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Monroe Overview
Monroe Code of Ordinances
Monroe, North Carolina, Code of Ordinances
   A.   Definition. Adult establishments shall be defined as any establishment featuring an activity that excludes juveniles and caters exclusively to adult oriented uses such as adult books, adult films, or adult novelty items. Includes any business or use contained in G.S. § 14-202.10(b), excluding masseurs.
   B.   Distance to Other Adult Establishments. No more than one adult establishment shall be located within 1,500 feet (determined by a straight line and not street distance) from any other adult establishment as measured by a horizontal distance from the closest building exterior walls of each.
   C.   Distance to Incompatible Uses. No adult establishment shall be located within 1,000 feet (determined by a straight line and not street distance) of the closest boundary line of any residential zoning district, or of any point on the closest property line of any church, school, day care, public park, residence and playground as measured by a horizontal distance from the closest point on the closest building exterior wall of the adult establishment.
   D.   Standards.
      1.   Except for on premise business signs permitted by this UDO, promotional materials shall not be visible from the public sidewalks, walkways or streets.
      2.   There shall not be more than one adult business in the same building, structure, or portion thereof.
      3.   No other principal or accessory use may occupy the same building, structure, property, or portion thereof with any adult business use.
   E.   Discontinued. If a non-conforming adult establishment is visibly discontinued for six consecutive months, the use shall not be re-established or resumed, and any subsequent use shall conform to the requirements of this UDO.
   A.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this Section is to provide minimum requirements for the design and configuration of single family (detached and attached) and duplex, multifamily (including triplexes and quadplexes), and industrial buildings and developments. These standards are intended to provide the City’s expectations for the quality and appearance of certain development through the use of architectural designs, building features, exterior materials and colors, desirable design elements, and detailing. This Section is intended to provide flexibility in the development of compatible mixed uses and other non-residential areas (i.e. Planned Commerce District). These standards are intended:
      1.   To encourage clustering of commercial (non-residential), multifamily and industrial activities within specifically designed areas and to discourage strip commercial development along major thoroughfares and non-commercial areas;
      2.   Provide for orderly development of commercial activities so that adverse impacts on adjacent property(s) and traffic flow can be limited; and
      3.   Encourage an orderly and systematic development design providing rational placement of activities, parking, circulation, landscaping, pedestrian circulation, loading, and access. All provided figures, images, and rendered photographs are for illustrative purposes only; the text, dimensions and standards shall apply in all cases where there is a conflict.
   B.   Applicability. This Section is applicable to:
      1.   New non-residential buildings;
      2.   New multifamily dwelling developments;
      3.   New single family developments and duplexes that provide voluntary consent; and
      4.   New industrial developments.
   C.   Timing of Review. All buildings subject to the standards of this Section shall be reviewed for compliance during the site and development plan process, as provided in Section 3.4.17: Site and Development Plan. Artistic renderings or elevation drawings shall be provided to ensure compliance.
   D.   Mixed-Use Zoning Districts. Mixed-Use zoning district standards, as provided in Section 5: Mixed-Use Zoning Districts, may have unique or stricter design standards and requirements.
      1.   Where a conflict arises in design or architectural standards, the stricter provision shall apply, with the exception of the side and rear build-to zone BTZ); this is due to the nature of these developments and the specific standards as to parking placement and peripheral buffer.
      2.   When required by this UDO, the BTZ within a multiple building development may be achieved along an internal private street or driveway. In these instances, the private street shall connect to one or more public streets.
   E.   Existing Development and Redevelopment. Development existing prior to the adopted date of this UDO, as well as redevelopment of buildings commenced prior to the adopted date of this UDO, are encouraged, but not required, to comply with these standards.
(Am. Ord. O-2022-70, passed 11-8-22; Am. Ord. O-2023-18, passed 5-9-23)
   A.   Intent and Applicability. The standards in Section 8.7.2 are additional and voluntary design standards for single family structures (detached and attached) and duplexes. These standards are intended to supplement the required zoning district development standards and specific use standards provided in Section 7.2: Permissible Use Definitions and Standards. In accordance with G.S. § 160D-702, the standards in this Section 8.7.2 are only applicable when the owner of the property subject to the proposed development voluntary consents through a submitted consent statement. These design guidelines are intended to:
      1.   Ensure that single family and duplex homes feature high quality design;
      2.   Maintain consistent materials and architectural elements; and
      3.   Provide variability in home design to avoid repeated and monotonous developments where dwellings appear identical or very similar.
