General Provisions
7.3.01 Parking for more than 24 hours
7.3.02 Limited parking
7.3.03 Compliance with parking signs
7.3.04 State statutes regulating parking adopted
7.3.05 Use of City-owned parking lots
7.3.06 Declaration of snow emergency; parking prohibited
7.3.07 Loading and unloading passengers from school buses at locations in the City.
7.3.08—7.3.19. Reserved.
Administration and Enforcement
7.3.20 Enforcement generally
7.3.21 Failure to pay citation in timely manner
7.3.22 Notice of violation; remedies
7.3.23 Assessments of costs
7.3.24 Placing of signs; enforcement of zones
Forfeitures for violation of non-moving traffic ordinances, see Fee Appendix
No person or motor vehicle owner shall park or permit a motor vehicle to be parked on any street or City-owned property in the City for a period longer than 24 hours without proper permit.
(Ord. 436, passed 2-16-81) Penalty, see § 1.1.99