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5.01.010: Title
5.01.020: Purpose
5.01.030: Investigations Required
5.01.040: National Background Check Authorized
5.01.050: Enabling State Law
5.01.060: Number Of Fingerprint Sets Required
5.01.070: Transmission Of Fingerprints
5.01.080: Private And Public Entity Investigations
5.01.090: Fitness Determinations
5.01.100: Subject Copy
5.01.010: TITLE:
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as FINGERPRINT SUBMISSION CODE. (MC Ord. 200A §1, 2009)
5.01.020: PURPOSE:
The public health, safety and welfare will be promoted by the adoption hereof authorizing fingerprint submission for the purpose of background investigations and checks for reasons of employment with Mineral County, personal and business licensing, and for any other lawful purpose as set forth by resolution of the Mineral County board of county commissioners. (MC Ord. 200A §2, 2009)
The Mineral County board of county commissioners shall set forth by its policies in its employee handbook and/or by separate resolution the positions of employment and volunteer positions which require employment background investigations. Specifically, background investigations may be required on all applications for employment with Mineral County in any law enforcement position, any emergency services position whether paid or volunteer, juvenile educational position, any position involving the supervision of juveniles, any position that permits the employee access to confidential information, any position of employment entrusting the employee with access to or control over county finances, or any part thereof, or any independent contract thereof, and must include a fingerprint based background inquiry through the records of the state of Nevada and the national crime information center (NCIC), in accordance with Pub. L. 92-544 and Nevada Revised Statutes 239B.010(1)(b). As to such positions, the fingerprint based national criminal history background inquiry is a mandatory portion of the background investigation.
Applicants who apply to Mineral County to obtain licensing for gaming; prostitution; child daycare/supervision; private educational facilities for children; wholesale, retail, package or service of alcoholic beverages; eldercare; retailers, solicitors, peddlers, traveling merchants; public transportation; professional services; the manufacture, transportation or sales of controlled substances; and the manufacture, transportation or sales of firearms, must undergo a background investigation that includes a fingerprint based background inquiry through the records of the state of Nevada and NCIC. As to said applications for licensing, the fingerprint based national criminal history background inquiry is a mandatory portion of the background investigation, and must include a fingerprint based background inquiry through the records of the state of Nevada and the national crime information center (NCIC), in accordance with Pub. L. 92-544 and Nevada Revised Statutes 239B.010(1)(a). (MC Ord. 200A §3, 2009)