   B.   Exemptions. The following single family and duplex developments are encouraged, but not required, to comply with the standards in this Section 8.7.2.
      1.   Single family and duplex developments that do not voluntarily consent to the standards of this Section 8.7.2.
   C.   Consent.
      1.   Voluntary Consent. In accordance with G.S. § 160D-702, the standards of this Section 8.7.2 that regulate “building design elements” (as defined in the statute) do not apply to any single family or duplex structures unless voluntarily consented to by the owners of all the property on which such structure are located during the process for seeking and obtaining a zoning amendment or a zoning, subdivision, or development approval.
      2.   Consent Statement. If an applicant chooses to comply with the standards of this Section 8.7.2, the applicant shall include the following note on any required application/permit and on the final plat that is signed by the owner of the subject property:
         “The development depicted herein is subject to the City of Monroe Single family and Duplex Design Guidelines. I voluntarily consent to the application of these guidelines for all development herein, the acceptance of which shall run with the land regardless of changes in ownership. I recognize that failure to comply with the applicable guidelines following approval is a violation of the City of Monroe Unified Development Ordinance.”
   D.   Facades. Facades of single family and duplex structures subject to this Section 8.7.2 shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   All front, side and rear facades of the building shall incorporate architectural details, windows, and doors (where applicable) that are consistent with the front facade and architectural design or elements.
      2.   Blank walls shall not be permitted for facades facing a street. Blank walls shall be understood to refer to portions of an exterior facade that does not include windows, doors, columns, pilasters, architectural features greater than one (1) foot in depth, or a substantial material change.
      3.   Street-facing building facades shall be articulated with wall offsets, in the form of recesses or projections from the primary facade plane, of at least two (2) feet for every thirty-five (35) linear feet of facade frontage.
   E.   Material Changes.
      1.   When two (2) or more materials are used on a facade, any change in material shall occur along horizontal lines where the two (2) materials meet.
      2.   Materials maybe used as accents along components of a facade, including around windows and doors.
   F.   Prohibited Materials. The following materials are prohibited to be utilized for single family and duplex buildings that are subject to this Section 8.7.2:
      1.   Textured plywood;
      2.   Vinyl (except where used as an accent material, up to five (5) percent maximum of the facade);
      3.   Smooth-faced concrete block; and
      4.   Pre-fabricated steel/metal panels (except where used as an accent material, up to five percent (5%) maximum of the facade).
   G.   Architectural Variability. The standards below are intended to prevent and avoid repeated and monotonous developments where dwellings appear identical or very similar. A row (i.e. two (2) or more dwellings in a row, including attached townhomes) of identical or near-identical buildings along a block or across the street along a block are prohibited. Buildings shall have varied and distinctly different facades within any phase of development. Single family dwellings and duplexes may qualify as distinctly different if two (2) of the following standards are met:
      1.   Variation of color and not a variation of hue shall be required and may count toward meeting the requirement of distinctly different facades;
      2.   Variation in exterior materials and utilization of materials on facades may count toward meeting the requirement of distinctly different facades;
      3.   Variation of habitable space within a dwelling by five-hundred (500) square feet or more;
      4.   Change in roof materials; or
      5.   Variation in number of building stories.
   H.   Setbacks. Where a recessed garage or rear access garage is provided, the front yard setback may be reduced to no less than ten (10) feet.
   I.   Street-Facing Garages. Garages which face a street shall require at least three (3) of the following design components:
      1.   Transparent or opaque windows built into the garage;
      2.   Decorative hinges;
      3.   Columns, pilasters, posts, or vertical design features;
      4.   High quality materials other than vinyl or aluminum; or
      5.   Overhangs, eaves, awning, or similar design element that projects at least twelve 12) inches beyond the facade above the garage door.
