   54.01   Applicability
   54.02   Residential rate No. 1
   54.03   General service rate No. 1
   54.04   General service rate No. 2
   54.05   Primary power rate (Schedule P-P)
   54.06   Private outdoor lighting service rate
   54.07   Power cost adjustment
   54.08   Interruptible power rate (Schedule I-P)
   54.09   Large power rate (Schedule LP)
   54.10   Small power production (Schedule SPP)
   The electric service rates set forth in this chapter shall be applicable to the first bills rendered on or after May 6, 2021.
(Ord. 10-02-02, passed 3-2-10; Am. Ord. 15-03-01, passed 4-21-15; Am. Ord. 15-06-01, passed 6-16-15; Am. Ord. 21-03-01, passed 4-6-21)
   (A)   Applicable:
      (1)   This rate is available, as shown, to all single-family residence, single flats, single apartments and churches for lighting, operation of appliances, cooking, supplemental space heating, water heating and incidental power.
      (2)   This rate is not available for multiple-family suites. Multiple-family units shall be served under the applicable general service rate.
   (B)   Character of service: 120/240 volts, single phase, alternating current, 60 hertz (cycles per second).
   (C)   Minimum customer charge per month:
Per meter per month:
   (D)   Energy charges:
      For each kilowatt-hour of billing energy per month: $0.110.
   (E)   Excise (kilowatt-hour) tax adjustment: For all customers located outside the village's corporation limits, the rates set forth above shall be increased by an amount equal to excise (kilowatt-hour) tax imposed on the village's electrical distribution system under R.C. § 5727.81. Said increase shall become effective with the bills that include May 1, 2001 as part of the usage period and shall be automatically adjusted to reflect any change in the kilowatt-hour tax imposed by R.C. § 5727.81.
   (F)   Power cost adjustment: The above rates shall be adjusted in accordance with the power cost adjustment set forth in § 54.07.
   (G)   Delayed payment charge: Ten percent shall be added to the net bill if not paid full within 15 days after rendition of bill for said service.
   (H)   On-site generation: On-site generating capacity will be limited to 10 KW or the customer's estimated peak load, whichever is less. When on-site generating capacity exceeds 10 KW generation, service will be provided pursuant to the General Service Rate No. 1.
   (I)   Terms and conditions:
      (1)   This rate is only available to consumers whose entire requirements are measured through one meter.
      (2)   All electric service of the village is rendered under and subject to the general service rules and regulations of the village as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 10-02-02, passed 3-2-10; Am. Ord. 15-03-01, passed 4-21-15; Am. Ord. 15-06-01, passed 6-16-15; Am. Ord. 21-03-01, passed 4-6-21)
   (A)   Applicable: This rate is available to all commercial and industrial establishments for lighting, heating, cooking and power.
   (B)   Character of service: Standard 3 or 4 wire, single or three phase, secondary voltage, alternating current, 60 hertz (cycles per second).
   (C)   Minimum customer charge per month:
Single Phase
Three Phase
Per meter per month:
   (D)   Demand charge (per kW):
      For each kilowatt of billing demand, per month, per kW: $12.00
   (E)   Energy charges:
      For each kilowatt-hour, per month, per kWh: $0.0800
   (F)   Excise (kilowatt-hour) tax adjustment: For all customers located outside the village's corporation limits, the rates set forth above shall be increased by an amount equal to excise (kilowatt-hour) tax imposed on the village's electrical distribution system under R.C. § 5727.81. Said increase shall become effective with the bills that include May 1, 2001 as part of the usage period and shall be automatically adjusted to reflect any change in the kilowatt-hour tax imposed by R.C. § 5727.81.
   (G)   Power cost adjustment: The above rates shall be adjusted in accordance with the power cost adjustment set forth in § 54.07.
   (H)   Primary voltage service: When service is supplied and metered at the option of the village 7,200/12,500 volts, the computed charges for demand and energy shall be subject to a 1% discount of total bill.
   (I)   Delayed payment charge: Ten percent shall be added to the net bill if not paid full within 15 days after rendition of bill for said service.
   (J)   On-site generation: On-site generating capacity will be limited to customer's estimated peak load. Where on-site generation is installed, the monthly billing demand will be equal to the billing demand that would have been billed absent the on-site generation.
   (K)   Terms and conditions:
      (1)   A minimum monthly contract service charge and minimum contract term may be established by the village to consumers having abnormal demand requirements (less than 150 hours use of maximum demand per month).
      (2)   If a consumer has low power factor (less than 85% lagging); at the time of maximum demand, then such power factor shall be corrected by the consumer at the consumers expense within 60 days upon written notice received from the village or the village may increase the billing demand by l% for each 1% the power factor is below 85%.
      (3)   All electric service of the village is rendered under and subject to the general service rules and regulations of the village as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 10-02-02, passed 3-2-10; Am. Ord. 15-03-01, passed 4-21-15; Am. Ord. 15-06-01, passed 6-16-15; Am. Ord. 21-03-01, passed 4-6-21)