Each application submitted subject to Section 1133.02, Site Development Plans Required will be subject to Section 1313.04 Standards for Evaluation. Applications subject to Chapter 1321 involving exterior design shall include plans, elevations and specifications and a detail of the proposed building or structure specifying the exterior cover material. The applicant will be required to submit photographic or other visual documentation depicting the design of structures located or, if known, to be located, upon the contiguous lots together with such other information as may be required by the Building Department to insure compliance with the standards set forth in Section 1313.04(b).
   If the Chief Building Official determines that the exterior design of a one or two family dwelling does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, he may disapprove the application or conditionally approve it by specifying conditions to be modified in order to make it acceptable. If he finds the building's exterior design is by reason of non-compliance with any standard set forth in Section 1313.04(b) producing one or more of the effects set forth in Section 1313.01, he shall disapprove the application. Decisions made by the Chief Building Official may be appealed to the Municipal Planning Commission. The appeal shall be made in writing within 30 days after said refusal has been filed. The Municipal Planning Commission shall hear the appeal and make a decision with such conditions as the Commission shall deem appropriate within a reasonable time. (1969 Code 153.03)