16.38.010 Purpose.
16.38.020 Applicability.
16.38.030 Definitions.
16.38.040 Sign Permits.
16.38.050 Exemptions From Sign Permits.
16.38.055 Temporary Commercial Signs.
16.38.060 Comprehensive Sign Program.
16.38.070 Sign Design.
16.38.080 Prohibited Signs.
16.38.085 Illegal Signs.
16.38.090 Nonconforming Signs.
16.38.100 Abandoned Signs.
16.38.110 General Provisions for All Signs.
16.38.120 Standards for Specific Types of Signs.
16.38.130 Standards for Community Entry Monument Signs.
16.38.140 Sign Standards by Zoning District.
16.38.150 Billboards Subject to a Relocation Agreement.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare, and to preserve the character of the city by regulating the size, height, design, quality of materials, construction, location, lighting and maintenance of signs and sign structures not enclosed within a building, to accomplish the following:
A. Provide a reasonable and comprehensive system of sign controls to ensure the development of a high-quality environment;
B. Promote a public benefit and encourage a desirable city character with a minimum of clutter, while recognizing the need for signs as a major form of communication;
C. Provide for fair and equal treatment of all sign users;
D. Encourage signs that are well designed and pleasing in appearance by providing incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationship, spacing and location;
E. Provide for maximum public convenience by properly directing people to various activities; and
F. Promote public safety by providing that official traffic regulation devices be easily visible and free from nearby visual obstructions including blinking signs, excessive number of signs, or signs resembling official traffic signs.
(Ord. 587 Exhibit B, (part), 2022; Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
A. The standards in this chapter are intended to apply to signs in each zoning district in the city. Only signs authorized by this chapter shall be allowed unless otherwise expressly provided in this chapter.
B. If a new zoning district is created after the enactment of this chapter, the director shall make determinations as to the applicability of appropriate sign regulations in compliance with Chapter 16.04 (Interpretation of Code Provisions) until this chapter is amended to govern the new zoning district.
C. Message Substitution. The specific message displayed on any sign otherwise permitted under this Chapter 16.38 may be substituted with any noncommercial message that is not otherwise prohibited by this Chapter 16.38 at the discretion of the owner and without requiring additional review or approval by the City.
(Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
The following are definitions of specialized terms and phrases used in this chapter. The definitions are organized in alphabetical order.
Abandoned Sign. Any sign which no longer advertises a business, lessor, owner, product, service or activity on the premises where the sign is displayed.
Animated or Moving Sign. Any sign which uses movement, lighting, or special materials to depict action or create a special effect to imitate movement.
Awning Sign. Any copy or logo attached to or painted on an awning.
Banner, Flag, or Pennant. Any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar non-rigid material attached to any structure, staff, pole, line, framing, or vehicle, including streamers, but not including official flags of the United States, the state of California, and other states of the nation, counties, municipalities, official flags of foreign nations and nationally or internationally recognized organizations.
Bench Sign. Copy attached or painted on any portion of a bench.
Billboard. A legally constructed on-site or off-site structure of any kind or character other than the main business identification signs erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill, printing, painting, or other advertisement may be placed, including on a static or digital display using digital message technology capable of changing the static message on the sign electronically, including statuary for advertising purposes.
Building Frontage. That building elevation which fronts on a public street, pubic parking lot, private parking lot available to the general public, or pedestrian walk where customer access to a structure is available.
Business Identification Sign. A sign which serves to identify only the name, address, and lawful use of the premises upon which it is located and provides no other advertisements or product identification.
Cabinet Sign (Can Sign). A sign which contains all the text and/or logo symbols within a single enclosed cabinet and may or may not be illuminated.
Changeable Copy Sign. A sign designed to allow the changing of copy through manual, mechanical, or electrical means including time and temperature.
Commercial Sign. Any sign advertising any business or for profit enterprise, whether on-site or off-site.
Construction Sign. A sign which states the name of the developer and contractor(s) working on the site and any related engineering, architectural or financial firms involved with the project.
Convenience Sign. A sign that conveys information (e.g., restrooms, no parking, entrance) or minor business identification for the purposes of directing vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic within a project, and is designed to be viewed on-site by pedestrians and/or motorists.
