705. Applicant of record.
The architect or engineer submitting the fire engineering analysis shall retain responsibility for the fire engineering analysis. The activities and reports of the fire protection peer reviewer shall not relieve the applicant of record of this responsibility.
705. Fire protection peer reviewer.
The fire protection peer reviewer's report shall state his or her opinion regarding the fire engineering analysis by the applicant of record.
706.1 General.
Each portion of a building separated by one or more fire walls that comply with the provisions of this section shall be considered a separate building. The extent and location of such fire walls shall provide a complete separation. Where a fire wall also separates occupancies that are required to be separated by a fire barrier wall, the most restrictive requirements of each separation shall apply. Concealed spaces in cornices and eaves shall comply with the provisions of Section 705.2.2.
706.1.1 Party walls.
Any wall located on a property line between adjacent buildings, which is used or adapted for joint service between the two buildings, shall be constructed as a fire wall in accordance with Section 706, and shall create separate buildings.
Exception: Openings in a party wall separating an anchor building and a mall shall be in accordance with Section 402.4.2.2.
706.1.2 Walls separating attached one- and two-family dwellings.
Attached one- and two-family dwellings shall be separated by walls constructed in accordance with Section 706 or Appendix M.
706.2 Structural stability.
Fire walls shall be designed and constructed to allow collapse of the structure on either side without collapse of the wall under fire conditions. Fire walls designed and constructed in accordance with NFPA 221 shall be deemed to comply with this section.