(A)   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance."
   (B)   The City Council has the authority to adopt this chapter pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code § 66000 et seq. and the general laws of the State of California.
   (C)   New development within the city has and will result in additional growth and that such growth will place additional burdens on various city facilities, infrastructure, and services ("facilities"). Those impacts will require an expansion of services and infrastructure in order to meet and accommodate them, which revenues generated through property taxes and other means are generally insufficient to accommodate. The implementation of this chapter is necessary to require developers to contribute their proportionate share of revenue necessary to accommodate the impacts of their projects in a way that has a rational nexus to the proposed building, development or addition, and for which the need is reasonably attributable to the proposed development.
(Ord. 2019-05 § 7, 2019)