This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Tobacco Product Regulation Act."
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1992/083.
For purposes of this subchapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
a. "Affiliated company" means any business entity which is the holder of a right to place or display advertisements in or on a unit of advertising space and which has a relationship with a holder of a right to place or display advertisements in or on another unit of advertising space; such relationship shall be an identity of all principal owners or all directors; provided, however, that only entities which are holders of a right to place or display advertisements on the same type of units of advertising space shall be considered affiliated companies for purposes of this subchapter.
b. "Authorizing agency" means the agency or other unit of local government of the city of New York which is (i) acting on behalf of the city with respect to a written agreement between the city and a private party which allows the placement or display of advertisements in or on a unit of advertising space; (ii) any agency designated by the mayor as having responsibility for a unit of advertising space that is the subject of a written agreement with the city which allows the placement or display of advertisements in or on such unit; or (iii) the issuer of a license or permit that expressly grants the right to place or display advertisements in or on a unit of advertising space. In the event that there is no authorizing agency as defined by this subdivision for a unit of advertising space, the authorizing agency for such unit shall be the agency with the primary expertise in the subject area covered by the written agreement with the city which allows the placement or display of advertisements in or on such unit.
c. [Repealed.]
d. "City of New York" or "city" means the city of New York or any of its agencies or other unit of local government.
e. "Employee" means any person who provides services for the payment of direct or indirect monetary wages or profit, or any person who volunteers his or her services without monetary compensation.
f. "For-hire vehicle" means "for-hire vehicle" as defined in section 19-502 of the code.
g. "For-hire vehicle base" means a place of business from which for-hire vehicles are dispatched.
h. "Instrumentality of public transportation" means buses operated pursuant to a franchise or consent issued by or from the city of New York, ferries and ferry terminals owned or operated by the city of New York, trams and their appurtenances, bus stop shelters and licensed vehicles as defined in section 19-502 of the code.
i. "Person" means any natural person, partnership, corporation, government agency, association or other legal entity.
j. "Public health message" means words, pictures, photographs, symbols, graphics or visual images of any kind, or any combination thereof, the primary purpose of which is to communicate the health risks of tobacco product use or the health benefits of not using tobacco products.
k. "Retail dealer" means "retail dealer" as defined in section 20-201, and any employee or other agent of such retail dealer.
l. "School premises" means the buildings, grounds or facilities, or any portion thereof, owned or occupied by public or private institutions for the primary purpose of providing educational instruction to students at or below the twelfth grade level.
m. "Special event" means an event (i) for which a permit has been issued by the city of New York; (ii) which has a duration of no longer than seven days; and (iii) for which an agreement has been entered into with the city that provides for the placement or display of signage intended to discourage the use of tobacco products.
n. "Taxicab" means "taxicab" as defined in section 19-502 of the code.
o. "Taxicab fleet" means a corporate entity organized for the ownership or operation of twenty-five or more taxicabs, which taxicabs are dispatched from a single location serving as both garage and office of record, which location has been approved by the taxi and limousine commission as adequate for the storage, maintenance, repair and dispatch of the fleet taxicabs, and which location has a dispatcher on the premises at least eighteen hours every day who is responsible for assigning drivers to fleet taxicabs.
p. "Taxicab minifleet" means a corporation licensed by the taxi and limousine commission to own and operate two or more taxicabs.
q. "Tobacco advertisement" means words, pictures, photographs, symbols, graphics or visual images of any kind, or any combination thereof, which bear a health warning required by federal statute, the purpose or effect of which is to identify a brand of a tobacco product, a trademark of a tobacco product or a trade name associated exclusively with a tobacco product, or to promote the use or sale of a tobacco product.
r. "Tobacco product" means any product which contains tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part, or accessory of such product. Tobacco product shall include, but not be limited to, any cigar, little cigar, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, snus, bidi, snuff, tobacco-containing shisha, or dissolvable tobacco product. Tobacco product shall not include cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or e-liquid or any product that has been approved by the United States food and drug administration for sale as a tobacco use cessation product or for other medical purposes and that is being marketed and sold solely for such purposes.
