General Provisions
90.01 Administration and enforcement
90.02 Definitions
90.03 Dogs, cats, pigs at large
90.04 Keeping dangerous animals prohibited; exceptions
90.05 Aid escape
90.06 Defecation
90.07 Cleanup
90.08 Noise
90.09 Interference with enforcement
90.10 Dead animals; disposal limited
90.11 Domestic animals on city cemetery property
90.12 Snakes
90.13 Miniature pigs
90.14 Licensing requirements; immunization
90.15 Reserved
90.16 Quarantine
90.17 Standard of care
90.18 Animals in motor vehicles
90.19 Tethering
90.30 When required
90.31 Fees
90.32 Period dogs required to be kept
90.33 Redemption of licensed dogs and cats
90.34 Redemption of unlicensed dogs and cats
90.35 Disposition of unredeemed dogs and cats
Vicious, Dangerous and Problematic Dogs
90.50 Restraining problematic and dangerous dogs
90.51 Definitions
90.52 Determination of problematic and dangerous dogs
90.53 Determination of vicious dogs
90.54 Exceptions; consequences of determinations
90.55 Registration and handling requirements
90.56 Owner responsibility
90.57 License required
90.99 Penalty