(A) It is unlawful for any person owning, controlling or caring for any animal that has died from any cause to allow the carcass to lie about the owner’s premises or upon the premises of another person or upon any public property or right-of-way. It shall be the duty of such person to cause such carcass to be removed and properly disposed of by burying it in an approved animal cemetery, cremating in an approved incinerator, desiccation, removal by a licensed animal disposal company, or by delivering to a licensed veterinarian, or the city animal shelter within 24 hours after the death of the animal. It is unlawful for any person to bury an animal on a private premise within the city, or for the owner of any property to allow an animal to be buried thereon.
(2011 Code, § 13.0309.6)
(B) Regardless of the provisions of division (A) above, it shall be unlawful for any owner or other person to dispose of any dead animal or allow it to be collected for disposal by any person, except authorized representatives of the city, if such animal has attacked, bitten or caused a skin abrasion on any person, or if the animal is suspected of being infected with rabies, until permission for disposal has been given by the City Administrator or the City Administrator’s designee.
(2011 Code, § 13.0309.7)
Penalty, see § 90.99
For purposes of this section, DOMESTIC ANIMAL shall mean every tame member of the animal kingdom other than the genus and species Homo Sapiens. No owner of any domestic animal, whether such animal is leashed or unleashed, shall cause or permit such animal. by action or inaction, to be on or within cemetery property owned or operated by the city at any time. This prohibition shall not apply to certified animals assisting persons with disabilities.
(2011 Code, § 13.0309.8) Penalty, see § 90.99
Squamata of the suborder Ophidia (snakes), which are constrictors, are permissible in the city so long as:
(A) They are not greater than six feet in length;
(B) There are no more than four snakes owned by a household (if a female snake has offspring, the owner has 90 days to reduce the number of snakes back down to no more than four); and
(C) A snake does not leave the owner’s secured building on the property, unless the snake is in a snake cage that has a lid and at least one lock.
(2011 Code, § 13.0311)
Miniature breeds of domesticated pigs (Sus scrofa) are permissible so long as:
(A) The pig has been examined and verified by a veterinarian to meet miniature pig breed standards;
(B) There is no more than two pig at a property on a permanent basis;
(C) The pig is spayed or neutered;
(D) An annual license is obtained from the city, with license fees and procedures set by City Council resolution;
(E) A veterinarian’s certification is provided at the time of annual licensure that states the subject pig is up to date with the necessary vaccinations, as determined by the veterinarian.
(F) The pig shall be blood tested to ensure that the animal is not carrying pseudorabies or brucellosis prior to initial licensing through the city. A veterinarian shall certify that blood tests have been conducted and that the pig does not carry pseudorabies or brucellosis. In the event the animal tests positive for either disease, the animal shall be treated until cured, or if the disease is incurable, the animal shall be destroyed;
(G) A miniature pig shall only serve as a pet and shall not be raised for food production purposes on properties that do not meet the agricultural requirements stipulated by § 158.016 of this code of ordinances;
(H) The provisions of this section shall not be intended to apply to pigs whose owners are non-residents temporarily staying within the city, pigs that are being temporarily fostered by residents for a period not exceeding 90 days, or pigs brought into the city for the purpose of participating in any performance or show; provided, such pigs are kept under the control by the owner at all times.
(2011 Code, § 13.0312) (Ord. 2189, passed 4-10-2012; Ord. 2205, passed 1-28-2013; Ord. 2317, passed 1-3-2018) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) Annual license required.
(1) All dogs and cats over six months of age kept, harbored or maintained by their owner in the city shall be licensed by the owner. OWNER means, in addition to its ordinary meaning, any person who keeps or harbors an animal.
(2) Such license shall be issued and recorded by the Police Department or designee and affixed to each animal by its owner to a substantial collar and, during the term of the license, shall be at all times kept on the animal for which the license is issued.
(3) License fees shall be as established in division (B) below. Application for licenses on the form provided by the city may be made after December 1, and at any time for an animal which has come into the possession or ownership of the applicant, or which has reached the age of six months. Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of a calendar year. Failure to purchase a license by April 1 of any given year shall result in an additional fee being charged for late license purchase. The late fee shall be set by City Council resolution.
(4) The provisions of this division (A) shall not be intended to apply to dogs and cats whose owners are non-residents temporarily within the city, kennel dogs or cats, or show dogs or cats brought into the city for the purpose of participating in any dog or cat show; provided, such dogs and cats are kept restrained by the owner at all times.
(2011 Code, § 13.0313)
(B) License fees. Annual license fees for dogs and cats shall be set by City Council resolution. Upon the filing of an affidavit that the license tag has been lost or destroyed, the owner may obtain another tag upon the payment of a fee to the city as set by City Council resolution.
(2011 Code, § 13.0314)
(C) Immunization. All dogs and cats six months or older, and all dogs and cats who are between the ages of four and six months at the time they are licensed, shall be vaccinated against rabies. Before issuance of a license, the owner shall furnish a veterinarian’s certificate showing that the dog or cat for which the license is sought has been vaccinated, and that the vaccination does not expire within six months from the effective date of the license. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any dog or cat to not be vaccinated against rabies. A tag showing evidence or proper vaccination shall be worn by every dog and cat meeting the criteria established in this section.
(D) Maximum number allowed. No owner may have more than four dogs over six months of age.
(2011 Code, § 13.0317) (Ord. 2258, passed 9-21-2015; Ord. 2317, passed 1-3-2018)
Penalty, see § 90.99