2.08.010 Office created—Term.
2.08.020 Eligibility.
2.08.030 Limits on city administration compensation.
2.08.040 (Reserved).
2.08.045 Application of city administration compensation limits.
2.08.050 Designation of acting city manager.
2.08.060 Powers and duties.
2.08.070 Relations with council.
2.08.080 Departmental cooperation.
2.08.090 (Reserved).
2.08.100 (Reserved).
2.08.110 (Reserved).
2.08.120 (Reserved).
2.08.130 (Reserved).
2.08.140 Removal—Limitation.
2.08.150 (Reserved).
2.08.160 (Reserved).
2.08.170 (Reserved).
2.08.180 Public projects.
The office of the city manager is created and established. The city manager shall be appointed by the city council wholly on the basis of administrative and executive ability and qualifications. The city manager shall hold office for and during the pleasure of the city council.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 2.08.010)
No chief city administrative official(s), including city manager and their direct reports, shall have annual salaries with benefits or a combined hourly rate with overtime and benefits that exceed a rate of two and one-half (2.5) times the median family/household income of the people of the city. Benefits include, but are not limited to, car, gas, life insurance, health/medical insurance, and any other personal usage benefits. Fire, police, and other emergency public safety personnel are excluded from this initiative. This law would be waived during states of emergency except those that are budgetary or administrative in nature.
(Ord. 446, 2010; Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 2.08.030)