The regular meeting of the board of Mineral County commissioners shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, except that the first meeting of the board in odd numbered years shall be held on the first Monday of January. If the day fixed for a regular meeting shall fall on a Saturday or on a nonjudicial day, the meeting shall be held on the next judicial day. (MC Ord. 166A § 2, 1998: MC Ord. 49A § 1, 1974)
Additional meetings of the board shall be held on the first Thursday following the first Wednesday and the third Wednesday and the succeeding Thursday each month unless the chairman shall determine that insufficient business exists to warrant the holding of any additional meeting set forth in this section. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the board to meet for any additional meetings each month nor limiting in any respect the right of the board to schedule additional meetings on any date not otherwise specified in this section. (MC Ord. 166A § 3, 1998)
In addition to the procedures set forth in NRS 244.040, any vacancy occurring on the board of county commissioners may be filled by the remaining members of the board of county commissioners if, within 30 days after the vacancy occurs, the board of commissioners, by majority vote of the remaining members:
A. Declares by resolution a special election to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term, or
B. Fills the vacancy in the following manner:
1. Upon notification of the vacancy, as defined by NRS 283.040, the remaining members of the board of commissioners shall declare the vacancy and set a date for appointment of an individual to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
2. A vacancy may be declared prior to the vacancy in fact, if a member of the board of commissioners has submitted their resignation effective to a specific date within the unexpired term.
3. Upon the declaration of a vacancy, the county clerk shall publish notice of the vacancy in the same manner required by law for the posting of board of commissioner agendas. Additionally, the county clerk may also publish the notice in other platforms of information dispersal, such as newspapers or social media sites.
4. The notice shall include relevant information for prospective applications, including but not limited to, the following:
a. The requirement that the prospective applicant meet the qualifications set forth in NRS 244.020;
b. The date on which the remaining members of the board of commissioners declared a vacancy;
c. The time, date, and location at which the remaining members of the board of commissioners will fill the vacancy;
d. The date on which prospective applicants must submit a letter of interest and the requirements of the letter of interest;
e. The political party of the incumbent on the date of the election for which term the incumbent was serving; and
f. The requirement that the prospective applicant be a member of the same political party as set forth in subsection (e).
5. A letter of interest must include the following:
a. The political party of the prospective applicant on the day the vacancy was declared,
b. A statement attesting to the fact that they meet the qualifications set forth in subsection 4(a), and
c. Other relevant information.
6. At the time and place set forth in the notice, the remaining members of the board of commissioners, shall consider the letters of interest that were submitted, make a determination as to whether each prospective applicant meets the requirements of this section, and may appoint a prospective applicant to fill the vacancy.
7. For the purposes of this section, the board of commissioners shall not fill a vacancy for an unexpired term, if such term has less than 30 days remaining. (Ord. 270A, 2024)