Copy. Words, letters, numbers, figures, designs, or other symbolic representations incorporated into a sign.
Digital Display. A sign with a fixed or changing display/message composed of a series of lights, but not including time and temperature displays.
Double-faced Sign. A sign constructed to display its message on the outer surfaces to identical and/or opposite parallel planes.
Flashing Sign. A sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source.
Freeway Sign. A sign allowed on parcels which are located adjacent to or within 150 of freeway right of way.
Future Tenant Sign. A temporary commercial sign that identifies the names of future businesses that will occupy a site or structure.
Internally Illuminated Sign. A sign whose light source is located in the interior of the sign so that the rays go through the face of the sign, or light source which is âttached to the face of the sign and is perceived as a design element of the sign.
Marquee (Canopy) Sign. A sign which is attached to or otherwise made a part of a permanent roof-like structure which projects beyond the building wall in the form of a large canopy to provide protection from the weather.
Monument Sign. An independent, freestanding structure supported on the ground having a solid base as opposed to being supported by poles or open braces.
Neon. Glass tube lighting in which a gas and phosphors are used in combination to create a colored light.
Noncommercial Sign. Any sign other than a commercial sign.
Noncommercial Message. A message or image on a sign that directs public attention or advocates an idea or issues of public interest or concern but is not advertising for hire and or does not promote any business product, activity service interest or entertainment.
Non-primary Frontage. The elevation of a building that does not include the primary entrance to a building.
Off-site Sign. Any sign identifying a use, facility, service, or product which is not located, sold, or manufactured on the same premise as the sign or which identifies a use, service, or product by a brand name which although sold or manufactured on the premise, does not constitute the principal item for sale or manufactured on the premise.
Permanent Sign. A sign constructed of durable materials and intended to exist for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
Pole Sign. A sign that is displayed on and completely supported by a single support element (pole) that is constructed into the ground, with no part of the sign attached to a building or similar structure.
Portable Sign. A freestanding sign that is not permanently affixed to a structure or the ground; includes wire-frames and grape-stakes signs.
Primary Frontage. The elevation/face/front of a building with the main public entrance and the elevation/face/front of the building visible from an interstate.
Projecting Sign. A sign other than a wall sign suspending from, or supported by, a structure and projecting out-ward.
Pylon Sign. A sign that is displayed on and completely supported by two or more support elements (poles/columns) that are constructed into the ground and are completely enclosed by a solid architectural element(s) so that the supporting elements are not visible.
Real Estate Sign. A sign indicating that a property or any portion thereof is available for inspection, sale, lease, rent, or directing people to a property, but not including subdivision signs.
Relocation Agreement. An agreement between the city and a billboard owner and/or property owner resulting in the removal, relocation, replacement and/or reconstruction of one or more lawfully existing billboards to another parcel of property within the city, or to reconstruct a billboard on the same property, as approved by the city council.
Roof Edge. On a pitched roof, the lowest portion of the fascia board covering the roof rafters, or if no fascia board exists, the lowest point of the roof rafters. On a flat roof, the top of the parapet wall.
Roof Sign. A sign constructed upon or over a roof, or placed so as to extend above the edge of the roof.
Sign. Any structure, device, figure, painting, display, message placard, or other contrivance, or any part thereof situated outdoors or indoors, which is designed, constructed, intended, or used to advertise, or to provide data or information in the nature of advertising, to direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, business, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images.
Sign Area. The entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuous line composed of right angles which enclose the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark, or other graphic representation, to get her with any frame or structural trim forming an integral part of the display used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed. See Section 16.38.110(B) (Measurement of Sign Area).
Site Directory Sign. A sign for listing the tenants and their suite numbers of a multiple tenant structure or center.
Street Frontage. The portion of a property that is adjacent to a street.
Subdivision Sign. A temporary, free-standing sign designed, erected, and maintained to serve the public by providing directions and information related to new residential project developments and/or community facilities.
Temporary. Any sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time and capable of being viewed from any public right-of-way, parking area or neighboring property.
Vehicle Sign. A sign which is attached to or painted on a vehicle which is parked on or adjacent to any property for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours, the principal purpose of which is to attract attention to a product sold or business located on the property.
