The regular meetings and study sessions of the city council shall be held at 1 Town Square, 24601 Jefferson Avenue, Murrieta, California 92562. Special meetings of the city council shall be held at the place designated in this chapter for regular meetings or such other place as provided for in the notice and call of the meeting.
(Ord. 406, 2008; Ord. 8 § 1, 1991: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 2.04.020)
Any member or other person using profane, vulgar, loud or boisterous language at any meeting or otherwise interrupting the proceedings, who refuses to be seated or keep quiet when ordered to do so by the mayor or other presiding officer of the council, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 2.04.030)
A. The city council members' stipend shall be limited to 15% of the median family income of the people of Murrieta. City council members will be limited from receiving any other personal benefits including, but not limited to, club memberships, medical and life insurance, and pensions.
B. The compensation prescribed in this chapter is and shall be exclusive of any amounts payable to each city council member as reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties for the city, as provided by Section 36514.5 of the Government Code. Such reimbursement shall be as established by a policy resolution adopted by the city council.
(Ord. 562-20 § 1, 2020; Ord. 457 § 1, 2011: Ord. 341 § 1, 2005: Ord. 260 § 1, 2002: Ord. 223 § 1, 2000: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 2.04.050)
A. Pursuant to Section 36516.5 of the Government Code, the city council compensation limitations imposed by Section 2.04.050, as adopted by the voters on November 2, 2010, as Measure D, shall apply prospectively only. Said limitations shall not result in any change of compensation during the term of office of any city council member in office on the effective date of Measure D, except that any increase in compensation that results from the application of Section 2.04.050 may go into effect whenever one or more members of the city council become eligible for a salary increase by virtue of beginning a new term of office. No city council member's compensation may be decreased during their term of office; instead, a city council member's compensation shall not be decreased as a result of the application of Section 2.04.050 until that city council member begins a new term of office.
B. Any increase in city council compensation shall be by a vote of the majority of electors of the city of Murrieta.
C. Section 2.04.050 above became effective on December 17, 2010.
(Ord. 457 § 2, 2011)