The purpose of the library advisory commission is to provide community perspective and support to the library staff on policies and major grant or capital project proposals, to make recommendations of the aforementioned to the city council, as well as to promote the services and needs of the Murrieta Public Library to the state legislators, county boards, the city council, and the community.
(Ord. 420 § 1, 2009)
A. The library advisory commission shall consist of five members plus up to two alternate members, each of whom shall be appointed by the city council (acting as the library board). Appointments shall be for four-year terms and implemented pursuant to Chapter 2.32 of the Murrieta Municipal Code.
B. The alternate member(s) will be selected by the full city council and membership status is in accordance with Chapter 2.32 of the Murrieta Municipal Code.
C. The library manager and the city manager shall serve as ex officio members of the library advisory commission.
(Ord. 530 § 1, 2018; Ord. 221 § 1 (part), 2000)
The library advisory commission shall meet as needed at such time and place as designated in the rules and regulations of the commission. Regular meetings may be adjourned by public announcement to a specific date, time and place, and any such adjourned meeting shall be deemed a regular meeting. All meetings shall be open to the public. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Emergency meetings may be called with a seventy-two (72) hour notice. (Ord. 589 § 1, 2023: Ord. 284 §1, 2003: Ord. 221 §1 (part), 2000)
Absences are addressed in Section 2.32.020.B. of the Murrieta Municipal Code.
(Ord. 530 § 2, 2018; Ord. 221 § 1 (part), 2000)
The library advisory commission shall elect a chair and vice-chair from among its members at its first regular meeting in February of each year. The commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the transaction of its business and shall cause proper records to be kept of all its official acts and proceedings including minutes, resolutions, actions, findings and determinations. Minutes, resolutions and recommendations shall be filed with the city clerk with copies to the city manager who shall cause appropriate reports to be made to the city council.
(Ord. 530 § 3, 2018; Ord. 221 § 1 (part), 2000)