6305.1 Scope.
Oxidizers in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area indicated in FC Table 5003.1.1(1) or 5003.1.1(3) shall be handled and used in accordance with FC 5001, 5003, 5005 and this chapter.
6306.1 General.
Liquid oxygen home care containers and liquid oxygen ambulatory containers used for medical purposes in residential health care settings in Group I-1, I-4 and R occupancies shall be stored, handled and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and labeling and in compliance with the requirements of this section. Storage, handling and use of liquid oxygen, including liquid oxygen home care containers and liquid oxygen ambulatory containers, in Group I-1, I-4 and R occupancies, other than in dwelling units and sleeping rooms, shall be in accordance with FC 6301 through 6305 and FC Chapter 50.