Wall Sign. A sign which is attached to or painted on the exterior wall of a structure with the display surface of the sign approximately parallel to the building wall.
Window Area. Window area shall be computed by calculating each window pane or panel. The area shall be separate for each building face, and for each window. A group of window panes or panels may be considered one window if they are adjoining on the building face and are less than six inches apart.
Window Sign. Any sign posted, painted, placed, or affixed in or on any window exposed to public view. Any interior sign which faces any window exposed to public view and is located within three feet of the window.
(Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
A. Sign Permits Required. To ensure compliance with the regulations of this chapter, a sign permit shall be required in order to erect, move, alter, or reconstruct any sign except signs that are exempt from permits in compliance with Section 16.38.050 (Exemptions From Sign Permits).
B. Sign Permit Fee. A sign permit processing fee shall be collected upon application for a sign permit or appeal thereof.
C. Approval of Sign Permits. A sign permit application shall be approved, approved with conditions, or denied by the director provided that the proposed sign(s) is consistent with the intent and provisions of this chapter.
D. Revocation of Sign Permits. The director may revoke or modify a sign permit, in compliance with Chapter 16.82 (Revocations and Modifications) if it is found that the sign(s) has been erected, altered, reconstructed, or is being maintained in a manner that is inconsistent with the approved permit.
(Ord. 587 Exhibit B, (part), 2022; Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
Sign permits shall not be required for the signs listed in this section. Exempt signs shall not be included in the determination of the total allowable number of signs or total allowable sign area for a site/use. This section is not intended to exempt signs from building permits or electrical permits.
A. Permanent Signs with no Size Limitation:
1. Signs located within shopping centers or similar areas where the signs are not visible from any point on the boundary of the premises;
2. Official and legal notices required by a court or governmental agency;
3. Signs erected and maintained in compliance with and in discharge of a governmental function or required by a law, ordinance or governmental regulation, including signs erected by a public utility; 1
4. Signs on licensed commercial vehicles, including trailers; provided, however, that vehicles/trailers shall not be used as parked/stationary outdoor display signs;
5. Bench signs and other signs located at designated public transit locations;
6. Change of copy within an approved comprehensive sign program that conforms to the provisions of the comprehensive sign program (16.38.060): and
7. Change of copy on existing structures.
B. Permanent Signs Limited by Maximum Size:
1. Occupant name, street number, and street name signs not exceeding two square feet in area per single-family or multi-family unit;
2. Signs for commercial, office, and industrial uses not exceeding two square feet and limited to business identification, hours of operation, Address, and emergency contact information;
3. Convenience signs solely for the purpose of guiding traffic, parking, and loading on private property, and not bearing advertising materials. Maximum sign area shall be four square feet. Maximum height for freestanding signs shall be four feet. Taller signs may be approved by the director, if visibility will not be impaired;
4. Affiliation signs for auto-related uses, motels, and hotels that show notices of services provided or required by law, trade affiliations, credit cards accepted, and the like provided the signs are attached to an otherwise approved sign, or structure. Signs or notices shall not exceed one-half (1/2) square foot in area per sign, and no more than six signs are allowed per business;
5. Gasoline pump signs identifying the brand, types, and octane rating provided the signs do not exceed two square feet per pump face;
6. Names of structures, commemorative plaques, tables, dates of construction, and the like when carved in stone, concrete, or similar materials or made of bronze, aluminum, or other similar permanent material and mounted permanently on a structure. These signs shall not exceed four square feet and six feet in height; and
7. Official flags of a nation, the state of California and other states of the nation, municipalities, and fraternal or religious organizations, provided that the pole height shall not exceed twenty-five feet in residential zones and 50 feet in non-residential zones, and the length of the flag shall not be more than one-quarter (1/4) of the height of the pole. Increase in pole height may be granted by the director when a special circumstance is applicable to the property, such as height of surrounding structures.
