   3.21.010   Short title, authority and applicability.
   3.21.020   Findings.
   3.21.030   Definitions.
   3.21.040   Calculation and payment of fees.
   3.21.050   Exemptions.
   3.21.060   Appeal process.
   3.21.070   Expenditures and accounting.
   (A)   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Fire Service Impact Fee Ordinance.”
   (B)   The City Council has the authority to adopt this chapter pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code §§ 66000 et seq.
   (C)   There is hereby established a revenue source to be known as the Fire Service Impact Fee.
   (D)   This chapter is intended to require developers and builders to contribute their proportionate share of revenues necessary to accommodate the impacts having a rational nexus to the proposed building, development or addition, and for which the need is reasonably attributable to the proposed building, development or addition.
   (E)   This chapter shall be applied only to new construction, including additions, new buildings, demolitions and re-build (except as exempted) within the city.
(`83 Code, § 3.21.010) (Ord. 01-012 § 1, 2001)
§ 3.21.020 FINDINGS.
   (A)   There is reasonable relationship between the new commercial, industrial and residential development to which this fee applies and service fee established and imposed by this chapter because it recovers only the cost of meeting new and additional service and facilities demands generated by the developments on which the fee is imposed.
   (B)   The purpose of the fee shall be to help fund the new capital and equipment needs of the Fire Department in order to meet service and facilities demands generated by the development projects in the city on which the fee is imposed.
   (C)   A strategic plan and capital improvement and equipment plan have been completed and updated as of July 1, 2015 which identify the needs to be generated by new development for at least the next five years. Said documents are on file in the Fire Department and incorporated into the legislative history of this chapter by this reference.
   (D)   (1)   New construction will increase demands for increased emergency response activity including fires, medical emergencies and other public service demands because of additional building area or increased occupant loading. Industrial buildings contain a higher than average amount of combustible fire loading, flammable liquids and hazardous materials which increases the fire hazard and risk. The new risks and demands for service create additional demand for Fire Department capital improvements and expenditures.
      (2)   New buildings and additions in the hillside areas increase the risk of structure fires because of the exposure to brush vegetation, and also increase the risk of vegetation fires because of the added persons and building area in the very high fire hazard severity zone. Very large homes increase the service demand because of the added area that requires fire protection of contents and the building. New construction not protected by automatic fire sprinklers increases the risk of fire occurring and growing to a size that can overtax the Fire Department services. The impact fee will provide for new equipment, facilities and apparatus in order to meet the service demands created by new development.
   (E)   The fee amount shall be based upon an analysis of the cost of meeting facilities and equipment-related service demands reasonably expected to be generated by the new developments to which it applies.
(`83 Code, § 3.21.020) (Ord. 01-012 § 1, 2001; Ord. 2015-04 § 1, 2015)