It is unlawful for any person to dig into, cut, excavate, or otherwise disturb the surface of any public road, street or highway within Mineral County, Nevada, without first obtaining a permit in writing therefor from the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, or from the county commissioner residing in the commissioner district of the county wherein the work upon such road, street or highway is proposed to be done. (MC-UT Ord. 20 § 1, 1930)
The several members of the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada are authorized to issue in writing permits to persons to excavate or otherwise disturb the surface of roads, streets and highways, in their respective commissioner districts, upon application therefor, and upon proper showing of necessity therefor, and upon assurance that such work will not result in any permanent damage to such roads, streets or highways. (MC-UT Ord. 20 § 2, 1930)
A. Any person having occasion to dig into, cut, excavate or otherwise disturb the surface of any road, street or highway within the county of Mineral, state of Nevada may make application in writing to the board of county commissioners, or to the resident commissioner of the district in which the work is to be done. Such application shall state in a practical manner the work proposed to be done, and the time within which it is to be done.
B. Such application shall set forth with reasonable exactness the nature and the amount of work to be done; and the locality thereof; and the amount of time that will be required to complete the work; and whether or not the doing thereof will cause traffic over the road, street or highway; and if traffic is to be diverted, the route to be adopted as a detour; and shall contain an assurance that the permittee will restore the roadway to as good condition as it may be in before such work shall be done. (MC-UT Ord. 20 § 3, 1930)