2106.1 Seismic design requirements for masonry.
Masonry structures and components shall comply with the requirements in Chapter 7 of TMS 402 depending on the structure's seismic design category as determined in Section 1613 of this code. All masonry walls, unless isolated on three edges from in-plane motion of the basic structural systems, shall be considered to be part of the seismic-force-resisting system.
2106.1.1 Non-participating masonry walls.
Masonry walls that are not part of the lateral force resisting system shall be isolated from the structure so that the vertical and lateral forces are not imparted to these elements. Isolation joints and connectors between these elements and the structure shall be designed to accommodate the design story drift.
2107.1 General.
The design of masonry structures using allowable stress design shall comply with Section 2106 and the requirements of Chapters 1 through 8 of TMS 402 except as modified by Sections 2107.2 through 2107.4 of this code.