A site development plan is required and shall be submitted for the following:
   (a)    Any use or development, involving new construction, reconstruction or expansion of structures, in all zoning districts except single family detached dwelling units or duplexes in residential zones.
    (b)    Any development in which automobile parking spaces are to be used by more than one establishment.
   (c)    When a change is proposed in the exterior elements of a previously approved site development plan.
   (d)    When an existing residential use is proposed for change to a commercial, industrial, or multi-family residential use.
   (e)    All public and/or semi-public buildings and institutions.
   (f)   Soil-disturbing activities on lands within the City of Mentor used or being developed for non-agricultural purposes, including, but not limited to grading, highways and roads, subdivisions, industrial, commercial and institutional projects, redevelopment activities, building activities on farms and all other uses unless expressly excluded as follows:
      (1)   Activities related to producing agricultural crops or sylvan culture operations or areas regulated by the Ohio Agricultural Sediment Pollution Abatement Rules. (Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10.)