C. Temporary Signs Limited by Size and Period of Display:
1. Real Estate Signs. Real estate signs subject to the owner's permission and the following limitations:
a. For single-family dwellings, one (1) sign per street frontage not to exceed four square feet in area and seven feet in height in addition, "open house" signs are allowed when a sales agent or owner is present at the site;
b. For multi-family dwellings, one sign per street frontage not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet and eight feet in height; i
c. Individual commercial, office, and industrial properties not located in a commercial center or industrial/business park, one sign per street frontage not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per side and eight feet in height;
d. Individual tenant spaces within multi-tenant commercial centers, office structures, and industrial subdivisions offered for sale, rent, or lease, one sign per street frontage not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet and eight feet in height. In addition, one sign for each tenant space available not to exceed six square feet to be located at the individual tenant space for rent or lease; and
e. For non-residential freeway fronting properties, one sign along freeway frontage not to exceed three hundred and twenty (320) square feet per side and twenty-four (24) feet in height.
2. Noncommercial Signs. Temporary noncommercial signs shall be permitted in any zoning district and in any circumstance where a commercial sign is permitted whether on-site or off-site subject to the following provisions:
a. Temporary noncommercial signs shall not exceed 120 days per calendar year;
b. Temporary noncommercial signs which relate to a specific event (including elections) shall be removed not later than fourteen (14) days following the date of the event (including an election). In commercial zones, the fourteen (14) days are included in the overall 120-day allowance per calendar year;
c. Temporary noncommercial signs in commercial zones are subject to the same size and location regulations as permitted commercial signs. Noncommercial signs are additionally permitted in residential zones subject only to the limitations contained in this Section 16.38.050 C. 2., subsections b, d, e, f, and g;
d. The subject matter, content or specific language of a temporary noncommercial sign is not subject to review or approval by the city, subject to Section 16.38.080(H);
e. In a residential zone, temporary noncommercial signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in total area per side. No sign shall be placed in a manner that would obstruct visibility of pedestrian or vehicle traffic;
f. In a residential zone, temporary noncommercial signs shall not exceed an overall height of eight (8) feet from finished grade; and
g. Temporary noncommercial signs in any zone, shall not be within the public right-of-way.
3. Business Identification Signs. A maximum of two temporary signs for the identification of a new business until permanent signs can be erected are allowed for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. One time extension may be granted by the director. Total sign area for two signs is limited to fifty (50) square feet.
4. Future Tenant Signs. Future tenant identification signs that provide information about the future use of a property subject to compliance with the following limitations:
a. One sign per street frontage. One additional sign is allowed if a project has in excess of five hundred (500) lineal feet of street frontage;
b. Signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty (30) square feet and ten feet in height. Maximum fifty (50) square feet if combined with a construction sign; and
c. Signs shall be removed upon occupancy of the site.
5. Construction Signs. Construction signs are subject to compliance with the following limitations: .
a. One (1) sign per street frontage not to exceed twenty (20) square feet with a maximum height of ten feet. Maximum size of fifty (50) square feet if combined with a future tenant sign; and
b. Signs shall be removed upon first occupancy of the site.
6. On-site Subdivision Signs. The placement of on-site subdivision signs shall comply with the following standards:
a. Signs may contain only the name of the subdivision, name of the developer and/or agent, an identification emblem, sales price, illustrative graphics, and directional message;
b. A maximum of two (2) on-site signs may be located within the project;
c. The total area of each sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet;
d. The height of each sign shall not exceed ten feet;
e. Signs shall not be illuminated;
f. Signs may be displayed one (1) year after the last building permit has been issued or as long as there is an active building permit; and
g. Apartment and group housing complexes of thirty (30) units or more shall be considered within the definition of a subdivision for the purpose of this subsection. Small apartment complexes (twenty-nine (29) units or fewer) may display rental/sales signs during construction and for a period of one (1) year following the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. One sign per street frontage not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet with a maximum height of six (6) feet.