   A.   Intent and Applicability. Multifamily design standards are additional standards intended to supplement the required zoning district development standards and specific use standards provided in Section 7.2: Permissible Use Definitions and Standards. These design standards shall be required for all new multifamily structures (including triplexes and quadplexes) and developments. Single family and duplex buildings and uses, including Townhouse/Attached Single Family, are exempt from these standards (see Section 8.7.2: Single Family Design Guidelines).
   B.   Standards. Multifamily design standards are intended to:
      1.   Promote and enhance pedestrian scale;
      2.   Feature appropriate levels of building articulation, transparency, and design elements;
      3.   Limit undesirable design elements and promote desirable design elements;
      4.   Screen loading and delivery areas and mechanical use areas, including roof top equipment; and
      5.   Position the primary entrance of a building toward a street.
   C.   Prohibited Design Elements. The following design elements, which do not promote high quality development or redevelopment, are prohibited:
      1.   Large, monotonous, unarticulated blank wall surfaces;
      2.   Exposed and untreated blockwalls;
      3.   False fronts;
      4.   Lack of architectural features; and
      5.   Lack of change in materials.
   D.   Required Design Elements. The following design elements, which promote a high-quality development or redevelopment, are required for all multifamily buildings subject to this Section 8.7.3:
      1.   Consistent architectural style, detail and trim;
      2.   Facades which break down large elements of mass and scale where appropriate;
      3.   Architectural details and articulation;
      4.   Material changes reflective of function and appropriately placed;
      5.   Canopies, porches, stoops, roof overhangs;
      6.   Shade and weather protection for ground floor entrances;
      7.   Design elements such as cornice lines, columns, arches; and
      8.   Various fenestration and transparency elements.
   E.   Building Orientation and Placement. The following building orientation and placement features are required for all multifamily buildings subject to this Section 8.7.3:
      1.   Multifamily buildings which abut streets shall be required to be oriented parallel to the street.
      2.   Multifamily buildings shall not be oriented at an angle to the street.
      3.   Developments with several multifamily buildings shall cluster buildings along streets or internal rights-of-way to allow for enhanced open space and recreation areas within the area of the development.
      4.   Developments with several multifamily buildings shall ensure no more than sixty percent (60%) of the off-street parking area for the entire property is located between the front facade within the front yard of the principal building(s) and the primary abutting street unless the principal building(s) and parking lots are screened from view by outparcel development.
   F.   Building Facades. Building form design shall take into account mass, scale, and articulation. Building facades shall be designed with a consistent architectural style, detail, and trim features. Facades which face a street shall include at minimum four (4) of the following elements:
      1.   A change in plane, such as an offset, reveal or projecting rib. Such plane projections or recesses shall have a width of no less than six (6) inches columns, planters, arches, voids, etc.);
      2.   Architectural details such as raised bands and cornices;
      3.   Integrated planters that utilize landscaped areas for decorative details;
      4.   Awnings or arcades;
      5.   Covered porches, terraces, lanais, or balconies intended for private use by residents of the multifamily structure;
      6.   Shutters;
      7.   Pillars or posts;
      8.   Bay windows;
      9.   Roof eaves of at least three (3) inch wide trim;
      10.   Complementary change in color; or
      11.   Complementary change in material/texture.
   G.   Transparency. Building facades shall be designed to have a minimum transparency, through the use of windows and doors, on ground floor and upper floors. Transparency standards shall apply to all sides of a buildings facing any public or private street. Transparency shall not be required for service areas, loading/unloading areas, or those areas not visible from the public or private street. The minimum transparency for multifamily buildings is thirty percent (30%) unless otherwise provided in this UDO.
   H.   Blank Wall/Articulation Standards. Blank wall area is an undesirable design feature and shall be limited as set forth herein. Blank wall area standards shall apply to the front and sides of buildings or any portion of a building fronting a residential area or public or private street, and shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   Blank wall area shall be understood to refer to portions of an exterior facade that does not include windows, doors, columns, pilasters, architectural features greater than one (1) foot in depth, or a substantial material change.
