General Provisions
151.001 Title
151.002 Authority
151.003 Purpose
151.004 Jurisdiction
151.005 Manufactured home parks allowed in certain zoning districts as a special use
151.006 Conformance with other ordinances
151.007 Definitions
151.008 Conflict with other laws
Applications, Plan Review and Approval
151.020 Approval/special use permit required
151.021 Application procedure
151.022 Completion of improvements
151.023 Amendments to park development plan
Site Development and Improvement Standards
151.040 Phasing
151.041 Road frontage and off-site access
151.042 Density
151.043 Common area
151.044 Landscaping and buffers
151.045 Separation, dimensional, and design requirements
151.046 Municipal water supply and sewage disposal system connection requirements
151.047 Fire protection
151.048 Utility requirements
151.049 Erosion and sedimentation control
151.050 Stormwater drainage
151.051 Parking
151.052 Driveways
151.053 Internal road construction standards
151.054 Road names
151.055 Road name signs and other regulatory signs
151.056 Property addressing
151.057 Park identification sign
151.058 Manufactured home park name
151.059 Setup
151.060 Nonresidential uses
151.061 Solid waste disposal
151.062 Unit type
151.063 Beginning a park
151.064 Expansion of minor park to major park
151.080 Preexisting/nonconforming manufactured home parks
151.081 Expansion of existing manufactured home parks
151.082 Waiver of requirements
151.083 Appeals
151.084 Revocation of certificate of completion
151.085 (Reserved)
151.086 (Reserved)
151.087 (Reserved)
151.088 Forms
151.089 Fees
151.090 Amendments
151.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Manufactured home park site development plan requirements
Appendix B: Construction Permit Application Form
Appendix C: Certificate of Completion Application Form