(A)   The fees for sanitation service shall be set by resolution of the governing body and kept on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. The governing body shall have the authority to establish different classifications of users for the purpose of setting fees for sanitation service.
   (B)   (1)   Charges for regular sanitation service shall be billed by the city on the first day of each month and shall be due and payable on or before the tenth day of the same month at the city business office.
      (2)   New patrons shall be charged for the first month as follows:
         (a)   If service starts between the first and tenth of the month: full fee;
         (b)   If service starts after the tenth and through the twentieth: the bill shall be two-thirds of the monthly rate; and
         (c)   If service starts after the twentieth of the month: the bill shall be one-third of the monthly rate.
      (3)   All fees for sanitation service prescribed by this section, if not paid when due, shall be a lien upon the premises and the real estate for which the sanitation service is supplied and used and when such service charge is not paid, such charge shall be certified to the City Clerk-Treasurer. Such charge may be recovered by the city in an action at law and/or it may be certified to the County Clerk to be collected and returned in the manner as other city taxes. All charges levied by this chapter which are not paid when due shall be deemed to be delinquent.
   (C)   No resident within the corporate limits of the city shall be exempt from any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 4-213)