A. Permitted Exterior Building Materials. All non-residential buildings must be constructed with a consistent set of brick, stone, stucco or synthetic stucco, fiber cement or similar materials.
B. Prohibited Exterior Building Materials. Except where a building’s original finish included such materials, the following materials are prohibited:
1. Textured plywood;
2. Vinyl;
3. Smooth-faced concrete block;
4. Pre-fabricated steel/metal panels (except where used as an accent material); and
5. Mirrorized glass. Reflective tint glass is acceptable up to thirty percent (30%) tint.
C. Permitted Roof Materials. All roof materials shall be tile, slate, standing seam metal and manufactured shingles, which give appearance of shingles or other simulated natural material.
D. Prohibited Roof Materials. Membrane, fiberglass, asphalt shingle and all other roof materials not permitted in Section are prohibited.