      2.   Paint shall not be considered a substantial material change.
      3.   Blank wall area applies in both a vertical and horizontal direction of the building facade and applies to ground floors and upper floors.
      4.   The maximum continuous blank wall area shall be a maximum thirty-five (35) square feet without a break by windows, doors, architectural features greater than one (1) foot in depth, or a substantial material change.
      5.   Except as otherwise provided in this UDO, the maximum permitted blank wall length for the rear of buildings shall be one-hundred (100) feet, or twenty-five (25) percent of the building length, whichever is less. Alternatively, where the facade faces adjacent residential uses or the Monroe Expressway Bypass, an earthen berm shall be installed. The berm shall be no less than six (6) feet in height, containing at a minimum a double row of evergreen or deciduous trees, planted at intervals of fifteen (15) feet on center. This alternative is not intended for installation along frontage roads.
   I.   Entrances. The entrances of a residence along the front facade of a multifamily building are the most highly designed side of a building. A primary facade and main building entry shall face the right-of-way, and additional entrances should face local streets, parking lots, plazas, and adjacent buildings to the extent possible. Buildings adjacent to public rights-of-way shall have at least one entrance providing access to the right-of-way. This entrance shall remain in operation and not be closed off to residents. Separate entrances to upperstory units shall be prohibited from being visible street rights-of-way. All multifamily development and redevelopment shall provide no less than four (4) of the following items for building entrances:
      1.   A change in plane indicating a building entrance;
      2.   Building wall projection;
      3.   Recess of entry at least three (3) feet;
      4.   Architectural features and fenestration;
      5.   Variety in color, material, texture orienting pedestrians to the building entrance;
      6.   Ornamental doors;
      7.   Covered entries including awnings, arcade, or eave;
      8.   Windows;
      9.   Porches; or
      10.   Arches, columns, stoops, cornices.
   J.   Porches/Balconies.
      1.   Porches, including covered porches, stoops, awnings, and bay windows and wings may only extend into the front yard up to five (5) feet. Encroachments may be permitted up to fifty percent (50%) of the total length of the respective facade.
      2.   Balconies shall projector recess a minimum of two (2) feet from the facade.
   K.   Accessory Structures. All accessory structures for multifamily buildings and developments shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   Garages, carports, or covered parking areas shall be provided from local streets or alleys. Entrances to parking garages are exempt from this standard and may be accessed from street rights-of-way, alleys or internal courtyards or accesses.
      2.   Accessory structures shall have similar exterior materials, colors, and roof forms as the principal structure.
   L.   Miscellaneous Requirements.
      1.   All utility equipment (including meters and conduits) attached to a building shall be painted to match the primary surface color of the wall on which it is attached, painted to match accent colors used on the facade, or be blocked from view where practicable) through the use of landscaping or screens.
      2.   Downspouts shall be painted to match the primary surface color of the wall on which it is attached, be painted to match accent colors used on the facade, or be constructed of materials that complement the architectural style of the structure.
      3.   Refuse collection areas shall be distributed evenly throughout multiple building multifamily developments.
      4.   Roofing materials should complement the color and texture of the building facade.
   A.   Intent and Applicability. Non-residential design standards are additional standards intended to supplement the required zoning district development standards and specific use standards provided in Section 7.2: Permissible Use Definitions and Standards. BUILDINGS.
   A.   Generally. Buildings are an integral component of the development for nonresidential developments. Buildings set mass, scale, and help define patterns of development. Building designs within the City of Monroe should complement one another through color, design and building materials. Buildings are not required to use the same components, but shall provide features that reflect their surroundings.
