(A)   No person shall obstruct any public sidewalk by erecting or placing thereon any fence, structure, sign, or other obstruction, nor permit the same to remain thereon.
   (B)   No person shall encumber any street or public sidewalk space with goods, wares, merchandise, or other materials. This section shall not apply to the continued use of existing market stands on the effective date of this section, or to the temporary use of streets and public sidewalks for lawful construction projects, or to the use of sidewalks for shows or fairs authorized by the Directors of Safety and Service, or to the use of public sidewalks for the placement of waste collection containers on the evening prior to or on the day of waste collection.
   (C)   The owner of property immediately adjacent to a public sidewalk shall remove all debris, garbage, refuse, and obstructions therefrom within a reasonable period of time after written notification to such effect has been made by the Director of Service. The notice required hereunder shall be deemed complete upon delivery:
      (1)   To the owner personally.
      (2)   To the owner by mail addressed to him at his last known address.
      (3)   To any tenant, when the address of the owner is unknown.
      (4)   Upon the posting of notice upon any vacant premises when the address of the owner is unknown.
(Ord. 15-1974, passed 9-4-74) Penalty, see § 94.99