94.01 Permit required to open sidewalk
94.02 Application and fee
94.03 Permit issued, when
94.04 Restoration of pavement
94.05 Barriers around excavation
94.06 Warning lights
94.07 Construction of primary streets
94.08 Construction of secondary streets
94.09 Permit required for construction of streets; deposit and payment for inspection services
94.10 Street inspectors; appointment, duties, and compensation
94.11 Permit required for construction of driveways; construction standards; drainage method to be approved
94.12 Limiting width of sidewalk area for driveway; driveways at property line.
94.13 Trees overhanging streets and sidewalks
94.14 Sidewalk construction specifications; condemnation
94.15 Public sidewalk maintenance
94.16 Sidewalk maintenance responsibilities
94.17 Temporary sidewalk
94.18 Access regulations
94.19 Tracking mud, rocks or other debris onto streets and sidewalks
94.20 Creation and appropriation of monies for motor vehicle tax
94.21 Montgomery Road Corridor design standard
94.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Access regulations