17.02.010: Purpose
17.02.020: Intent; Application
17.02.030: Interpretation
17.02.040: Citation
17.02.050: Applicability
17.02.060: Classifications
17.02.070: Buildings Under Construction
17.02.080: Lot Divided Into Separate Ownership
17.02.090: Temporary Real Estate Offices
17.02.100: Keeping Animals And Pets; Raising Agricultural Products
17.02.110: Recreational Vehicle
17.02.120: Abandoned Right Of Way Or Easements
To promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, general welfare; to lessen traffic congestion in the streets; to provide light and air for all buildings; to avoid undesirable concentrations of population; to prevent overcrowding of land and to facilitate adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and to provide the economic and social advantages gained from a comprehensively planned use of land resources, there is established a natural resources and land use plan in conjunction with the approved master plan and zoning laws regarding the communities and rural areas of Mineral County. The term “Land Use Plan” used within this code shall include but not be limited to Master Plan and Zoning Plan. (MC Ord. 19A Art. 1 § A, 1965: Ord. 241A, 3-7-2018)
In interpretation and application, the provisions of this title shall be held to be minimum provisions only for the promotion of the health, safety, morals, convenience, property and general welfare of the public. It is not intended that this title repeal or in any way interfere with existing law or ordinances, regulations or permits other than those relating to land use and the construction and use of structures. (MC Ord. 19A Art. 1 § B, 1965: Ord. 241A, 3-7-2018)
When this title imposes a greater restriction upon the use of land, or upon height, bulk, location or use of buildings than is required by existing provisions of law or by private covenant or other restrictions, the provisions of this title shall prevail; private covenants or deed restrictions which impose more restrictive conditions than contained in this title are not superseded by this title. (MC Ord. 19A Art. 1 § C, 1965: Ord. 241A, 3-7-2018)