The time period in which the commissioner is required to approve or reject an application for construction document approval or resubmission thereof pursuant to this code shall commence from the date that the commissioner receives either the certification or waiver pursuant to this article.
The commissioner shall be empowered to issue a stop-work notice or order with respect to an alteration or demolition permit and/or to rescind approval of construction documents at the request of the commissioner of housing preservation and development pursuant to section 27-2093 of the New York city housing maintenance code.
Where the commissioner rejects or rescinds the approval of construction documents pursuant to this article, no further application for the covered categories of work shall be considered by the commissioner for a period of 36 months following the date of the denial of the certification of no harassment by the commissioner of housing preservation and development or the date of the rescission of such certification of no harassment by such commissioner.
The commissioner shall not issue a permit for the erection of a new building, use of an open lot or for alterations that will require the issuance of a new or amended certificate of occupancy without a statement that no certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the sidewalk, curb and/or roadway in front of or abutting such building, including but not limited to the intersection quadrants for corner properties, shall have been paved, repaired or installed by the owner, at his or her own cost, in the manner, of the materials, and in accordance with the New York city building code, the New York city zoning resolution, and the standards prescribed by the New York city department of transportation pursuant to sections 19-113 and 19-115 of the administrative code.
1. Application for the erection of an accessory building appurtenant to an existing one- or two-family dwelling.
2. Where the commissioner determines, in consultation with the commissioner of transportation, that a sidewalk is not required, provided that such determination shall not affect the obligations of the owner under subdivision a of section 19-152 of the administrative code, nor relieve the owner of any such obligations, nor impair or diminish the rights of the city or its agencies to enforce such obligations.
3. Where the cost of the alteration, including enlargements, does not exceed a total cost of 30 percent of the building value.
(Am. L.L. 2021/126, 11/7/2021, eff. 11/7/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/126.