A.   Generally. The purpose of this Section is to regulate the aesthetics of roofs for non- residential development. The intent is to interrupt expanses of pitched roofs and minimize or prevent the visibility of flat roofs. No part of this Section shall be construed to prevent the installation of solar panels or any other type of renewable energy collection or storage method, provided the installation follows the standards of this UDO. Building rooflines that face a street shall not exceed a linear distance of thirty-five (35) feet without the introduction of a physical articulation of no less than one (1) foot in the vertical direction, including but not limited to parapets, gable roofs, hip roofs, or dormers, which should also be used to conceal flat roofs and roof top equipment from public view. Roofline changes, with aligned wall offset facade material changes, are encouraged.
   B.   Design Standards. The following design standards are required:
      1.   Flat Roofs. Flat roofs shall be concealed from view by using pitched roof features such as gable, hip, shed or mansard roofs, parapets, or a mixture thereof. Where only one (1) elevation has this condition, the parapet or other feature should continue four (4) feet along the adjacent elevation. Minimum roof slope for pitched roofs is 6' (v): 12' (h).
      2.   Equipment. Publicly visible mechanical equipment or stacks shall be colored to match the roofing material and screened from public view.
      3.   Parapets. Where a parapet intersects with a pitched roof clement, there shall be no apparent breaks in the parapet wall.
      4.   Roof Treatments. Roofs shall have architecturally significant roof treatments including, but not limited to, cornices, brackets, roof overhangs, textured materials, and compatible color materials.
      5.   Awnings. Awnings or canopies which are illuminated from within must be covered or finished with fully opaque material.
      6.   Additions. The roof treatments and design shall be the same for additions as for the existing design.