   B.   Standards. Building design standards for non-residential buildings shall:
      1.   Promote and enhance pedestrian scale;
      2.   Feature appropriate levels of building articulation, transparency, and design elements;
      3.   Limit undesirable design elements and promote desirable design elements;
      4.   Screen loading and delivery areas and mechanical use areas, including those on roofs; and
      5.   Position primary entrance of a building toward a street or civic space area.
   C.   Prohibited Design Elements. The following design elements, which do not promote high quality development or redevelopment, are prohibited:
      1.   Large, monotonous, unarticulated blank wall surfaces;
      2.   Exposed and untreated block walls;
      3.   Chain link fences and barbed wires except as otherwise permitted in commercial and industrial zoned properties;
         a.   Areas used for the parking and or storage of vehicles, materials and or goods may utilize a chain-link fence/barbed wire or similar along the perimeter of those areas. Chain-link fences may not be utilized as part of the required perimeter buffer/screening requirements set forth in Section 8.3 Landscaping, Buffering, Fences and Walls. Chain-link may only be utilized in the front yard as part of a design alternative. Fencing required as part of a state and or federal requirement (i.e., Federal Aviation Administration, NC-DOT, etc). are exempt from these standards.
      4.   Mirror window glazing;
      5.   False fronts;
      6.   Loading bays or loading doors;
      7.   Lack of architectural features; and
      8.   Lack of change in materials.
   D.   Required Design Elements. The following design elements, which promote a high-quality development or redevelopment, are required for all buildings subject to this Section 8.7.4:
      1.   Consistent architectural style, detail and trim;
      2.   Facades which break down large elements of mass and scale where appropriate;
      3.   Architectural details and articulation;
      4.   Material changes reflective of function and appropriately placed;
      5.   Canopies, porches, stoops, roof overhangs or other pedestrian friendly features;
      6.   Shade and weather protection for ground floor entrances;
      7.   Design elements such as cornice lines, columns, arches; and
      8.   Various fenestration and transparency elements.
   E.   Building Form. Building form design shall take into account mass, scale, and articulation. Box-like building forms, with little to no variety in design, which do not take into account required design elements, are prohibited.
      1.   Required Facade Design Requirements. Building facades shall be designed with a consistent architectural style, detail, and trim features. Figure and demonstrates illustrative examples of facades that feature various required design elements. Facades shall also conform to the following standards:
         a.   Vertical Mass. The vertical mass of multistory buildings shall be visually broken at each story with architectural detail and articulation of at least one (1) foot in the vertical direction, which is illustrated as “A” in Figure and
         b.   Roof Lines. Multiple roof line heights are required per the standards of this Section. It is encouraged to utilize recesses and projections between 10-30 (10-30) feet to provide public gathering and open places, which is illustrated as “B” in Figure and
         c.   Horizontal Mass. Building facades which face a street or public space shall not exceed a linear distance of thirty-five (35) feet without the introduction of a physical articulation no less than one 1) foot wide and extending in a horizontal direction along the facade, which is illustrated as “C” in Figure and
         d.   Wall Offsets. Facades of sixty (60) or greater feet in width shall incorporate wall offsets of at least one (1) foot of depth a minimum of every forty (40) feet, which is illustrated as “D” in Figure and
Figure Required Facade Design Elements Example
Figure Required Facade Design Elements Example
      2.   Transparency. Building facades shall be designed to have a minimum transparency, through the use of windows and doors, on ground floor and upper floors as illustrated in Figure 8.7.2: Transparency. Transparency applies to all sides of a buildings facing a public or private street. Transparency shall not be required for service areas, loading/unloading areas, or those areas not visible from the public or private street.
         a.   Ground Floor Transparency. Ground floor transparency shall be calculated based on the total facade area located between the finished ground floor level and beginning of the upper floor. All ground floor transparency shall be a minimum thirty-five (35) percent, unless otherwise provided in this UDO.
         b.   Upper Floor Transparency. Upper floor transparency is calculated based on total facade area located between the surface of any floor to the surface of the floor above it. If there is no floor above, then the measurement shall be taken from the surface of the floor to the top of the wall plate. All upper floor transparency shall be a minimum thirty percent (30%), unless otherwise provided in this UDO.
