(A)   Applicable: The rates and charges set forth in village's electrical services rates are based upon an assumed average cost of village's power supply. In the event that said monthly overall average power costs per kWh is increased or decreased due to changes in load characteristics, wholesale rates, fuel costs, taxes, other adjustments, or modifications to the village's power supply arrangements, village's electrical services rates to which this power costs adjustment applies (except outdoor lighting) will be adjusted as specified below.
   (B)   Base power cost: The overall base power cost to be used to determine the adjustment applicable to the village's electric rate schedules shall be that included in the village's retail rates of $ 0.07264 per kWh.
   (C)   Monthly determination of power cost adjustment:
      (1)   Each month, the village's running three month average power supply cost per kWh shall be determined by dividing (1) the sum of (i) the previous two and current months' total power supply costs from all suppliers; plus (ii) the previous two and current months' costs associated with ownership and operation of generating facilities owned in whole or in part, by the village; plus (iii) the previous two and current months' transmission related charges and AMP service fees; by (2) the total energy delivered to the village in the previous two months and current month.
      (2)   If said running three month average power cost for the current month is above or below the base power cost of $ 0.07264 per kWh, the rates per kWh set forth in village's electric service rates shall be increased or decreased in the manner specified in (C) and (D) below.
      (3)   Any increase or decrease per kWh above or below the base power cost of $0.07264 per kWh shall be determined to five decimal places ($0.00000) and any resultant differential shall be multiplied by 1.10 to compensate for village's distribution system energy losses.
      (4)   The rates per KWh set forth in village's electrical service rates shall be increased or decreased accordingly.
   (D)   Application of power costs adjustment to all consumer bills:
      (1)   Any applicable adjustment shall be applied to the kWh billed consumers for the meter reading period that the village determines as most nearly corresponding to the meter reading period(s) set forth in village's billings from its power supplier(s).
      (2)   All adjustments shall be applied to the total kWh billed to consumer and shall be in addition to the minimum charge applicable for the schedule involved.
(Ord. 10-02-02, passed 3-2-10; Am. Ord. 15-03-01, passed 4-21-15; Am. Ord. 15-06-01, passed 6-16-15; Am. Ord. 21-03-01, passed 4-6-21)