A. Awning Signs.
1. Awning signs shall only be located on building frontages, including those fronting a parking lot or pedestrian way.
2. Awning signs on awnings are limited to ground level and second story occupancies only.
3. Awning signs shall not be internally illuminated. Lighting directed downwards that does not illuminate the awning is allowed.
B. Canopy Signs for Fueling Stations.
1. Canopy signs are allowed on two sides of the canopy.
2. Canopy signs can have a max sign area of 10 square feet.
C. Digital Display.
1. Where permitted the digital display on a sign shall be limited to twenty (20) percent of the total sign area of said sign.
2. Digital display shall be allowed only on one (1) sign per development.
3. The provisions of this Section 16.38.120(C) shall not apply to billboards with digital displays developed subject to a relocation agreement.
D. Drive-thru Signs.
1. Wall and freestanding signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 16.38. In addition, up to two (2) eight (8)-foot-high menu ordering signs with a total combined square footage of up to 60 square feet in sign area, shall be permitted for drive-thru restaurants.
E. Freeway Signs.
1. Freeway signs shall be allowed on properties/development with freeway frontage or within 150 feet of freeway right of way. When a freeway frontage street separates the project site from the freeway right of way, the 150 feet should be measured from the centerline of the street.
2. Freeway signs shall be spaced 1000 feet apart if they included digital display or within 500 feet apart from other freeway signs if located on the same side of the street, including freeway signs on different parcels.
3. Freeway signs shall incorporate a decorative stone base consistent with the overall design/architecture of the center/development proportionate to the height of the sign but not less than five (5) feet or more than thirty (30) percent of the sign height.
4. The city's logo or other city symbol shall be included on the structure subject to the approval of the director.
F. Marquee Signs.
1. Marquee signs shall be mounted only on the front or sides of a marquee, or suspended below.
2. Marquee signs shall not project more than six inches from the face of a marquee.
3. Marquee signs shall not extend above the top of a marquee.
4. A clear distance of eight (8) feet shall be maintained from the lowest part of a suspended sign to the ground below.
G. Monument Signs.
1. Monument Signs are allowed only for frontages adjoining a public street.
2. Monument signs shall not be located closer than five feet from a property line.
3. There shall be a minimum of two-hundred (200) feet between any two monument signs (includingpylon signs) on adjoining sites to ensure adequate visibility for all signs. The director may waive this requirement in situations where its enactment would be impractical due to the locations of existing signs on adjacent properties.
4. Monument Signs shall not project over public property, vehicular easements, or rights-of-way. Signs shall not obstruct traffic safety sight areas.
5. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of the supporting structure equal to twice the area of one face of the sign. For example, thirty (30) sq. ft. o£sign area = sixty (60) sq. ft. of landscaped area.
6. Monument signs shall contain an address plate identifying the project or use by specific street address. The address plate shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area. Numbers shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in height. Address plates shall not be calculated against the allowed sign area.
H. Pylon Signs.
1. Pylon signs are allowed only for frontages adjoining a public right of way.
2. Pylon signs shall not be located closer than five (5) feet from a property line.
3. There shall be a minimum of two-hundred (200) feet between any two pylon signs (including monument signs) on adjoining sites to ensure adequate visibility for all signs.
4. Pylon signs shall not project over public property, vehicular easements, or rights-of-way. Pylon signs shall not obstruct traffic safety sight areas.
5. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of the supporting structure equal to twice the area of one face of the sign. For example, thirty (30) sq. ft. of sign area = sixty (60) sq. ft. of landscaped area.
I. Site Directory Signs. Freestanding signs located at vehicular entrances of a development to direct visitors and emergency vehicles to buildings.
1. Site Directory Signs located within Commercial Zones with multi-tenant developments are allowed at 24 square feet in sign area and 6 feet in height.
2. Site Directory Signs located within all other non-residential zones with multi-tenant development are allowed at 12 square feet in sign are and 4 feet in height.
J. Wall Signs.
1. Wall signs may be located on any building face subject to the review by the director.
2. Wall signs shall not project from the surface upon which they are attached more than required for construction purposes and in no case more than twelve (12) inches.
3. Wall signs shall not project above the roof edge of a structure.
4. Wall signs shall not be placed to obstruct any portion of a window.
K. Window Signs.
1. Window signs shall be allowed only on windows located on the ground level and second story of a building front-age.
2. Window signs shall be permanently painted or mounted on the inside of windows and doors.
3. Window signs shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the window area of any one window including permanent signs and temporary signs.
L. Off-site Subdivision Signs. Off-site subdivision signs are intended to help direct the public to new residential subdivision projects, apartment complexes, and community facilities on a temporary basis during the initial sales/rental period.
1. Authority to Grant Contract. The council may grant, through special agreement, the exclusive right to design, erect, and maintain off-site subdivision signs within the entire city, or any designated portion thereof. The contract shall include provisions for administering and managing the off-site subdivision sign program. The agreement shall provide for the following minimum conditions:
a. Sign panels shall be made available to all entitled persons, firms, associations, or corporations on a first-come, first-served basis;
b. Signs shall not be placed until the applicant has obtained all applicable city permits; and
c. Pennants, lights, flags, or other devices for visual attention shall not be placed on the sign structures.
2. Permitted Locations. Off-site subdivision signs shall be located within the street right-of-way provided that an Encroachment Permit is issued by the city engineer, and provided that the signs do not obstruct the use of sidewalks, walkways, bike, or hiking trails, and do not obstruct or impair the visibility of drivers, pedestrians, or traffic control signs.
3. Design Standards. The design of off-site subdivision signs shall comply with the following minimum standards:
a. Structures. Sign structures shall be ladder-type with individual sign panels of uniform design, color, and lettering, and shall include break-away design features where appropriate;
b. Structure Height and Width. Sign structures shall not exceed eight feet in height from finished grade, unless otherwise allowed by the director, due to a topographical constraint. Sign structures shall not exceed six feet in width;
c. Sign Panels. The sign panels shall not exceed five feet in width. Sign panels shall only contain the name of the new development or community facility and indicate by an arrow the direction it is in;
d. Materials. Sign structures shall be made of wood poles unless otherwise expressly allowed by the director;
e. Lighting. Signs shall not be illuminated;
f. Uniformity. All sign structures and sign panels shall be uniform and consistent in terms of overall design, size, color, materials, and lettering style; and
g. City Logo. The city's logo or other city symbol shall be included on the uppermost panel of the structure subject to the approval of the director.
(Ord. 587 Exhibit B, (part), 2022; Ord. 524 Exhibit A, 2017; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)