s. "Trademark" means any word, name, symbol, logo, emblem or device, or any combination thereof, used by a person to identify and distinguish his or her goods from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods, even if that source is unknown.
t. "Trade name" means any name used by a person to identify his or her business or vocation
u. "Unit of advertising space" means any real property, space, facility or instrumentality of public transportation, or any portion thereof, (i) owned or operated by, or leased from or to the city, or which is located or operates on real property owned or operated by or leased from or to the city, and which is the subject of the same contract, lease, rental agreement, franchise, revocable consent, concession or other similar written agreement with the city which allows the placement or display of advertisements, but not including any real property, space or facility leased from the city for a term of thirty years or more during the entire term of the lease or any real property, space or facility leased from or to the industrial development agency; or (ii) with respect to which a license or permit has been issued by the city that expressly grants the right to place or display advertisements, but not including licenses or permits issued pursuant to the building code.
v. "Wholesale dealer" means "wholesale dealer" as defined in section 11-1301 of the code, and any employee or other agent of such wholesale dealer.
w. "Cigarette" means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco or any other substance, irrespective of size or shape and whether or not such tobacco or substance is flavored, adulterated or mixed with any other ingredient, the wrapper or cover of which is made of paper or any other substance or material but is not made in whole or in part of tobacco.
x. "Cigar" means any roll of tobacco for smoking that is wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco, with or without a tip or mouthpiece. Cigar does not include a little cigar as defined in this section.
y. "Little cigar" means any roll of tobacco for smoking that is wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco and that weighs no more than four pounds per thousand or has a cellulose acetate or other integrated filter.
z. "Shisha" means any product made primarily of tobacco or other leaf, or any combination thereof, smoked or intended to be smoked in a hookah or water pipe.
aa. "Herbal cigarette" means a product that is meant to be smoked like a cigarette but is composed of one or more herbs and does not contain tobacco.
bb. "Electronic cigarette" has the same meaning as such term is defined in section 20-560.
cc. "Non-tobacco smoking product" means any product that does not contain tobacco or nicotine and that is designed for human use or consumption by the inhalation of smoke, including but not limited to (i) pipes, water pipes, rolling papers, and any other component, part, or accessory of such product and (ii) shisha, as defined in subdivision (z) of this section, provided that such shisha does not contain tobacco or nicotine.
(Am. L.L. 2017/144, 8/28/2017, eff. 1/25/2018; Am. L.L. 2017/145, 8/28/2017, eff. 6/1/2018; Am. L.L. 2017/146, 8/28/2017, eff. 2/24/2018; Am. L.L. 2017/191, 10/16/2017, eff. 4/14/2018; Am. L.L. 2019/228, 12/16/2019, eff. 7/1/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1992/083, L.L. 2000/002, L.L. 2013/094, L.L. 2013/097, L.L. 2017/144, L.L. 2017/145, L.L. 2017/146, and L.L. 2019/228.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2000/002 and L.L. 2013/097.
A retail dealer shall post a sign in a conspicuous place at the point of sale of cigarettes or at the place where cigarettes are displayed or offered for sale stating that cigarettes sold in the city of New York must be in packages bearing valid tax stamps.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2013/097.
a. Any package containing cigarettes sold or offered for sale by a retail dealer shall bear a valid tax stamp as required by section 11-1302 of the code. Except as provided in subdivision b of section 11-1305 of the code, any cigarettes possessed or transported in the city by a retail dealer shall be in a package bearing a valid tax stamp.
c. No retail dealer shall sell, offer for sale, possess or transport any affixed or unaffixed false, altered or counterfeit cigarette tax stamp, imprint or impression.
d. No retail dealer shall engage in any act to hide or conceal:
(1) any cigarettes in unstamped or unlawfully stamped packages;
(2) any affixed or unaffixed false, altered or counterfeit cigarette tax stamp, imprint or impression; or
(3) any cigarettes that are outside of a package in violation of subdivision a of this section.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2013/097.