503.1.1 Special industrial occupancies.
Buildings and structures of Type I and II construction designed to house special industrial processes that require large areas and unusual building heights to accommodate craneways or special machinery and equipment, including, among others, rolling mills; structural metal fabrication shops and foundries; or the production and distribution of electric, gas or steam power, shall be exempt from the building height, number of stories and building area limitations specified in Sections 504 and 506. Mezzanines within such buildings or structures shall comply with Section 505.2. Documents and plans describing the special industrial processes shall be submitted to the commissioner for approval.
503.1.2 Buildings on the same tax lot.
Two or more buildings on the same tax lot and under the same ownership and control shall be regulated as separate buildings, or, at the option of the owner, shall be considered as portions of one building where the building height, number of stories of each building and the aggregate building area of the combined buildings are within the limitations specified in Sections 504 and 506. The provisions of this code applicable to the aggregate building shall be applicable to each building.
503.1.3 Type I construction.
Buildings of Type I construction permitted to be of unlimited tabular building heights and areas are not subject to the special requirements that allow unlimited area buildings in Section 507 or unlimited building height in Sections 503.1.1 and 504.3 or increased building heights and areas for other types of construction.
504.1 General.
The height, in feet, and the number of stories of a building shall be determined based on the type of construction, occupancy classification and whether there is an automatic sprinkler system installed throughout the building.
Exception: The building height of one-story aircraft hangars, aircraft paint hangars and buildings used for the manufacturing of aircraft shall not be limited where the building is provided with an automatic sprinkler system or automatic fire-extinguishing system in accordance with Chapter 9 and is entirely surrounded by public ways or yards not less in width than one and one-half times the building height.
504.1.1 Unlimited area buildings.
The height of unlimited area buildings shall be designed in accordance with Section 507.