7. Short-Term Vacation Rental Temporary Signs. The placement of on-site short-term vacation rental temporary signs shall comply with the following standards:
a. Each short-term vacation rental shall be equipped with no more than one (1) temporary identification sign, not-to-exceed two (2) square feet in area. No other advertising signs promoting or identifying short-term vacation rentals shall be permitted on-site or off-site. The required temporary identification sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location in front of a single-family residential dwelling, or attached to a condominium in a location clearly visible from the street or internal common area. The sign shall be posted for a minimum six (6) hours, and not more than twelve (12) hours, prior to periods of occupancy, and removed within twelve (12) hours of checkout of the unit. The sign shall clearly state the following information in lettering of sufficient size to be easily read:
i. The twenty-four (24) hour city short-term vacation rental telephone hotline number;
ii. The city’s short-term vacation rental website address;
iii. The name of the owner’s authorized agent or representative, or owner of the unit, and the designated local contact person and a telephone number at which that party may be reached on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week basis;
iv. The maximum number of occupants permitted to stay in the unit; and
v. The maximum number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the property.
(Ord. 561-20, Exhibit B (part), 2020; Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
A business or commercial center may be allowed to display temporary signs subject to the following standards:
A. Temporary commercial signs are subject to a temporary commercial sign application.
1. Five (5) applications allowed per year per tenant space;
2. A maximum of thirty (30) days of display per application;
3. A maximum of 120 days of display per calendar year per tenant space.
B. Temporary commercial signs are allowed at one sign not exceeding 25 square feet in max sign area and a max height not to exceed the edge of roof per commercial sign permit application.
C. Temporary commercial signs may be affixed to a window, building frontage or building face of the tenant space for which the application is made.
(Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017)
A. Purpose. The purpose of a comprehensive sign program is to integrate a project's signs with the design of the structures to achieve a unified architectural statement. A comprehensive sign program provides a means for the flexible application of sign regulations for multi-tenant projects and projects with more than five (5) permanent signs in order to encourage creativity and provide incentive and latitude in the provision of multiple signs and to achieve, not circumvent, the intent of this chapter.
B. Development Plan Permit Required. The director shall approve a development plan permit for a comprehensive sign program for a multi-tenant nonresidential project and individual tenant projects with five (5) or more signs. Standards and guidelines provided in this chapter shall serve as a reference for evaluating comprehensive sign programs.
C. Application Requirements. An application for a development plan permit shall be accompanied by plans and information as provided in department handouts for comprehensive sign programs and the following:
1. A statement explaining how revisions/modifications/replacement of tenant signs will be carried out to limit the possibility of holes being left in the structure's exterior by mounting brackets, electrical connections, or similar items; and
2. A statement of how the use of temporary signs, Including banners, flags and pennants and similar advertising devices will be monitored by the applicant to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Failure of the applicant to adequately monitor and control the use of temporary signs shall be grounds for revocation of the development plan permit in compliance with Chapter 16.82 (Revocations and Modifications).
D. Design Standards. The following design standards are applicable to all signs being proposed under a comprehensive sign program:
1. Signs, colors, and materials shall be compatible with the building's colors and materials. Limit the number of primary colors on signs to no more than three (3) with a secondary color used for accent or shadow detail;
2. Use the same type of cabinet, cabinet supports, or method of mounting for signs of the same type;
3. Use the same form of illumination for signs of similar types:
4. If exposed raceways are proposed they shall be an integral part of the design.
E. Lessees to be Informed of Comprehensive Sign Program. Lessees within developments subject to the requirements of an approved comprehensive sign program shall be made aware of the Program in their lease and their responsibility to follow the approved comprehensive sign program.
F. Findings. In approving an application for a development plan permit authorizing a comprehensive sign program, the Director shall make the following findings in addition to those required for a development plan permit in compliance with Chapter 16.56:
1. The comprehensive sign program satisfies the purpose and the intent of this chapter;
2. The signs enhance the overall development, are in harmony with, and are visually related to other signs included in the comprehensive sign program and to the structure and/or uses they identify and to surrounding development;
3. The comprehensive sign program accommodates future revisions which may be required due to changes in uses or tenants; and
4. The comprehensive sign program complies with the standards of this chapter 16.38, except that flexibility is allowed with regard to sign area, number of signs, location, and/or height to the extent that the comprehensive sign program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
G. Revisions to Comprehensive Sign Programs. Revisions to a comprehensive sign program may be approved by the director if it is determined that the revision is minor and that the intent of the original approval, and any conditions attached thereto, are not affected. For revisions that would substantially deviate from the original approval, the director may require that a modification to the development plan permit application be filed.
(Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)