51.01 Definitions
51.02 Containers; specifications
51.03 Spillage; scattering
51.04 Collection time; location of containers
51.05 Disposal system
51.06 Hazardous waste
51.07 Yard refuse
51.08 Special refuse
51.09 Dead animals
51.10 Manure
51.11 Duties and responsibilities
51.12 Use of alleys
51.13 Sanitation service fees
51.14 Appeals
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPROVED CONTAINER. A solid waste container designed for mechanical dumping that is compatible with the dumping mechanism installed on collection vehicles.
GARBAGE. Consists of food waste from kitchens, shops and stores, including peelings, waste from meats, fish and poultry, and such leftovers as are not usable or suitable for keeping, and spoiled fruits, vegetables and meats, and other perishable wastes that attend to the preparation, use, cooking or the dealing in the storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruits or vegetables.
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Includes all materials so designated as hazardous waste by local, state and federal laws and regulations.
SPECIAL REFUSE. All materials not included in garbage, trash or yard refuse. Examples of SPECIAL REFUSE shall include, but not be limited to: building materials; waste lumber; plaster; concrete; stone; brick and tile; roofing materials; large appliances, such as washers and refrigerators; any limbs, branches or tree trunks over one inch in diameter; and sod or dirt.
TRASH or RUBBISH. All waste materials not included in the definition of GARBAGE.
YARD REFUSE. All rubbish normally accumulated in the process of caring for a yard or garden. It shall include, but it is not limited to, leaves, grass and hedge clippings and/or tree, hedge and shrub trimmings not to exceed one inch in diameter. It shall not include dirt, tree, hedge or shrub branches over one inch in diameter; bricks, pieces of cement or other unrelated items.
(Prior Code, § 4-201) (Ord. 554, passed 9-3-1994)
(A) The owner or occupant of any premises within the corporate limits shall use approved containers to contain all accumulations of garbage, trash and yard refuse that may occur on the premises; provided, that accumulations which, for reasons other than quantity, cannot be confined in approved containers shall be disposed of by the property owner or user who generates the garbage or trash.
(B) Containers shall be provided by the city and shall be suitable for mechanical collection and disposal by dumping mechanisms installed on the collection vehicles.
(C) Containers shall be placed in the alleys behind properties when it is feasible to do so. When there is no alley or it is not feasible to place a container in alleys behind properties, the property owners shall be provided with an individual container that will be placed at the curb line by the property owner on the waste collection day.
(Prior Code, § 4-202) (Ord. 554, passed 9-3-1994)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to haul, transport, handle or store garbage and trash within the corporate limits in such a manner as to cause or allow to be strewn upon any street or alley, or public or private property. Reasonable care shall be exercised when filling and emptying containers to prevent such spillage or scattering.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any individual who is not a resident of the city to bring garbage or trash into the city for disposal by placing garbage or trash in city approved containers.
(Prior Code, § 4-203) (Ord. 554, passed 9-3-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99