2.39.060 Duties.
   The library advisory commission, in consultation with the city librarian, shall have the following duties:
   A.   Act in an advisory capacity to the library board in all matters pertaining to the library and to cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of sound library planning and programming;
   B.   Review and recommend general policies on library services for approval by the library board;
   C.   Review proposals and recommend library projects, programs and improvements including grant proposals and requests for new services;
   D.   Report to the library board on the current or future library services, including financing;
   E.   Assist in ascertaining community attitudes and issues, and promote public awareness and involvement in library services;
   F.   Provide legislative support and promotion;
   G.   Promote intellectual freedom and enhancement of services to achieve that goal.
(Ord. 234 § 1, 2001: Ord. 221 § 1 (part), 2000)