   EDITOR’S NOTE: Water rates are not codified herein as they are subject to frequent amendment. Consult the Clerk-Treasurer for the latest legislation in this area.
921.01   Application of rates.
921.02   Service to more than one unit.
921.03   Tap fees.
921.04   Separate meters for new units.
921.05   Service prerequisites for swimming pools.
921.06   Billing; delinquent accounts.
921.07   Service discontinuance and renewal fees.
921.08   Water Department rules govern.
921.09   Service deposits for rental property.
921.10   Cross connecting prohibited; backflow prevention.
921.11   Payment of water and/or sewer fees by Village or Township properties.
   Management and control of water works - see Ohio R.C. 735.273
   Water and Sewer Department - see ADM. Ch. 145
   Sewer regulations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 925
   Electricity - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 929
   Licensing sewer and water tappers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 933
   All Village water rates and meter charges shall apply to a customer served by a single meter. If a customer shall be served by more than one meter, such rates and minimum meter charges shall apply to each meter separately.
(Ord. 675-12-83. Passed 12-13-83.)
   (a)   Where more than one house, dwelling unit, storeroom or other building (except garages or other storage buildings serving a dwelling unit with its own water service connection not used in connection with a trade or business and located on the same lot) is served through one meter of less than two inches, a base charge of that equal to the three-fourths inch minimum shall be applied to each additional house, dwelling unit, storeroom or other building.
   (b)   Where a not-for-profit organization maintains more than one house, dwelling unit, storeroom or other building is served through one meter of less than two inches, said not-for-profit organization shall not be charged the base charge of that equal to the three-fourths inch minimum for each additional house, dwelling unit, storeroom or other building, but shall be charged as determined by Council.
(Ord. 037-6-96. Passed 6-25-96.)
   921.03 TAP FEES.
   There shall be charged for each new meter installation within the corporation limits of the Village, a fee of four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00) plus the cost of the meter and all of the labor, materials and supplies necessary for such installation; for each meter installation outside the corporation limits of the Village, a fee of nine hundred dollars ($900.00), plus the cost of the meter and all labor, materials and supplies necessary for such installation. All meters and materials used in any installation, whether inside or outside of the Village limits and regardless of the size of the meter, shall be and remain the property of the Village. The appropriate tap-in fee and meter cost shall be paid with the application for service, and the cost of labor, materials and supplies shall be due upon billing. As used in this section, “new meter” shall mean a newly installed meter and not a newly manufactured meter. All meters shall be installed on public right of way, except where specifically authorized in advance by the Village Administrator.
(Ord. 073-7-97. Passed 7-8-97.)