seven p.m. or sunset, whichever occurs later; or
(2) On weekends and New York state and federal holidays before nine a.m. and after six p.m.; or
(3) At any time in such a way as to create an unreasonable noise. For the purposes of this section unreasonable noise shall include but shall not be limited to an aggregate sound level of 75 dB(A) or more, attributable to the source or sources, as measured at any point within a receiving property. The provisions of paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not apply to an employee of the department of parks and recreation or an agent or contractor of the department of parks and recreation who operates or uses or causes to be operated or used any lawn care device between the hours of seven a.m. and eight a.m. in any location more than three hundred feet from any building that is lawfully occupied for residential use. The distance of three hundred feet shall be measured in a straight line from the point on the exterior wall of such building nearest to any point in the location at which such lawn care device is operated or used or caused to be operated or used.
(b) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any leaf blower not equipped with a functioning muffler.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
The provisions of this code shall not apply to the operation of a snow blower for the purpose of complying with subdivision a of section 16-123 of the administrative code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.