3.22.010 Short title, authority, and applicability.
3.22.020 Establishment of traffic impact fees.
3.22.030 Limited use of TIF collected.
3.22.040 Calculation and payment of impact fees.
3.22.050 Exemptions and credit for existing development.
3.22.060 Developer construction of traffic improvement mitigation facilities.
3.22.070 Fee adjustments and appeals.
3.22.080 Automatic annual adjustment.
3.22.090 Expenditures and accounting.
(A) This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance."
(B) The City Council has the authority to adopt this chapter pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 66000 et seq. and the general laws of the State of California.
(C) New development within the city has and will result in additional growth and that such growth will place additional burdens on various city facilities, infrastructure, and services ("facilities"). Those impacts will require an expansion of services and infrastructure in order to meet and accommodate them, which revenues generated through property taxes and other means are generally insufficient to accommodate. The implementation of this chapter is necessary to require developers to contribute their proportionate share of revenue necessary to accommodate the impacts of their projects in a way that has a rational nexus to the proposed building, development or addition, and for which the need is reasonably attributable to the proposed development.
(Ord. 2019-05 § 7, 2019)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the applicant for a building permit proposing new development shall pay the following development impact mitigation fees according and pursuant to the procedure set forth in this chapter, along with any other required fee or fees established in this code or other applicable law:
(A) A traffic impact fee (TIF) is hereby established on new development within the mitigation area established by the traffic impact fee study to pay for transportation improvements identified in the adopted Traffic Capital Improvement Plan (T-CIP), as the same may be amended by the City Council from time to time. The City Council shall, in a resolution, set forth the specific amount(s) or rate(s) of the fee, describe the area in which the TIF is to be imposed, and list the specific public improvements to be financed by the TIF, describe the estimated cost of these facilities, describe the reasonable causal relationship between the fee and the impacts associated with various types of new development and set forth time for payment.
(B) The amount of the TIF shall be established, and may be updated from time to time, by resolution approved by the City Council consistent with the procedural requirements of the Mitigation Fee Act.
(C) On a biennial basis, the City Council shall review the proposed transportation improvements to be funded with revenue from the TIF as part of the T-CIP and determine whether the fees continue to be reasonably related to the impacts of developments and whether the described public facilities are still needed.
Ord. 2019-05 § 7, 2019)