It shall be the duty of the Police Department or any entity under contract with the city to cause to be collected and impounded any licensed or unlicensed dog, cat or pig which is not currently licensed and vaccinated found to be at large in the city at any time, unless the responsible party for the animal can be served a municipal infraction and the officer believes the impoundment is not warranted. When such dog or pig has been apprehended and impounded, written notice shall be given to the owner of such within two working days, if such owner’s name and address appear on the dog’s collar or can be otherwise found. Cats will only be impounded in cases of animal welfare, which may include cats that are sick, injured or pose a health and safety risk to the public. Unidentified or unclaimed cats will be transferred to a shelter, rescue or humanely euthanized within 72 hours of impound. For the purpose of this section, notice is delivered when the city mails the notice, which may be by regular mail.
(2011 Code, § 13.0321) (Ord. 2205, passed 1-28-2013; Ord. 2426, passed 3-20-2023; Ord. 2459, passed 12-2-2024)
All dogs found without a license, collar engraving, microchip or similar owner identification shall be kept for not less than three days after being impounded unless redeemed sooner by the owner in accordance with this chapter. Dogs with identification shall be kept for not less than seven days after being impounded unless redeemed sooner by the owner. On expiration of the impoundment period, a dog shall be deemed abandoned and may be transferred to a shelter facility. Dogs that are deemed unadoptable due to behavior issues, as determined by standardized behavioral assessment processes, or due to health issues, as determined by a licensed veterinarian or medical professional, may be humanely euthanized or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the law.
(2011 Code, § 13.0323) (Ord. 2459, passed 12-2-2024)
The owner of an impounded licensed dog or cat may claim and redeem such dog or cat upon payment of the impounding fee, plus the fee for costs of food and care. If the dog or cat does not have a current rabies vaccination, the owner is required to obtain such vaccination before the animal leaves the animal control facility.
(2011 Code, § 13.0324) (Ord. 2426, passed 3-20-2023)
(A) The owner of an impounded unlicensed dog or cat may claim and redeem such dog or cat upon payment of an impounding fee, plus the fee for costs of food and care and purchase of proper license for such animal.
(B) If the dog or cat does not have a current rabies vaccination, the owner is required to obtain such vaccination before the animal leaves the animal control facility. Other vaccinations may be required in accordance with the law.
(2011 Code, § 13.0325) (Ord. 2426, passed 3-20-2023; Ord. 2459, passed 12-2-2024)
At the expiration of the period of impoundment provided in this subchapter, an unredeemed dog or cat may, at the discretion of the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee or any animal control facility under contract with the city as provided herein, be humanely destroyed or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the law.
(2011 Code, § 13.0326) (Ord. 2426, passed 3-20-2023)