Private Security Officers
741.01   Definitions.
741.02   Requirements.
741.03   Application.
741.04   Registration of weapons and certification.
741.05   Uniform.
741.06   Liability insurance.
741.07   Indemnity.
741.08   Revocation of permit.
741.99   Penalty.
Private Investigators; security services - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4749
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Private security officer” means any person, not a member of the Police or Fire Department of the City of Mentor, who is employed as a security officer, watchman, security guard, or in any similar capacity and who carries a firearm.
      (1969 Code 117.01)
   (b)   “Unarmed security officer” means any person, not a member of the Police or Fire Department of the City of Mentor, who is employed as a security officer, watchman, security guard or in any similar capacity, and does not carry a firearm while so employed.
(Ord. 06-0-27. Passed 4-4-06.)
   No person shall act as a private security officer, or hold himself out as a private security officer within the limits of the City of Mentor unless he has first been commissioned by the Mentor Chief of Police. Such commission shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. In order to qualify for such commission, the applicant shall:
(1969 Code 117.02)
   (a)   Be at least 21 years of age. (Ord. 06-0-27. Passed 4-4-06.)
   (b)    Be of sound physique, with good eyesight and not subject to vertigo, heart trouble or any other infirmity of body or mind which might render him unfit for the safe carrying out of the duties of such commission. Each applicant shall supply an affidavit to the Mentor Chief of Police with his application that he is free from any and all of the infirmities mentioned in this subsection.
   (c)    Be of good moral character and not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors and/or drugs.
   (d)    Produce on forms to be provided by the Mentor Chief of Police, affidavits of his good character from two reputable citizens of Lake County, who have known him personally, and a third such affidavit from his last employer unless, in the estimation of the Chief of Police, sufficient reason is given for its omission.
      (1969 Code 117.02)
   In order to receive a commission as a private security officer, an applicant shall submit the following information on such forms as are designated by the Chief of Police:
    (a)    Name.
    (b)    Age.
    (c)    Social Security number.
    (d)    Current address and all other addresses at which the applicant has resided in the past five years.
   (e)    Height, weight and color of eyes and hair.
   (f)    Place of birth.
   (g)    Place of previous employment.
   (h)    Whether single or married.
   (i)    Whether he or she has ever been arrested or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor.
   (j)    Whether his or her driving license has ever been revoked and, if so, for what cause.
   (k)    A photostatic copy of the certificates issued by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Council for any man that will be carrying a handgun or other weapon while employed as a private security officer in the City of Mentor, unless he shall have completed twenty (20) years of active duty as a peace officer, as defined in Ohio R.C. 109.71.
   (l)   The names and addresses of two character references.
   Each such application shall be signed by the applicant and accompanied by three unretouched photographs of the applicant, of such size as the Mentor Police Chief may by rule provide. The Chief of Police is authorized to conduct an investigation into the background of each applicant. No applicant shall be registered if upon investigation the Chief of Police reasonably determines that such applicant is not a person of suitable character.
Each applicant shall be fingerprinted, and the fingerprint record, together with a copy of the application, shall be made a part of the permanent police records.
(1969 Code 117.03)
   Any handgun or other weapon that will be carried by any private security officer within the limits of the City of Mentor shall be registered with the Mentor Chief of Police and subject to such tests as he prescribes. No private security officer shall carry a handgun or other weapon while on duty as a private security officer unless he shall have first obtained a certificate pursuant to Ohio R.C. 109.78 or completed twenty (20) years of active duty as a peace officer, as defined in Ohio R.C. 109.71. (1969 Code 117.04)