Figure 8.7.2. Transparency
      3.   Blank Wall Area. Blank wall area is an undesirable design feature and shall be limited as follows. Blank wall area standards shall apply to the front and sides of buildings or any portion of a building fronting a residential area or public or private street, and shall comply with the standards below:
         a.   Blank wall area refers to the portions of an exterior facade that do not include windows, doors, columns, pilasters, architectural features greater than one (1) foot in depth, or a substantial material change. Blank wall area is illustrated in Figure 8.7.3: Blank Wall Area.
         b.   Paint shall not be considered a substantial material change.
         c.   Blank wall area applies in both a vertical and horizontal direction of the building facade and applies to ground floors and upper floors.
         d.   The maximum continuous blank wall area shall be a maximum thirty-five (35) square feet without a break by windows, doors, architectural features greater than one (1) foot in depth, or a substantial material change.
         e.   Except as otherwise regulated, the maximum permitted blank wall length for the rear of buildings shall be one-hundred (100) feet, or twenty-five percent (25%) of the building length, whichever is less. Alternatively, where the facade faces adjacent residential uses or the Monroe Expressway Bypass, an earthen berm shall be installed. The berm shall be no less than six (6) feet in height, containing at a minimum a double row of evergreen or deciduous trees, planted at intervals of fifteen (15) feet on center. This alternative is not intended for installation along frontage roads.
Figure 8.7.3. Blank Wall Area
      4.   Buildings on Corners. Buildings that exist on a corner lot shall incorporate additional architectural features, utilize massing techniques, or implement other features to emphasize their prominent location and create a visual assist to turn the corner. Figure 8.7.4: Corner Building, illustrates massing techniques and architectural treatments to create an inviting pedestrian environment where a building wraps a street corner.
Figure 8.7.4. Corner Building
      5.   Outparcel Buildings. Outparcel buildings, also referred to as liner buildings, are buildings located in front of other buildings along a street within the same development.
         a.   Outparcel buildings maybe permitted within mixed-use zoning districts or within Planned Commerce Development (PCD) in planned developments ten (10) acres or greater and must comply with PCD standards provided in Section 3.4.7: Planned Developments.
         b.   Outparcel buildings shall include a consistent level of architectural detail on all sides of the building and consist of similar exterior materials and compatible colors of the primary building in the development.
         c.   Outparcel buildings, to the maximum extent practicable, shall be clustered along the street in order to define street edges, entry points and promote a pedestrian scale along the public street.
Figure Outparcel Buildings
Figure Outparcel Buildings
      6.   Minimum Design Items. A minimum of four (4) design items shall be utilized in the development of building design; however, it is encouraged to use more. Figure 8.7.6: Minimum Design Items illustrates UDO compliant minimum design items. The following design items may be chosen to fulfill the minimum requirement:
         a.   A change in plane, such as a projection or recess which shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches and include such features as columns, arches, planters, voids, etc.;
         b.   Architectural details including cornices or similar details with relief elements;
         c.   Awnings, canopies, arcades, porches, stoops or balconies and similar weather/sun cover features over public entrances;
         d.   Complementary change in materials or texture, which may include the use of a building “base” which is defined as an area extending along the bottom of the building to a height of between thirty (30) inches and forty-eight (48) inches; can include the use of stacked stone, brick, or similar materials;
         e.   Complementary change in color;
         f.   Doors and windows fronting the public street shall include visually prominent sills, shutters, or other such forms of framing;
         g.   Ornamental and structural architectural details that are integrated into the overall design of the building, such as ironwork;
         h.   Parapet height transitions, vertical pilasters, and other similar treatments to soften scale of a building;
         i.   Differing building setbacks or projections to help vary the plane of a building;
         j.   Active use areas; and
         k.   Other design items to be approved by the Director.
Figure 8.7.6. Minimum Design Items PARKING PLACEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION.
   A.   Generally. The purpose of this Section is to regulate the placement of parking lots within a non- residential development. Parking lots should be distributed around large buildings in order to shorten the distance to other buildings and public sidewalks and to reduce the overall scale of the paved surface. If buildings are located closer to streets, the scale of the complex is reduced, pedestrian traffic is encouraged, and architectural details should be emphasized.
   B.   Parking Placement. No more than sixty percent (60%) of the off-street parking area for the entire property shall be located between the front facade within the front yard of the principal building(s) and the primary abutting street unless the principal building(s) and parking lots are screened from view by outparcel buildings and development.