(A)   For the construction of a primary street the right-or-way shall be not less than 60 feet in width and the road surface of the street shall be not less than 24 feet in width.
   (B)   The "Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications" are hereby adopted for use and application in the city unless otherwise provided in this chapter. All primary streets shall meet the "Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications" for full-depth asphalt concrete with the following deviation: under 404.02 Composition, aggregate shall be 100% crushed aggregate.
   (C)   Primary streets shall have curbs which shall meet ODOT standards.
   (D)   Storm sewer conduit shall meet ODOT standards.
   (E)   Wherever plastic conduit is permitted storm water conduit shall meet ODOT specifications and shall be a certified "ring-tite" plastic pipe.
   (F)   Storm water discharge or intake facilities shall have an approved, reinforced concrete headwall and shall meet ODOT standards. Any deviation from this requirement shall be approved by the City Engineer.
   (G)   Storm water discharge by downspouts, sump pumps, or other device onto public streets and sidewalks is prohibited. Provision shall be made to connect all storm water discharge to the nearest drainage swale or storm sewer system.
   (H)   Manholes and catchbasin inlets shall be reinforced concrete, precast or poured in place concrete structures and shall meet ODOT standards.
(‘67 Code, § 94.07) (Am. Ord. 19-1984, passed 8-1-84)